Source code for shapepipe.modules.mccd_package.mccd_plot_utilities


This module is used to generate a series of plots from the merged validation
catalogues. It plots the Mean shape plots for the merged validation catalogue.
It can also plot the rho statistics provided that the required packages are

:Author: Tobias Liaudat


import time

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mccd.mccd_utils as mccd_utils
import numpy as np
import stile
import stile.stile_utils
import treecorr
from import fits
from stile.sys_tests import BaseCorrelationFunctionSysTest

# Define the backend for matplotlib

# MegaCam -> plt.subplot correspondance, as given by:
'''        'COMMENT Unique detector IDs for MegaCam',
           'COMMENT (North on top, East to the left)',
           'COMMENT    --------------------------',
           'COMMENT    ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba',
           'COMMENT    00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08',
           'COMMENT --------------------------------',
           'COMMENT ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba',
           'COMMENT 36 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 37',
           'COMMENT --------------------------------',
           'COMMENT 38 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 39',
           'COMMENT ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab',
           'COMMENT --------------------------------',
           'COMMENT    27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35',
           'COMMENT    ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab',
           'COMMENT    __________________________'

[docs]def megacam_pos(index): """Handle MegaCam Positions. Parameters ---------- index : int MegaCam position index Returns ------- int Updated index """ if index < 9: # first row - shift by one return index + 1 elif index < 18: # second row, non-ears return index + 3 elif index < 27: # third row non-ears return index + 5 elif index < 36: # fourth row return index + 7 else: MegaCamCoords = {36: 11, 37: 21, 38: 22, 39: 32} return MegaCamCoords[index]
[docs]def megacam_flip(xbins, ybins, ccd_nb, nb_pixel): """Flip MegaCam. Parameters ---------- xbins : int X-axis bins ybins : int Y-axis bins ccd_nb : int CCD number nb_pixel : int Number of pixels Returns ------- tuple Number of bins in the x and y axes """ if ccd_nb < 18 or ccd_nb in [36, 37]: # swap x axis so origin is on top-right xbins = nb_pixel[0] - xbins + 1 else: # swap y axis so origin is on bottom-left ybins = nb_pixel[1] - ybins + 1 return xbins, ybins
[docs]def megacam_flip_2(xbins, ybins, ccd_nb, nb_pixel): """Flip MegaCam 2. Parameters ---------- xbins : int X-axis bins ybins : int Y-axis bins ccd_nb : int CCD number nb_pixel : int Number of pixels Returns ------- tuple Number of bins in the x and y axes """ if ccd_nb < 18 or ccd_nb in [36, 37]: # swap x axis so origin is on top-right # xbins = nb_pixel[0] - xbins + 1 a = 1 else: # swap y axis so origin is on bottom-left ybins = nb_pixel[1] - ybins + 1 return xbins, ybins
[docs]def mean_shapes_plot( ccd_maps, filename, title='', colorbar_ampl=1.0, wind=None, cmap='bwr' ): r"""Mean Shapes Plot. Plot mean shapes from CCD maps. Parameters ---------- ccd_maps : numpy.ndarray CCD maps filename : str File name title : str, optional Plot title colorbar_ampl : float, optional Colour bar amplitude; default is ``1.0`` wind : numpy.ndarray, optional minimum and maximum values for color map; determined from ``ccd_maps`` if ``None`` (default) cmap : str, optional Colour map; default is ``bwr`` """ # colorbar amplitude if wind is None: vmax = max( np.nanmax(ccd_maps), np.abs(np.nanmin(ccd_maps))) * colorbar_ampl vmin = -vmax * colorbar_ampl else: vmin, vmax = wind[0] * colorbar_ampl, wind[1] * colorbar_ampl # create full plot fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=11, figsize=(18, 12), dpi=400) # remove corner axes (above and below ears) for j in [0, 10, -1, -11]: axes.flat[j].axis('off') for ccd_nb, ccd_map in enumerate(ccd_maps): ax = axes.flat[megacam_pos(ccd_nb)] im = ax.imshow( ccd_map.T, cmap=cmap, interpolation='Nearest', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax ) ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) ax.set_title(f'rmse={np.sqrt(np.nanmean(ccd_map ** 2)):.3e}', size=8) plt.suptitle(title, size=20) # TODO: fix title fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.85, 0.15, 0.05, 0.7]) fig.colorbar(im, cax=cbar_ax) plt.savefig(f'{filename}.png') plt.close()
