Source code for shapepipe.modules.ngmix_package.ngmix


This module contains a class for ngmix shape measurement.

:Author: Axel Guinot


import re

import galsim
import ngmix
import numpy as np
from import fits
from modopt.math.stats import sigma_mad
from ngmix.fitting import LMSimple
from ngmix.observation import MultiBandObsList, Observation, ObsList
from numpy.random import uniform as urand
from sqlitedict import SqliteDict

from shapepipe.pipeline import file_io

[docs]class Ngmix(object): """Ngmix. Class to handle NGMIX shapepe measurement. Parameters ---------- input_file_list : list Input files output_dir : str Output directory file_number_string : str File numbering scheme zero_point : float Photometric zero point pixel_scale : float Pixel scale in arcsec f_wcs_path : str Path to merged single-exposure single-HDU headers w_log : logging.Logger Logging instance id_obj_min : int, optional First galaxy ID to process, not used if the value is set to ``-1``; the default is ``-1`` id_obj_max : int, optional Last galaxy ID to process, not used if the value is set to ``-1``; the default is ``-1`` Raises ------ IndexError If the length of the input file list is incorrect """ def __init__( self, input_file_list, output_dir, file_number_string, zero_point, pixel_scale, f_wcs_path, w_log, id_obj_min=-1, id_obj_max=-1 ): if len(input_file_list) != 6: raise IndexError( f'Input file list has length {len(input_file_list)},' + ' required is 6' ) self._tile_cat_path = input_file_list[0] self._gal_vignet_path = input_file_list[1] self._bkg_vignet_path = input_file_list[2] self._psf_vignet_path = input_file_list[3] self._weight_vignet_path = input_file_list[4] self._flag_vignet_path = input_file_list[5] self._output_dir = output_dir self._file_number_string = file_number_string self._zero_point = zero_point self._pixel_scale = pixel_scale self._f_wcs_path = f_wcs_path self._id_obj_min = id_obj_min self._id_obj_max = id_obj_max self._w_log = w_log # Initiatlise random generator seed = int(''.join(re.findall(r'\d+', self._file_number_string))) np.random.seed(seed)'Random generator initialisation seed = {seed}')
[docs] @classmethod def MegaCamFlip(self, vign, ccd_nb): """Flip for MegaCam. MegaCam has CCDs that are upside down. This function flips the postage stamps in these CCDs. Parameters ---------- vign : numpy.ndarray Array containing the postage stamp to flip ccd_nb : int ID of the CCD containing the postage stamp Returns ------- numpy.ndarray The flipped postage stamp """ if ccd_nb < 18 or ccd_nb in [36, 37]: # swap x axis so origin is on top-right return np.rot90(vign, k=2) else: # swap y axis so origin is on bottom-left return vign
[docs] def get_prior(self): """Get Prior. Return prior for the different parameters. Returns ------- ngmix.priors Priors for the different parameters """ # Prior on ellipticity. Details do not matter, as long # as it regularizes the fit. From Bernstein & Armstrong 2014 g_sigma = 0.4 g_prior = ngmix.priors.GPriorBA(g_sigma) # 2-d Gaussian prior on the center row and column center # (relative to the center of the jacobian, which # would be zero) and the sigma of the Gaussians. # Units same as jacobian, probably arcsec row, col = 0.0, 0.0 row_sigma, col_sigma = self._pixel_scale, self._pixel_scale cen_prior = ngmix.priors.CenPrior(row, col, row_sigma, col_sigma) # Size prior. Instead of flat, two-sided error function (TwoSidedErf) # could be used Tminval = -10.0 # arcsec squared Tmaxval = 1.e6 T_prior = ngmix.priors.FlatPrior(Tminval, Tmaxval) # Flux prior. Bounds need to make sense for # images in question Fminval = -1.e4 Fmaxval = 1.e9 F_prior = ngmix.priors.FlatPrior(Fminval, Fmaxval) # Joint prior, combine all individual priors prior = ngmix.joint_prior.PriorSimpleSep( cen_prior, g_prior, T_prior, F_prior ) return prior
