Source code for shapepipe.modules.random_cat_package.random_cat


This module contains a class to create a random catalogue, and to compute
the tile area accounting for overlapping and masked regions.

:Author: Martin Kilbinger <>


import os
import re

import numpy as np

import as fits
from astropy import wcs
from astropy.table import Table

from reproject import reproject_to_healpix

from shapepipe.pipeline import file_io
from shapepipe.utilities import cfis

[docs]class RandomCat(): """Random Catalogue. This class creates a random catalogue given a mask FITS file. Parameters ---------- input_image_path : str Path to input image file input_mask_path : str Path to input mask file output_dir : str Output directory file_number_pattern : str ShapePipe image ID string output_file_pattern : str Output file pattern (base name) for random catalogue n_rand : float Number of random objects on output density : bool ``n_rand`` is interpreted per square degrees if ``True`` w_log : logging.Logger Logging instance healpix_options : dict Parameters for HEALPix output mask file """ def __init__( self, input_image_path, input_mask_path, output_dir, file_number_string, output_file_pattern, n_rand, density, w_log, healpix_options, ): self._input_image_path = input_image_path self._input_mask_path = input_mask_path self._output_dir = output_dir self._file_number_string = file_number_string self._output_file_pattern = output_file_pattern self._n_rand = n_rand self._density = density self._w_log = w_log self._healpix_options = healpix_options
[docs] def save_as_healpix(self, mask, header): """Save As Healpix. Save mask as healpix FITS file. Parameters ---------- mask : numpy.ndarray 2D pixel mask image header : class Header Image header with WCS information """ if not self._healpix_options: return # Tranform config entry from str to int nside = int(self._healpix_options['NSIDE']) mask_1d, footprint = reproject_to_healpix( (mask, header), 'galactic', nside=nside, ) t = Table() t['flux'] = mask_1d t.meta['ORDERING'] = 'RING' t.meta['COORDSYS'] = 'G' t.meta['NSIDE'] = nside t.meta['INDXSCHM'] = 'IMPLICIT' output_path = ( f'{self._output_dir}/{self._healpix_options["FILE_BASE"]}-' + f'{self._file_number_string}.fits' ) t.write(output_path)
[docs] def process(self): """Process. Main function to identify exposures. """ # Read image FITS file header try: img = header = img[0].header except (OSError, IOError) as error: # FITS file might contain only header. # Try as ascii file try: fin = open(self._input_image_path) header = fits.Header.fromtextfile(fin) fin.close() except Exception: raise # Get WCS WCS = wcs.WCS(header) # Read mask FITS file hdu_mask = mask = hdu_mask[0].data # Save mask in healpix format (if option is set) self.save_as_healpix(mask, header) # Number of pixels n_pix_x =[0] n_pix_y =[1] n_pix = n_pix_x * n_pix_y # Number of non-masked pixels n_unmasked = len(np.where(mask == 0)[0]) # Compute various areas # Pixel area in deg^2 area_pix = wcs.utils.proj_plane_pixel_area(WCS) # Tile area area_deg2 = area_pix * n_pix # Area of unmasked region area_deg2_eff = area_pix * n_unmasked # Compute number of requested objects if n_unmasked > 0: if not self._density: # Use value from config file n_obj = self._n_rand else: # Compute number of objects from density n_obj = int( self._n_rand / area_deg2 * area_deg2_eff / area_deg2 ) # Check that a reasonably large number of pixels is not masked if n_unmasked < n_obj: raise ValueError( f'Number of un-masked pixels {n_unmasked} is smaller ' + f'than number of random objects requested {n_obj}' ) else: n_obj = 0'Creating {n_obj} random objects') # Draw points until n are in mask n_found = 0 xy_rand = [] while n_found < n_obj: idx_x = np.random.randint(n_pix_x) idx_y = np.random.randint(n_pix_y) # Add points with additional random sub-pixel value if mask[idx_x, idx_y] == 0: d = np.random.random(2) # MKDEBUG: the following seems to work, x and y interchanged xy_rand.append([idx_y + d[1], idx_x + d[0]]) n_found = n_found + 1 xy_rand = np.array(xy_rand) # Transform to WCS res = WCS.all_pix2world(xy_rand, 1) if n_unmasked > 0: ra_rand = res[:, 0] dec_rand = res[:, 1] x_rand = xy_rand[:, 0] y_rand = xy_rand[:, 1] else: ra_rand = [] dec_rand = [] x_rand = [] y_rand = [] # Tile ID output_path = ( f'{self._output_dir}/{self._output_file_pattern}-' + f'{self._file_number_string}.fits' ) file_name = os.path.split(output_path)[1] file_base = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0] tile_ID_str = re.split('-', file_base)[1:] tile_id = float('.'.join(tile_ID_str)) tile_id_array = np.ones(n_obj) * tile_id # Write to output cat_out = [ ra_rand, dec_rand, x_rand, y_rand, tile_id_array ] column_names = ['RA', 'DEC', 'x', 'y', 'TILE_ID'] # TODO: Add units to header output = file_io.FITSCatalogue( output_path, open_mode=file_io.BaseCatalogue.OpenMode.ReadWrite ) output.save_as_fits(cat_out, names=column_names) # Write area information to log file'Total area = {area_deg2:.4f} deg^2')'Unmasked area = {area_deg2_eff:.4f} deg^2') f'Ratio masked to total pixels = {n_unmasked / n_pix:.3f}' )