[docs]def plot_meanshapes( starcat_path, output_path, nb_pixel, w_log, hdu_no=2, remove_outliers=False, plot_meanshapes=True, plot_histograms=True, psf_model_type='mccd' ): """Plot Mean Shapes. Plot mean shapes, sizes, and histograms Parameters ---------- starcat_path : str Input star and PSF catalogue output_path : str Output directory for plots nb_pixel : numpy.ndarray Number of pixels per CCD in x- and y-direction w_log : logging.Logger Logging instance hdu_no : int, optional HDU number of data in input FITS file; default is ``2`` remove_outliers : bool, optional Perform outlier rejection if ``True``; default is ``False`` plot_meanshape : bool, optional Plot mean focal plane ellipticities, sizes, and residuals if ``True``; default is ``True`` plot_histograms : bool, optional Plot 1D histogram of ellipticities, sizes, and residuals if ``True``; default is ``True`` psf_model_type : str, optional PSF model type, options are ``mccd`` or ``psfex``; defualt is ``mccd`` """ # READ FULL STARCAT starcat =, memmap=False) auto_colorbar = False colorbar_ampl = 1. loc2glob = mccd_utils.Loc2Glob() # MegaCam: each CCD is 2048x4612 grid = np.linspace(0, loc2glob.x_npix, nb_pixel[0] + 1), \ np.linspace(0, loc2glob.y_npix, nb_pixel[1] + 1) # Flag mask star_flags = starcat[hdu_no].data['FLAG_STAR_HSM'] psf_flags = starcat[hdu_no].data['FLAG_PSF_HSM'] flagmask = np.abs(star_flags - 1) * np.abs(psf_flags - 1) # convert sigma to R^2's all_star_shapes = np.array([ starcat[hdu_no].data['E1_STAR_HSM'], starcat[hdu_no].data['E2_STAR_HSM'], 2. * starcat[hdu_no].data['SIGMA_STAR_HSM'] ** 2 ]) all_psf_shapes = np.array([ starcat[hdu_no].data['E1_PSF_HSM'], starcat[hdu_no].data['E2_PSF_HSM'], 2. * starcat[hdu_no].data['SIGMA_PSF_HSM'] ** 2 ]) all_CCDs = starcat[hdu_no].data['CCD_NB'] all_X = starcat[hdu_no].data['X'] all_Y = starcat[hdu_no].data['Y'] # Remove stars/PSFs where the measured size is zero # Sometimes the HSM shape measurement gives objects with measured # size equals to zero without an error Flag. bad_stars = (abs(all_star_shapes[2, :]) < 0.1) bad_psfs = (abs(all_psf_shapes[2, :]) < 0.1) size_mask = np.abs(bad_stars) * np.abs(bad_psfs) # Remove outlier stars/PSFs all_star_shapes = all_star_shapes[:, ~size_mask] all_psf_shapes = all_psf_shapes[:, ~size_mask] all_CCDs = all_CCDs[~size_mask] all_X = all_X[~size_mask] all_Y = all_Y[~size_mask] flagmask = flagmask[~size_mask] # Remove stars/PSFs where the measured size is zero # Sometimes the HSM shape measurement gives objects with measured # size equals to zero without an error Flag. bad_stars = (abs(all_star_shapes[2, :]) < 0.1) bad_psfs = (abs(all_psf_shapes[2, :]) < 0.1) size_mask = np.abs(bad_stars) * np.abs(bad_psfs) # Remove outlier stars/PSFs all_star_shapes = all_star_shapes[:, ~size_mask] all_psf_shapes = all_psf_shapes[:, ~size_mask] all_CCDs = all_CCDs[~size_mask] all_X = all_X[~size_mask] all_Y = all_Y[~size_mask] flagmask = flagmask[~size_mask] if remove_outliers: shape_std_max = 5. # Outlier rejection based on the size R2_thresh = ( shape_std_max * np.std(all_star_shapes[2, :]) + np.mean(all_star_shapes[2, :]) ) bad_stars = (abs(all_star_shapes[2, :]) > R2_thresh)'Nb of outlier stars: {np.sum(bad_stars):d}') # Remove outlier PSFs all_star_shapes = all_star_shapes[:, ~bad_stars] all_psf_shapes = all_psf_shapes[:, ~bad_stars] all_CCDs = all_CCDs[~bad_stars] all_X = all_X[~bad_stars] all_Y = all_Y[~bad_stars] flagmask = flagmask[~bad_stars] e1_res_rmse = np.sqrt( np.mean((all_star_shapes[0, :] - all_psf_shapes[0, :]) ** 2) ) e2_res_rmse = np.sqrt( np.mean((all_star_shapes[1, :] - all_psf_shapes[1, :]) ** 2) ) R2_res_rmse = np.sqrt( np.mean((all_star_shapes[2, :] - all_psf_shapes[2, :]) ** 2) )"TOTAL e1 residual RMSE: {e1_res_rmse:.6e}\n")"TOTAL e2 residual RMSE: {e2_res_rmse:.6e}\n")"TOTAL R2 residual RMSE: {R2_res_rmse:.6e}\n") # CCDs x star/model x (e1,e2,R2,nstars) x xpos x ypos ccd_maps = np.ones((40, 2, 4) + nb_pixel) * np.nan for ccd_nb, ccd_map in enumerate(ccd_maps): # handle different input catalogue types if psf_model_type == 'mccd': ccd_mask = ( ((all_CCDs.astype(int) == ccd_nb) * flagmask).astype(bool) ) # Calculate shift to go from global coordinates to local # coordinates x_shift, y_shift = loc2glob.shift_coord(ccd_nb) elif psf_model_type == 'psfex': ccd_mask = ((all_CCDs == str(ccd_nb)) * flagmask).astype(bool) # No shift required for PSFEx x_shift, y_shift = 0, 0 else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid psf model type {psf_model_type}') star_shapes = all_star_shapes[:, ccd_mask] psf_shapes = all_psf_shapes[:, ccd_mask] xs_loc, ys_loc = all_X[ccd_mask] - x_shift, all_Y[ccd_mask] - y_shift # swap axes to match CCD orientation and origin convention ys_loc = loc2glob.y_npix - ys_loc + 1 # digitalize into bins xbins = np.digitize(xs_loc, grid[0]) ybins = np.digitize(ys_loc, grid[1]) for xb in range(nb_pixel[0]): for yb in range(nb_pixel[1]): bin_star_shapes = star_shapes[ :, (xbins == xb + 1) * (ybins == yb + 1) ] bin_psf_shapes = psf_shapes[ :, (xbins == xb + 1) * (ybins == yb + 1) ] ccd_map[0, :3, xb, yb] = np.mean(bin_star_shapes, axis=1) ccd_map[1, :3, xb, yb] = np.mean(bin_psf_shapes, axis=1) ccd_map[:, 3, xb, yb] = bin_star_shapes.shape[1] if plot_meanshapes: # e_1 vmax = max(np.nanmax(ccd_maps[:, :, 0]), np.abs(np.nanmin(ccd_maps[:, :, 0]))) vmin = -vmax wind = [vmin, vmax] title = ( f'e_1 (stars), std={np.nanstd(ccd_maps[:, 0, 0]):.5e}\n' + f'vmax={np.nanmax(abs(ccd_maps[:, 0, 0])):.4e}' ) mean_shapes_plot( ccd_maps[:, 0, 0], output_path + 'e1s', title, wind=wind ) title = ( f'e_1 (model), std={np.nanstd(ccd_maps[:, 1, 0]):.5e}\n' + f'vmax={np.nanmax(abs(ccd_maps[:, 1, 0])):.4e}' ) mean_shapes_plot( ccd_maps[:, 1, 0], output_path + 'e1m', title, wind=wind ) if auto_colorbar: wind = None e1_res = ccd_maps[:, 0, 0] - ccd_maps[:, 1, 0] e1_res = e1_res[~np.isnan(e1_res)] rmse_e1 = np.sqrt(np.mean(e1_res ** 2))'Bins: e1 residual RMSE: {rmse_e1:.6f}\n') vmax = np.nanmax(abs(ccd_maps[:, 0, 0] - ccd_maps[:, 1, 0])) vmin = -vmax wind = [vmin, vmax] title = ( f'e_1 res, rmse={rmse_e1:.5e}\nvmax={vmax:.4e} , ' + f'std={np.nanstd(ccd_maps[:, 0, 0] - ccd_maps[:, 1, 0]):.5e}' ) mean_shapes_plot( ccd_maps[:, 0, 0] - ccd_maps[:, 1, 0], output_path + 'e1res', title, wind=wind, colorbar_ampl=colorbar_ampl ) # e_2 vmax = max( np.nanmax(ccd_maps[:, :, 1]), np.abs(np.nanmin(ccd_maps[:, :, 1])) ) vmin = -vmax wind = [vmin, vmax] title = ( f'e_2 (stars), std={np.nanstd(ccd_maps[:, 0, 1]):.5e}\n' + f'vmax={np.nanmax(abs(ccd_maps[:, 0, 1])):.4e}' ) mean_shapes_plot( ccd_maps[:, 0, 1], output_path + 'e2s', title, wind=wind ) title = ( f'e_2 (model), std={np.nanstd(ccd_maps[:, 1, 1]):.5e}\n' + f'vmax={np.nanmax(abs(ccd_maps[:, 1, 1])):.4e}' ) mean_shapes_plot( ccd_maps[:, 1, 1], output_path + 'e2m', title, wind=wind ) if auto_colorbar: wind = None colorbar_ampl = 1. e2_res = ccd_maps[:, 0, 1] - ccd_maps[:, 1, 1] e2_res = e2_res[~np.isnan(e2_res)] rmse_e2 = np.sqrt(np.mean(e2_res ** 2))'Bins: e2 residual RMSE: {rmse_e2:.6f}\n') vmax = np.nanmax(abs(ccd_maps[:, 0, 1] - ccd_maps[:, 1, 1])) vmin = -vmax wind = [vmin, vmax] title = ( f'e_2 res, rmse={rmse_e2:.5e}\nvmax={vmax:.4e} , ' + f'std={np.nanstd(ccd_maps[:, 0, 1] - ccd_maps[:, 1, 1]):.5e}' ) mean_shapes_plot( ccd_maps[:, 0, 1] - ccd_maps[:, 1, 1], output_path + 'e2res', title, wind=wind, colorbar_ampl=colorbar_ampl ) # R^2 wind = [0, np.nanmax(ccd_maps[:, :, 2])] colorbar_ampl = 1 title = ( f'R_2 (stars), std={np.nanstd(ccd_maps[:, 0, 2]):.5e}\n' + f'vmax={np.nanmax(abs(ccd_maps[:, 0, 2])):.4e}' ) mean_shapes_plot( ccd_maps[:, 0, 2], output_path + 'R2s', title, wind=wind, cmap='Reds' ) title = ( f'R_2 (model), std={np.nanstd(ccd_maps[:, 1, 2]):.5e}\n' + f'vmax={np.nanmax(abs(ccd_maps[:, 1, 2])):.4e}' ) mean_shapes_plot( ccd_maps[:, 1, 2], output_path + 'R2m', title, wind=wind, cmap='Reds' ) if auto_colorbar: wind = [ 0, np.nanmax(np.abs( (ccd_maps[:, 0, 2] - ccd_maps[:, 1, 2]) / ccd_maps[:, 0, 2] )) ] colorbar_ampl = 1. R2_res = (ccd_maps[:, 0, 2] - ccd_maps[:, 1, 2]) / ccd_maps[:, 0, 2] R2_res = R2_res[~np.isnan(R2_res)] rmse_r2 = np.sqrt(np.mean(R2_res ** 2))"Bins: R2 residual RMSE: {rmse_r2:.6f}\n") vmax = np.nanmax( abs((ccd_maps[:, 0, 2] - ccd_maps[:, 1, 2]) / ccd_maps[:, 0, 2])) wind = [0, vmax] std_title = np.nanstd( (ccd_maps[:, 0, 2] - ccd_maps[:, 1, 2]) / ccd_maps[:, 0, 2] ) title = ( f"∆(R_2)/R_2 res, rmse={rmse_r2:.5e}\nvmax={vmax:.4e} , " + f"std={std_title:.5e}" ) if remove_outliers: title = "Outliers removed\n" + title mean_shapes_plot( np.abs( (ccd_maps[:, 0, 2] - ccd_maps[:, 1, 2]) / ccd_maps[:, 0, 2] ), output_path + 'R2res', title, wind=wind, colorbar_ampl=colorbar_ampl, cmap='Reds' ) # nstars wind = (0, np.max(ccd_maps[:, 0, 3])) title = f'Number of stars\nTotal={np.nansum(ccd_maps[:, 