[docs] def compile_results(self, results): """Compile Results. Prepare the results of NGMIX before saving. Parameters ---------- results : dict Results of NGMIX metacal Returns ------- dict Compiled results ready to be written to a file Raises ------ KeyError If SNR key not found """ names = ['1m', '1p', '2m', '2p', 'noshear'] names2 = [ 'id', 'n_epoch_model', 'moments_fail', 'ntry_fit', 'g1_psfo_ngmix', 'g2_psfo_ngmix', 'T_psfo_ngmix', 'g1_err_psfo_ngmix', 'g2_err_psfo_ngmix', 'T_err_psfo_ngmix', 'g1', 'g1_err', 'g2', 'g2_err', 'T', 'T_err', 'Tpsf', 'g1_psf', 'g2_psf', 'flux', 'flux_err', 's2n', 'mag', 'mag_err', 'flags', 'mcal_flags' ] output_dict = {k: {kk: [] for kk in names2} for k in names} for idx in range(len(results)): for name in names: mag = ( -2.5 * np.log10(results[idx][name]['flux']) + self._zero_point ) mag_err = np.abs( -2.5 * results[idx][name]['flux_err'] / (results[idx][name]['flux'] * np.log(10)) ) output_dict[name]['id'].append(results[idx]['obj_id']) output_dict[name]['n_epoch_model'].append( results[idx]['n_epoch_model'] ) output_dict[name]['moments_fail'].append( results[idx]['moments_fail'] ) output_dict[name]['ntry_fit'].append( results[idx][name]['ntry'] ) output_dict[name]['g1_psfo_ngmix'].append( results[idx]['g_PSFo'][0] ) output_dict[name]['g2_psfo_ngmix'].append( results[idx]['g_PSFo'][1] ) output_dict[name]['g1_err_psfo_ngmix'].append( results[idx]['g_err_PSFo'][0] ) output_dict[name]['g2_err_psfo_ngmix'].append( results[idx]['g_err_PSFo'][1] ) output_dict[name]['T_psfo_ngmix'].append( results[idx]['T_PSFo'] ) output_dict[name]['T_err_psfo_ngmix'].append( results[idx]['T_err_PSFo'] ) output_dict[name]['g1'].append(results[idx][name]['g'][0]) output_dict[name]['g1_err'].append( results[idx][name]['pars_err'][2] ) output_dict[name]['g2'].append(results[idx][name]['g'][1]) output_dict[name]['g2_err'].append( results[idx][name]['pars_err'][3] ) output_dict[name]['T'].append(results[idx][name]['T']) output_dict[name]['T_err'].append(results[idx][name]['T_err']) output_dict[name]['Tpsf'].append(results[idx][name]['Tpsf']) output_dict[name]['g1_psf'].append( results[idx][name]['gpsf'][0] ) output_dict[name]['g2_psf'].append( results[idx][name]['gpsf'][1] ) output_dict[name]['flux'].append(results[idx][name]['flux']) output_dict[name]['flux_err'].append( results[idx][name]['flux_err'] ) output_dict[name]['mag'].append(mag) output_dict[name]['mag_err'].append(mag_err) if 's2n' in results[idx][name]: output_dict[name]['s2n'].append(results[idx][name]['s2n']) elif 's2n_r' in results[idx][name]: output_dict[name]['s2n'].append( results[idx][name]['s2n_r'] ) else: raise KeyError('No SNR key (s2n, s2n_r) found in results') output_dict[name]['flags'].append(results[idx][name]['flags']) output_dict[name]['mcal_flags'].append( results[idx]['mcal_flags'] ) return output_dict
[docs] def save_results(self, output_dict): """Save Results. Save the results into a FITS file. Parameters ---------- output_dict Dictionary containing the results """ output_name = ( f'{self._output_dir}/ngmix{self._file_number_string}.fits' ) f = file_io.FITSCatalogue( output_name, open_mode=file_io.BaseCatalogue.OpenMode.ReadWrite ) for key in output_dict.keys(): f.save_as_fits(output_dict[key], ext_name=key.upper())
[docs] def process(self): """Process. Funcion to processs NGMIX. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing the NGMIX metacal results """ tile_cat = file_io.FITSCatalogue( self._tile_cat_path, SEx_catalogue=True, ) obj_id = np.copy(tile_cat.get_data()['NUMBER']) tile_vign = np.copy(tile_cat.get_data()['VIGNET']) tile_ra = np.copy(tile_cat.get_data()['XWIN_WORLD']) tile_dec = np.copy(tile_cat.get_data()['YWIN_WORLD']) tile_cat.close() f_wcs_file = SqliteDict(self._f_wcs_path) gal_vign_cat = SqliteDict(self._gal_vignet_path) bkg_vign_cat = SqliteDict(self._bkg_vignet_path) psf_vign_cat = SqliteDict(self._psf_vignet_path) weight_vign_cat = SqliteDict(self._weight_vignet_path) flag_vign_cat = SqliteDict(self._flag_vignet_path) final_res = [] prior = self.get_prior() count = 0 id_first = -1 id_last = -1 for i_tile, id_tmp in enumerate(obj_id): if self._id_obj_min > 0 and id_tmp < self._id_obj_min: continue if self._id_obj_max > 0 and id_tmp > self._id_obj_max: continue if id_first == -1: id_first = id_tmp id_last = id_tmp count = count + 1 gal_vign = [] psf_vign = [] sigma_psf = [] weight_vign = [] flag_vign = [] jacob_list = [] if ( (psf_vign_cat[str(id_tmp)] == 'empty') or (gal_vign_cat[str(id_tmp)] == 'empty') ): continue psf_expccd_name = list(psf_vign_cat[str(id_tmp)].keys()) for expccd_name_tmp in psf_expccd_name: exp_name, ccd_n = re.split('-', expccd_name_tmp) gal_vign_tmp = ( gal_vign_cat[str(id_tmp)][expccd_name_tmp]['VIGNET'] ) if len(np.where(gal_vign_tmp.ravel() == 0)[0]) != 0: continue bkg_vign_tmp = ( bkg_vign_cat[str(id_tmp)][expccd_name_tmp]['VIGNET'] ) gal_vign_sub_bkg = gal_vign_tmp - bkg_vign_tmp tile_vign_tmp = ( Ngmix.MegaCamFlip(np.copy(tile_vign[i_tile]), int(ccd_n)) ) flag_vign_tmp = ( flag_vign_cat[str(id_tmp)][expccd_name_tmp]['VIGNET'] ) flag_vign_tmp[np.where(tile_vign_tmp == -1e30)] = 2**10 v_flag_tmp = flag_vign_tmp.ravel() if len(np.where(v_flag_tmp != 0)[0]) / (51 * 51) > 1 / 3.0: continue weight_vign_tmp = ( weight_vign_cat[str(id_tmp)][expccd_name_tmp]['VIGNET'] ) jacob_tmp = get_jacob( f_wcs_file[exp_name][int(ccd_n)]['WCS'], tile_ra[i_tile], tile_dec[i_tile] ) header_tmp = fits.Header.fromstring( f_wcs_file[exp_name][int(ccd_n)]['header'] ) Fscale = header_tmp['FSCALE'] gal_vign_scaled = gal_vign_sub_bkg * Fscale weight_vign_scaled = weight_vign_tmp * 1 / Fscale ** 2 gal_vign.append(gal_vign_scaled) psf_vign.append( psf_vign_cat[str(id_tmp)][expccd_name_tmp]['VIGNET'] ) sigma_psf.append( psf_vign_cat[ str(id_tmp) ][expccd_name_tmp]['SHAPES']['SIGMA_PSF_HSM'] ) weight_vign.append(weight_vign_scaled) flag_vign.append(flag_vign_tmp) jacob_list.append(jacob_tmp) if len(gal_vign) == 0: continue try: res = do_ngmix_metacal( gal_vign, psf_vign, sigma_psf, weight_vign, flag_vign, jacob_list, prior, self._pixel_scale ) except Exception as ee: f'ngmix failed for object ID={id_tmp}.\nMessage: {ee}' ) continue res['obj_id'] = id_tmp res['n_epoch_model'] = len(gal_vign) final_res.append(res) f'ngmix loop over objects finished, processed {count} ' + f'objects, id first/last={id_first}/{id_last}' ) f_wcs_file.close() gal_vign_cat.close() bkg_vign_cat.close() flag_vign_cat.close() weight_vign_cat.close() psf_vign_cat.close() # Put all results together res_dict = self.compile_results(final_res) # Save results self.save_results(res_dict)