0, 3]):.0f}' mean_shapes_plot( ccd_maps[:, 0, 3], f'{output_path}nstar', title, wind=wind, cmap='magma' ) # Histograms if plot_histograms: hist_bins = 50 plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6), dpi=300) plt.hist( all_star_shapes[0, :], bins=hist_bins, range=[-0.2, 0.2], label='stars', alpha=0.5 ) plt.hist( all_psf_shapes[0, :], bins=hist_bins, range=[-0.2, 0.2], label='PSFs', alpha=0.5 ) plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=16) plt.title('e1', fontsize=24) plt.savefig(f'{output_path}e1_hist.png') plt.close() plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6), dpi=300) data_hist = all_star_shapes[0, :] - all_psf_shapes[0, :] plt.hist( data_hist, bins=hist_bins, range=[np.min(data_hist), np.max(data_hist)], label='err(star - psf)', alpha=0.5 ) plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=16) plt.title('e1 err', fontsize=24) plt.savefig(output_path + 'err_e1_hist.png') plt.close() plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6), dpi=300) plt.hist( all_star_shapes[1, :], bins=hist_bins, range=[-0.2, 0.2], label='stars', alpha=0.5 ) plt.hist( all_psf_shapes[1, :], bins=hist_bins, range=[-0.2, 0.2], label='PSFs', alpha=0.5 ) plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=16) plt.title('e2', fontsize=24) plt.savefig(output_path + 'e2_hist.png') plt.close() plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6), dpi=300) data_hist = all_star_shapes[1, :] - all_psf_shapes[1, :] plt.hist( data_hist, bins=hist_bins, range=[np.min(data_hist), np.max(data_hist)], label='err(star - psf)', alpha=0.5 ) plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=16) plt.title('e2 err', fontsize=24) plt.savefig(output_path + 'err_e2_hist.png') plt.close() plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6), dpi=300) mean_R2 = np.mean(all_star_shapes[2, :]) wind = [mean_R2 - 4, mean_R2 + 4] plt.hist( all_star_shapes[2, :], bins=hist_bins, range=wind, label='stars', alpha=0.5 ) plt.hist( all_psf_shapes[2, :], bins=hist_bins, range=wind, label='PSFs', alpha=0.5 ) plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=16) plt.title('R2', fontsize=24) plt.savefig(output_path + 'R2_hist.png') plt.close() plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6), dpi=300) data_hist = ( (all_star_shapes[2, :] - all_psf_shapes[2, :]) / all_star_shapes[2, :] ) plt.hist( data_hist, bins=hist_bins, range=[np.min(data_hist), np.max(data_hist)], label='err(star - psf)/star', alpha=0.5 ) plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=16) plt.title('R2 err', fontsize=24) plt.savefig(output_path + 'err_R2_hist.png') plt.close() starcat.close()
# Rho stats functions
[docs]def neg_dash( x_in, y_in, yerr_in, plot_name='', vertical_lines=True, xlabel='', ylabel='', rho_nb='', ylim=None, semilogx=False, semilogy=False, **kwargs ): r"""Neg Dash. This function is for making plots with vertical errorbars, where negative values are shown in absolute value as dashed lines. The resulting plot can either be saved by specifying a file name as ``plot_name``, or be kept as a pyplot instance (for instance to combine several neg dashes). Parameters ---------- x_in : numpy.ndarray X-axis inputs y_in : numpy.ndarray Y-axis inputs yerr_in : numpy.ndarray Y-axis error inputs plot_name : str, optional Plot name vertical_lines : bool, optional Option to plot vertical lines; default is ``True`` xlabel : str, optional X-axis label ylabel : str, optional Y-axis label rho_nb : str, optional Rho number ylim : float, optional Y-axis limit semilogx : bool Option to plot the x-axis in log scale; default is ``False`` semilogy : bool Option to plot the y-axis in log scale; default is ``False`` """ x = np.copy(x_in) y = np.copy(y_in) yerr = np.copy(yerr_in) # catch and separate errorbar-specific keywords from Lines2D ones safekwargs = dict(kwargs) errbkwargs = dict() if 'linestyle' in kwargs.keys(): print( 'Warning: linestyle was provided but that would kind of defeat' + 'the purpose, so I will just ignore it. Sorry.' ) del safekwargs['linestyle'] for errorbar_kword in [ 'fmt', 'ecolor', 'elinewidth', 'capsize', 'barsabove', 'errorevery' ]: if errorbar_kword in kwargs.keys(): # posfmt = '-'+kwargs['fmt'] # negfmt = '--'+kwargs['fmt'] errbkwargs[errorbar_kword] = kwargs[errorbar_kword] del safekwargs[errorbar_kword] errbkwargs = dict(errbkwargs, **safekwargs) # plot up to next change of sign current_sign = np.sign(y[0]) first_change = np.argmax(current_sign * y < 0) while first_change: if current_sign > 0: plt.errorbar( x[:first_change], y[:first_change], yerr=yerr[:first_change], linestyle='-', **errbkwargs, ) if vertical_lines: plt.vlines( x[first_change - 1], 0, y[first_change - 1], linestyle='-', **safekwargs, ) plt.vlines( x[first_change], 0, np.abs(y[first_change]), linestyle='--', **safekwargs, ) else: plt.errorbar( x[:first_change], np.abs(y[:first_change]), yerr=yerr[:first_change], linestyle='--', **errbkwargs, ) if vertical_lines: plt.vlines( x[first_change - 1], 0, np.abs(y[first_change - 1]), linestyle='--', **safekwargs, ) plt.vlines( x[first_change], 0, y[first_change], linestyle='-', **safekwargs, ) x = x[first_change:] y = y[first_change:] yerr = yerr[first_change:] current_sign *= -1 first_change = np.argmax(current_sign * y < 0) # one last time when `first_change'==0 ie no more changes: if rho_nb: lab = fr'$\rho_{rho_nb}(\theta)$' else: lab = '' if current_sign > 0: plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr=yerr, linestyle='-', label=lab, **errbkwargs) else: plt.errorbar(x, np.abs(y), yerr=yerr, linestyle='--', label=lab, **errbkwargs) if semilogx: plt.xscale('log') if semilogy: plt.yscale('log') if ylim is not None: plt.ylim(ylim) plt.xlabel(xlabel) plt.ylabel(ylabel) if plot_name: plt.savefig(plot_name) plt.close()
[docs]class new_BaseCorrelationFunctionSysTest(BaseCorrelationFunctionSysTest): r"""Base Function for the Correlation. Based on style package class. """
[docs] def make_catalogue( self, data, config=None, use_as_k=None, use_chip_coords=False ): """Make Catalogue. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray Input data config : dict The config parameter to be passed to TreeCorr's catalogue, a configuration dict which defines attributes about how to read the file. Any optional keyword arguments may be given here in the config dict if desired; invalid keys in the config dict are ignored; See the TreeCorr package documentation for more details; default is ``None`` use_as_k : str, optional String representing the field in ``data`` that will be used to replace the convergence, kappa, that is identified with the string ``k``; see the TreeCorr package documentation for more details use_chip_coords : bool, optional Option to use chip coordinates; default is ``False`` Returns ------- treecorr.Catalog An instance of the ``treecorr.Catalog`` class; contains a data catalogue that will be correlated """ if data is None or isinstance(data, treecorr.Catalog): return data catalog_kwargs = {} fields = data.dtype.names if 'ra' in fields and 'dec' in fields: if not use_chip_coords: catalog_kwargs['ra'] = data['ra'] catalog_kwargs['dec'] = data['dec'] elif 'x' in fields and 'y' in fields: catalog_kwargs['x'] = data['x'] catalog_kwargs['y'] = data['y'] else: raise ValueError( "Chip coordinates requested, but 'x' and 'y' fields" "not found in data") elif 'x' in fields and 'y' in fields: catalog_kwargs['x'] = data['x'] catalog_kwargs['y'] = data['y'] else: raise ValueError( "Data must contain (ra,dec) or (x,y) in order to do" "correlation function tests.") if 'g1' in fields and 'g2' in fields: catalog_kwargs['g1'] = data['g1'] catalog_kwargs['g2'] = data['g2'] if 'w' in fields: catalog_kwargs['w'] = data['w'] if use_as_k: if use_as_k in fields: catalog_kwargs['k'] = data[use_as_k] elif 'k' in fields: catalog_kwargs['k'] = data['k'] # Quirk of length-1 formatted arrays: the fields will be floats, not # arrays, which would break the Catalog init. try: len(data) except Exception: if not hasattr(data, 'len') and isinstance(data, np.ndarray): for key in catalog_kwargs: catalog_kwargs[key] = np.array([catalog_kwargs[key]]) catalog_kwargs['config'] = config return treecorr.Catalog(**catalog_kwargs)
[docs]class Rho1SysTest(new_BaseCorrelationFunctionSysTest): """Rho1 System Test. Compute the auto-correlation of residual star shapes (star shapes - psf shapes). """ short_name = 'rho1' long_name = 'Rho1 statistics (Auto-correlation of star-PSF shapes)' objects_list = ['star PSF'] required_quantities = [('ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'psf_g1', 'psf_g2', 'w')]