[docs]def get_guess( img, pixel_scale, guess_flux_unit='img', guess_size_type='T', guess_size_unit='sky', guess_centroid=True, guess_centroid_unit='sky' ): r"""Get Guess. Get the guess vector for the NGMIX shape measurement ``[center_x, center_y, g1, g2, size_T, flux]``. No guesses are given for the ellipticity ``(0, 0)``. Parameters ---------- img : numpy.ndarray Array containing the image pixel_scale : float Approximation of the pixel scale guess_flux_unit : str If ``img`` returns the flux in pixel units, otherwise if ``sky`` returns the flux in :math:`{\rm arcsec}^{-2}` guess_size_type : str If ``T`` returns the size in quadrupole moments definition :math:`2\sigma^2`, otherwise if ``sigma`` returns the moments :math:`\sigma` guess_size_unit : str If ``img`` returns the size in pixel units, otherwise if ``sky`` returns the size in arcsec guess_centroid : bool If ``True``, will return a guess on the object centroid, otherwise if ``False``, will return the image centre guess_centroid_unit : str If ``img`` returns the centroid in pixel unit, otherwise if ``sky`` returns the centroid in arcsec Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Return the guess array ``[center_x, center_y, g1, g2, size_T, flux]`` Raises ------ GalSimHSMError For an error in the computation of adaptive moments ValueError For invalid unit guess types """ galsim_img = galsim.Image(img, scale=pixel_scale) hsm_shape = galsim.hsm.FindAdaptiveMom(galsim_img, strict=False) error_msg = hsm_shape.error_message if error_msg != '': raise galsim.hsm.GalSimHSMError( f'Error in adaptive moments :\n{error_msg}' ) if guess_flux_unit == 'img': guess_flux = hsm_shape.moments_amp elif guess_flux_unit == 'sky': guess_flux = hsm_shape.moments_amp / pixel_scale ** 2 else: raise ValueError( f'invalid guess_flux_unit \'{guess_flux_unit}\',' + ' must be one of \'img\', \'sky\'' ) if guess_size_unit == 'img': size_unit = 1. elif guess_size_unit == 'sky': size_unit = pixel_scale else: raise ValueError( 'invalid guess_size_unit \'{guess_size_unit}\',' + 'must be one of \'img\', \'sky\'' ) if guess_size_type == 'sigma': guess_size = hsm_shape.moments_sigma * size_unit elif guess_size_type == 'T': guess_size = 2 * (hsm_shape.moments_sigma * size_unit) ** 2 if guess_centroid_unit == 'img': centroid_unit = 1 elif guess_centroid_unit == 'sky': centroid_unit = pixel_scale else: raise ValueError( f'invalid guess_centroid_unit \'{guess_centroid_unit}\',' + ' must be one of \'img\', \'sky\'' ) if guess_centroid: guess_centroid = ( (hsm_shape.moments_centroid - * centroid_unit ) else: guess_centroid = * centroid_unit guess = np.array([ guess_centroid.x, guess_centroid.y, 0., 0., guess_size, guess_flux ]) return guess
[docs]def make_galsimfit(obs, model, guess0, prior=None, ntry=5): """Make GalSim Fit. Fit image using simple GalSim model. Parameters ---------- obs : ngmix.observation.Observation Image to fit model : str Model for fit guess0 : numpy.ndarray Parameters of first model guess prior : ngmix.prior, optional Prior for fit paraemeters ntry : int, optional Number of tries for fit, the default is ``5`` Returns ------- dict Results Raises ------ ngmix.BootGalFailure Failure to bootstrap galaxy """ limit = 0.1 guess = np.copy(guess0) fres = {} for it in range(ntry): guess[0:5] += urand(low=-limit, high=limit) guess[5:] *= (1 + urand(low=-limit, high=limit)) fres['flags'] = 1 try: fitter = ngmix.galsimfit.GalsimSimple( obs, model, prior=prior, ) fitter.go(guess) fres = fitter.get_result() except Exception: continue if fres['flags'] == 0: break if fres['flags'] != 0: raise ngmix.gexceptions.BootGalFailure( 'Failed to fit galaxy image with galsimfit' ) fres['ntry'] = it + 1 return fres
[docs]def get_jacob(wcs, ra, dec): """Get Jacobian. Return the Jacobian of the WCS at the required position. Parameters ---------- wcs : astropy.wcs.WCS WCS object for which we want the Jacobian ra : float RA position of the center of the vignet (in degrees) dec : float Dec position of the center of the vignet (in degress) Returns ------- galsim.wcs.BaseWCS.jacobian Jacobian of the WCS at the required position """ g_wcs = galsim.fitswcs.AstropyWCS(wcs=wcs) world_pos = galsim.CelestialCoord( ra=ra * galsim.angle.degrees, dec=dec * galsim.angle.degrees, ) galsim_jacob = g_wcs.jacobian(world_pos=world_pos) return galsim_jacob
[docs]def get_noise(gal, weight, guess, pixel_scale, thresh=1.2): r"""Get Noise. Compute the sigma of the noise from an object postage stamp. Use a guess on the object size, ellipticity and flux to create a window function. Parameters ---------- gal : numpy.ndarray Galaxy image weight : numpy.ndarray Weight image guess : list Gaussian parameters fot the window function ``[x0, y0, g1, g2, T, flux]`` pixel_scale : float Pixel scale of the galaxy image thresh : float, optional Threshold to cut the window function, cut = ``thresh`` * :math:`\sigma_{\rm noise}`; the default is ``1.2`` Returns ------- float Sigma of the noise on the galaxy image """ img_shape = gal.shape m_weight = weight != 0 sig_tmp = sigma_mad(gal[m_weight]) gauss_win = galsim.Gaussian(sigma=np.sqrt(guess[4] / 2), flux=guess[5]) gauss_win = gauss_win.shear(g1=guess[2], g2=guess[3]) gauss_win = gauss_win.drawImage( nx=img_shape[0], ny=img_shape[1], scale=pixel_scale ).array m_weight = weight[gauss_win < thresh * sig_tmp] != 0 sig_noise = sigma_mad(gal[gauss_win < thresh * sig_tmp][m_weight]) return sig_noise
[docs]def do_ngmix_metacal( gals, psfs, psfs_sigma, weights, flags, jacob_list, prior, pixel_scale ): """Do Ngmix Metacal. Perform the metacalibration on a multi-epoch object and return the joint shape measurement with NGMIX. Parameters ---------- gals : list List of the galaxy vignets psfs : list List of the PSF vignets psfs_sigma : list List of the sigma PSFs weights : list List of the weight vignets flags : list List of the flag vignets jacob_list : list List of the Jacobians prior : ngmix.priors Priors for the fitting parameters pixel_scale : float pixel scale in arcsec Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing the results of NGMIX metacal """ n_epoch = len(gals) if n_epoch == 0: raise ValueError("0 epoch to process") # Make observation gal_obs_list = ObsList() T_guess_psf = [] psf_res_gT = { 'g_PSFo': np.array([0., 0.]), 'g_err_PSFo': np.array([0., 0.]), 'T_PSFo': 0., 'T_err_PSFo': 0. } gal_guess = [] gal_guess_flag = True wsum = 0 for n_e in range(n_epoch): psf_jacob = ngmix.Jacobian( row=(psfs[0].shape[0] - 1) / 2, col=(psfs[0].shape[1] - 1) / 2, wcs=jacob_list[n_e] ) psf_obs = Observation(psfs[n_e], jacobian=psf_jacob) psf_T = psfs_sigma[n_e] * 1.17741 * pixel_scale weight_map = np.copy(weights[n_e]) weight_map[np.where(flags[n_e] != 0)] = 