[docs] def __call__( self, data, data2=None, random=None, random2=None, config=None, **kwargs ): """Call Method. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray Input data data2 : numpy.ndarray, optional Second input data random : numpy.ndarray, optional Random data random2 : numpy.ndarray, optional Second random data config : dict, optional Configuration dict to be passed to TreeCorr; default is ``None`` Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A numpy array of the TreeCorr outputs, handled via the Stile package through the ``BaseCorrelationFunctionSysTest`` class """ new_data = data.copy() new_data['g1'] = new_data['g1'] - new_data['psf_g1'] new_data['g2'] = new_data['g2'] - new_data['psf_g2'] if data2 is not None: new_data2 = data2.copy() new_data2['g1'] = new_data2['g1'] - new_data2['psf_g1'] new_data2['g2'] = new_data2['g2'] - new_data2['psf_g2'] else: new_data2 = data2 if random is not None: new_random = random.copy() new_random['g1'] = new_random['g1'] - new_random['psf_g1'] new_random['g2'] = new_random['g2'] - new_random['psf_g2'] else: new_random = random if random2 is not None: new_random2 = random2.copy() new_random2['g1'] = new_random2['g1'] - new_random2['psf_g1'] new_random2['g2'] = new_random2['g2'] - new_random2['psf_g2'] else: new_random2 = random2 return self.getCF( 'gg', new_data, new_data2, new_random, new_random2, config=config, **kwargs, )
[docs]class DESRho2SysTest(new_BaseCorrelationFunctionSysTest): """DES Rho 2 System Test. Compute the correlation of PSF shapes with residual star shapes (star shapes - psf shapes). """ short_name = 'rho2des' long_name = 'Rho2 statistics (as defined in DES shape catalogue papers)' objects_list = ['star PSF'] required_quantities = [('ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'psf_g1', 'psf_g2', 'w')]
[docs] def __call__( self, data, data2=None, random=None, random2=None, config=None, **kwargs ): """Call Method. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray Input data data2 : numpy.ndarray, optional Second input data random : numpy.ndarray, optional Random data random2 : numpy.ndarray, optional Second random data config : dict, optional Configuration dict to be passed to TreeCorr; default is ``None`` Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A numpy array of the TreeCorr outputs, handled via the Stile package through the ``BaseCorrelationFunctionSysTest`` class """ new_data = np.rec.fromarrays( [data['ra'], data['dec'], data['g1'], data['g2'], data['w']], names=['ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'w'], ) if data2 is None: data2 = data new_data2 = np.rec.fromarrays( [ data2['ra'], data2['dec'], data2['g1'] - data2['psf_g1'], data2['g2'] - data2['psf_g2'], data2['w'] ], names=['ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'w'], ) if random is not None: new_random = np.rec.fromarrays( [ random['ra'], random['dec'], random['g1'], random['g2'], random['w'] ], names=['ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'w'], ) else: new_random = random if random2 is None: random2 = random if random2 is not None: new_random2 = np.rec.fromarrays( [ data2['ra'], data2['dec'], data2['g1'] - data2['psf_g1'], data2['g2'] - data2['psf_g2'], data2['w'] ], names=['ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'w'], ) else: new_random2 = random2 return self.getCF( 'gg', new_data, new_data2, new_random, new_random2, config=config, **kwargs )
[docs]class DESRho3SysTest(new_BaseCorrelationFunctionSysTest): """DES Rho 3 System Test. Compute the correlation of star shapes weighted by the residual size. """ short_name = 'rho3' long_name = ( 'Rho3 statistics (Auto-correlation of star shapes weighted by ' + 'the residual size)' ) objects_list = ['star PSF'] required_quantities = [ ('ra', 'dec', 'sigma', 'g1', 'g2', 'psf_sigma', 'w') ]
[docs] def __call__( self, data, data2=None, random=None, random2=None, config=None, **kwargs ): """Call Method. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray Input data data2 : numpy.ndarray, optional Second input data random : numpy.ndarray, optional Random data random2 : numpy.ndarray, optional Second random data config : dict, optional Configuration dict to be passed to TreeCorr; default is ``None`` Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A numpy array of the TreeCorr outputs, handled via the Stile package through the ``BaseCorrelationFunctionSysTest`` class """ new_data = np.rec.fromarrays( [data['ra'], data['dec'], data['g1'] * (data['sigma'] - data[ 'psf_sigma']) / data['sigma'], data['g2'] * (data['sigma'] - data[ 'psf_sigma']) / data['sigma'], data['w']], names=['ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'w'] ) if data2 is not None: new_data2 = np.rec.fromarrays( [ data2['ra'], data2['dec'], data2['g1'] * (data2['sigma'] - data2['psf_sigma']) / data2['sigma'], data2['g2'] * (data2['sigma'] - data2['psf_sigma']) / data2['sigma'], data2['w']], names=['ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'w'] ) else: new_data2 = data2 if random is not None: new_random = np.rec.fromarrays( [ random['ra'], random['dec'], random['g1'] * (random['sigma'] - random['psf_sigma']) / random['sigma'], random['g2'] * (random['sigma'] - random['psf_sigma']) / random['sigma'], random['w'] ], names=['ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'w'] ) else: new_random = random if random2 is not None: new_random2 = np.rec.fromarrays( [ random2['ra'], random2['dec'], random2['g1'] * (random2['sigma'] - random2['psf_sigma']) / random2['sigma'], random2['g2'] * (random2['sigma'] - random2['psf_sigma']) / random2['sigma'], random2['w'] ], names=['ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'w'] ) else: new_random2 = random2 return self.getCF( 'gg', new_data, new_data2, new_random, new_random2, config=config, **kwargs )
[docs]class DESRho4SysTest(new_BaseCorrelationFunctionSysTest): """DES Rho 4 System Test. Compute the correlation of star shapes weighted by the residual size. """ short_name = 'rho4' long_name = ( 'Rho4 statistics (Correlation of residual star shapes weighted ' + 'by residual size)' ) objects_list = ['star PSF'] required_quantities = [( 'ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'sigma', 'psf_g1', 'psf_g2', 'psf_sigma', 'w' )]
[docs] def __call__( self, data, data2=None, random=None, random2=None, config=None, **kwargs ): """Call Method. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray Input data data2 : numpy.ndarray, optional Second input data random : numpy.ndarray, optional Random data random2 : numpy.ndarray, optional Second random data config : dict, optional Configuration dict to be passed to TreeCorr; default is ``None`` Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A numpy array of the TreeCorr outputs, handled via the Stile package through the ``BaseCorrelationFunctionSysTest`` class """ new_data = np.rec.fromarrays( [ data['ra'], data['dec'], data['g1'] - data['psf_g1'], data['g2'] - data['psf_g2'], data['w'] ], names=['ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'w'], ) if data2 is None: data2 = data new_data2 = np.rec.fromarrays( [ data2['ra'], data2['dec'], data2['g1'] * (data2['sigma'] - data2['psf_sigma']) / data2['sigma'], data2['g2'] * (data2['sigma'] - data2['psf_sigma']) / data2['sigma'], data2['w'] ], names=['ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'w'], ) if random is not None: new_random = np.rec.fromarrays( [ random['ra'], random['dec'], random['g1'] - random['psf_g1'], random['g2'] - random['psf_g2'], random['w'] ], names=['ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'w'], ) else: new_random = random if random2 is None: random2 = random if random2 is not None: new_random2 = np.rec.fromarrays( [ random2['ra'], random2['dec'], random2['g1'] * (random2['sigma'] - random2['psf_sigma']) / random2['sigma'], random2['g2'] * (random2['sigma'] - random2['psf_sigma']) / random2['sigma'], random2['w'] ], names=['ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'w'] ) else: new_random2 = random2 return self.getCF( 'gg', new_data, new_data2, new_random, new_random2, config=config, **kwargs )
[docs]class DESRho5SysTest(new_BaseCorrelationFunctionSysTest): r"""DES Rho 5 System Test. The correlation of star shapes weighted by the residual size. """ short_name = 'rho5' long_name = ( 'Rho5 statistics (Correlation of star and PSF shapes weighted by ' 'residual size)' ) objects_list = ['star PSF'] required_quantities = [ ('ra', 'dec', 'sigma', 'g1', 'g2', 'psf_sigma', 'w') ]
[docs] def __call__( self, data, data2=None, random=None, random2=None, config=None, **kwargs ): """Call Method. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray Input data data2 : numpy.ndarray, optional Second input data random : numpy.ndarray, optional Random data random2 : numpy.ndarray, optional Second random data config : dict, optional Configuration dict to be passed to TreeCorr; default is ``None`` Returns ------- numpy.ndarray A numpy array of the TreeCorr outputs, handled via the Stile package through the ``BaseCorrelationFunctionSysTest`` class """ new_data = np.rec.fromarrays( [data['ra'], data['dec'], data['g1'], data['g2'], data['w']], names=['ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'w'], ) if data2 is None: data2 = data new_data2 = np.rec.fromarrays( [ data2['ra'], data2['dec'], data2['g1'] * (data2['sigma'] - data2['psf_sigma']) / data2['sigma'], data2['g2'] * (data2['sigma'] - data2['psf_sigma']) / data2['sigma'], data2['w'] ], names=['ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'w'], ) if random is not None: new_random = np.rec.fromarrays( [ random['ra'], random['dec'], random['g1'], random['g2'], random['w'] ], names=['ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'w'], ) else: new_random = random if random2 is None: random2 = random if random2 is not None: new_random2 = np.rec.fromarrays( [ random2['ra'], random2['dec'], random2['g1'] * (random2['sigma'] - random2['psf_sigma']) / random2['sigma'], random2['g2'] * (random2['sigma'] - random2['psf_sigma']) / random2['sigma'], random2['w'] ], names=['ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'w'], ) else: new_random2 = random2 return self.getCF( 'gg', new_data, new_data2, new_random, new_random2, config=config, **kwargs )
[docs]def rho_stats( starcat_path, output_path, rho_def='HSC', hdu_no=2, ylim_l=None, ylim_r=None, print_fun=lambda x: print(x) ): """Rho Statistics. Compute and plot the five rho statistics. Parameters ---------- starcat_path : str Star catalogue file path output_path : str Output directory for plots hdu_no : int, optional Input HDU; default is ``2`` ylim_l : numpy.ndarray Y-axis limits for left-hand plot ylim-r : numpy.ndarray Y-axis limits for right-hand plot print_fun : callable, optional Output message function; default is ``print`` """ # Read starcat starcat =, memmap=False) rho_stats_fun = None # Convert HSM flags to 0/1 weights star_flags = starcat[hdu_no].data['FLAG_STAR_HSM'] psf_flags = starcat[hdu_no].data['FLAG_PSF_HSM'] w = np.abs(star_flags - 1) * np.abs(psf_flags - 1) # Convert to Stile-compatible and change sigmas to R^2 (up to constant) stilecat = np.rec.fromarrays( [ w, starcat[hdu_no].data['RA'], starcat[hdu_no].data['DEC'], starcat[hdu_no].data['E1_STAR_HSM'], starcat[hdu_no].data['E2_STAR_HSM'], starcat[hdu_no].data['SIGMA_STAR_HSM'] ** 2, starcat[hdu_no].data['E1_PSF_HSM'], starcat[hdu_no].data['E2_PSF_HSM'], starcat[hdu_no].data['SIGMA_PSF_HSM'] ** 2 ], names=[ 'w', 'ra', 'dec', 'g1', 'g2', 'sigma', 'psf_g1', 'psf_g2', 'psf_sigma' ], ) # TreeCorr config: TreeCorrConfig = { 'ra_units': 'degrees', 'dec_units': 'degrees', 'max_sep': 3e2, 'min_sep': 5e-1, 'sep_units': 'arcmin', 'nbins': 32 } # Ininitialize all 5 rho stats if rho_def == 'HSC': rho_stats_fun = [ stile.CorrelationFunctionSysTest(f'Rho{j}') for j in range(1, 6) ] elif rho_def == 'DES': rho_stats_fun = [ Rho1SysTest(), DESRho2SysTest(), DESRho3SysTest(), DESRho4SysTest(), DESRho5SysTest(), ] for rho in rho_stats_fun: print_fun(rho.required_quantities) # Compute them! print_fun(' > Computing rho statistics...') start = time.time() rho_results = [ rho_stat(stilecat, config=TreeCorrConfig) for rho_stat in rho_stats_fun ] print_fun(f' > Done in {time.time() - start}s.') + 'rho_stat_results.npy', np.array(rho_results)) # Plots ylims = [ylim_l, ylim_r, ylim_l, ylim_l, ylim_r] colors = ['blue', 'red', 'green', 'orange', 'cyan'] markers = ['o', 'd', 'v', '^', 's'] xlabel = r'$\theta$ [arcmin]' ylabel = r'$\rho$-statistics' capsize = 3 alpha = 0.7 for j, rhores in enumerate(rho_results): neg_dash( rhores['meanr'], rhores['xip'], rhores['sigma_xip'], f'{output_path}/rho_{j+1}.png', semilogx=True, semilogy=True, color=colors[j], capsize=capsize, fmt=markers[j], alpha=alpha, ylim=ylims[j], xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel ) for j, rhores in enumerate(rho_results): if j in [0, 2, 3]: neg_dash( rhores['meanr'], rhores['xip'], rhores['sigma_xip'], semilogx=True, semilogy=True, rho_nb=j + 1, color=colors[j], capsize=capsize, fmt=markers[j], alpha=alpha, ylim=ylims[j], xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel ) plt.legend() plt.savefig(f'{output_path}/lefthand_rhos.pdf') plt.close() for j, rhores in enumerate(rho_results): if j in [1, 4]: neg_dash( rhores['meanr'], rhores['xip'], rhores['sigma_xip'], semilogx=True, semilogy=True, rho_nb=j + 1, color=colors[j], capsize=capsize, fmt=markers[j], alpha=alpha, ylim=ylims[j], xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel ) plt.legend() plt.savefig(f'{output_path}/righthand_rhos.pdf') plt.close() starcat.close()