0. weight_map[weight_map != 0] = 1 psf_guess = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0., psf_T, 1.]) try: psf_res = make_galsimfit(psf_obs, 'gauss', psf_guess) except Exception: continue # Gal guess try: gal_guess_tmp = get_guess( gals[n_e], pixel_scale, guess_size_type='sigma' ) except Exception: gal_guess_flag = False gal_guess_tmp = np.array([0., 0., 0., 0., 1, 100]) # Recenter jacobian if necessary gal_jacob = ngmix.Jacobian( row=(gals[0].shape[0] - 1) / 2 + gal_guess_tmp[0], col=(gals[0].shape[1] - 1) / 2 + gal_guess_tmp[1], wcs=jacob_list[n_e] ) # Noise handling if gal_guess_flag: sig_noise = get_noise( gals[n_e], weight_map, gal_guess_tmp, pixel_scale, ) else: sig_noise = sigma_mad(gals[n_e]) noise_img = np.random.randn(*gals[n_e].shape) * sig_noise noise_img_gal = np.random.randn(*gals[n_e].shape) * sig_noise gal_masked = np.copy(gals[n_e]) if (len(np.where(weight_map == 0)[0]) != 0): gal_masked[weight_map == 0] = noise_img_gal[weight_map == 0] weight_map *= 1 / sig_noise ** 2 # Original PSF fit w_tmp = np.sum(weight_map) psf_res_gT['g_PSFo'] += psf_res['g'] * w_tmp psf_res_gT['g_err_PSFo'] += np.array([ psf_res['pars_err'][2], psf_res['pars_err'][3] ]) * w_tmp psf_res_gT['T_PSFo'] += psf_res['T'] * w_tmp psf_res_gT['T_err_PSFo'] += psf_res['T_err'] * w_tmp wsum += w_tmp gal_obs = Observation( gal_masked, weight=weight_map, jacobian=gal_jacob, psf=psf_obs, noise=noise_img ) if gal_guess_flag: gal_guess_tmp[:2] = 0 gal_guess.append(gal_guess_tmp) gal_obs_list.append(gal_obs) T_guess_psf.append(psf_T) gal_guess_flag = True if wsum == 0: raise ZeroDivisionError('Sum of weights = 0, division by zero') # Normalize PSF fit output for key in psf_res_gT.keys(): psf_res_gT[key] /= wsum # Gal guess handling fail_get_guess = False if len(gal_guess) == 0: fail_get_guess = True gal_pars = [0., 0., 0., 0., 1, 100] else: gal_pars = np.mean(gal_guess, 0) psf_model = 'gauss' gal_model = 'gauss' # metacal specific parameters metacal_pars = { 'types': ['noshear', '1p', '1m', '2p', '2m'], 'step': 0.01, 'psf': 'gauss', 'fixnoise': True, 'cheatnoise': False, 'symmetrize_psf': False, 'use_noise_image': True } Tguess = np.mean(T_guess_psf) # retry the fit twice ntry = 2 obs_dict_mcal = ngmix.metacal.get_all_metacal(gal_obs_list, **metacal_pars) res = {'mcal_flags': 0} ntry = 5 for key in sorted(obs_dict_mcal): fres = make_galsimfit( obs_dict_mcal[key], gal_model, gal_pars, prior=prior ) res['mcal_flags'] |= fres['flags'] tres = {} for name in fres.keys(): tres[name] = fres[name] tres['flags'] = fres['flags'] wsum = 0 Tpsf_sum = 0 gpsf_sum = np.zeros(2) npsf = 0 for obs in obs_dict_mcal[key]: if hasattr(obs, 'psf_nopix'): try: psf_res = make_galsimfit( obs.psf_nopix, psf_model, np.array([0., 0., 0., 0., Tguess, 1.]), ntry=ntry ) except Exception: continue g1, g2 = psf_res['g'] T = psf_res['T'] else: try: psf_res = make_galsimfit( obs.psf, psf_model, np.array([0., 0., 0., 0., Tguess, 1.]), ) except Exception: continue g1, g2 = psf_res['g'] T = psf_res['T'] # TODO we sometimes use other weights twsum = obs.weight.sum() wsum += twsum gpsf_sum[0] += g1 * twsum gpsf_sum[1] += g2 * twsum Tpsf_sum += T * twsum npsf += 1 tres['gpsf'] = gpsf_sum / wsum tres['Tpsf'] = Tpsf_sum / wsum res[key] = tres # result dictionary, keyed by the types in metacal_pars above metacal_res = res metacal_res.update(psf_res_gT) metacal_res['moments_fail'] = fail_get_guess return metacal_res