
The WaveDiff pipeline features four main packages for executing four pipeline tasks:

Pipeline Task



This pipeline task is used to train a PSF model.


This pipeline task performs metrics evaluations of the trained PSF models.


This pipeline task is a utility feature for generating plots for the various metrics.


This pipeline task is used to simulate stellar PSFs to use as training and test data for the training procedure.
(Currently, it runs as a separate code and is not triggered by the command wavediff).

Configuring WaveDiff to execute one or more of the pipeline tasks (e.g. training, metrics, or plotting) is done by providing a configuration file with specific parameter settings as input into the software.

The directory tree below shows the various configuration files which contain their own unique settings for executing a particular task in WaveDiff:

├── configs.yaml
├── data_config.yaml
├── logging.conf
├── metrics_config.yaml
├── plotting_config.yaml
└── training_config.yaml

Most of the input configuration files (ending in .yaml) are constructed using YAML (Yet Another Markup Language). The contents of the yaml file are read in as a nested dictionary with key:value pairs. The logging.conf file contains configuration settings for storing a log of the run, and in this case we use the ini file syntax, which has a section-based structure. Each section contains one or more key=value pairs, called properties. As a user, you should not modify the names of the keys or sections. You can modify the value entries.

Next, we shall describe each configuration file.

Data Configuration

The file data_config.yaml stores the metadata for generating training and test data sets or retrieving existing ones. A set of training and test data is provided in the data/coherent_euclid_dataset directory. Wavediff will automatically retrieve the dataset within its directory tree. In the field data_dir, the user should specify the sub-path to the data directory as in the example below. The actual name of the dataset file is provided as an entry to the field file. However, new training and test data sets can be produced with the parameters in the file, which should be provided to the simPSF code although not at present (implementation upgrade pending).

# Training and test data sets for training and/or metrics evaluation
    # Specify directory path to data; Default setting is /path/to/repo/data
    data_dir: data/coherent_euclid_dataset/
    file: train_Euclid_res_200_TrainStars_id_001.npy
    # if training data set file does not exist, generate a simulated one by setting values below
    . <params to generate training data set>
    data_dir: data/coherent_euclid_dataset/
    file: test_Euclid_res_id_001.npy
    # If test data set file not provided produce a new one
    . <params to generate test data set>

Training Configuration

The file training_config.yaml is used to configure the settings for the training pipeline task. The first line contains the parent key training. All of the following child keys are treated as values of the training key. Above each child key a description is provided. Below is an abridged example of this:

  # Run ID name
  id_name: -coherent_euclid_200stars

  # Name of Data Config file
  data_config: data_config.yaml 
  # Metrics Config file - Enter file to run metrics evaluation else if empty run train only
  metrics_config: /path/to/metrics_config.yaml

  # PSF model parameters
    # Model type.  Options are: 'mccd', 'graph', 'poly, 'param', 'poly_physical'."
  # Training hyperparameters

The key id_name is used to apply an identifier to the run, which the user may define to their preference or leave the field blank. The next parameter data_config stores the name of the data_configuration file, which will be parsed by WaveDiff to retrieve the training and test data sets for training. The metrics_config key is used to trigger the metrics pipeline task after the completion of training. The options are to enter the filename of the metrics configuration file, which contains the metrics configuration parameters, or to leave the field empty. A non-empty metrics_config field will prompt WaveDiff to launch the metrics evaluation of the trained PSF model. If the field is left empty, WaveDiff will run only the training pipeline task. The key model_params stores the model parameters for the type of PSF model to apply during training. The identifier for the PSF model type to train is stored in model_name. While the model options are listed just above in the key description, for now only the poly model is implemented.

Training hyperparameters, defined by the parent key: training_hparams, include the learning rates, the number of epochs and the number of multi-cycles, etc. These parameters can modified by the user. Setting the key save_all_cycles to True will save the weights and models of all training cycles. Otherwise, if it is set to False, only the last training cycle is saved.

Metrics Configuration

The metrics_config.yaml file stores the configuration parameters for the WaveDiff pipeline to perform computations of the four metrics listed in the table on a trained PSF model, as applied in Liaudat et al. [2023].

Metric type


Polychromatic Pixel Reconstruction

Pixel-based metric that computes the absolute and relative Root Mean
Square Error (RMSE) of the pixel reconstruction residuals between the
trained polychromatic PSF model and a test data set at low-pixel and
super-pixel resolutions.

Monochromatic Pixel Reconstruction

Pixel-based metric that computes the absolute and relative Root Mean
Square Error (RMSE) of the pixel reconstruction residuals as a function of
wavelength between a monochromatic PSF model and the test data set.

Optical Path Differences Reconstruction (OPD)

Metric that evaluates the absolute and relative RMSE of the residuals
between the predicted OPD (Wavefront Error) maps and the ground
truth OPD test data set.

Weak Lensing Shape Metrics

Second-order moments-based metrics that compute the shape (ellipticity)
and size residuals for a PSF at super-pixel resolution (i.e. well-sampled)
using GalSim’s HSM module.

The test data set referenced in the table for each metric can be composed of noiseless or noisy stars. In the case of noisy stars (such as real data), we caution that the RMSE is not an adequate metric to use to assess the performance of the PSF model. Alternative formulations are a work-in-progress. Similarly, both the Monochromatic Pixel Reconstruction and OPD Reconstruction metrics can only be applied to simulated data for which a ground truth model is known. Finally, to apply the Weak Lensing Shape metrics for undersampled PSF observations typical of space experiments like Euclid requires super-resolving the PSF model.

Below is an example of some of the parameters contained in the metrics configuration file.

   # Specify the type of model weights to load by entering "psf_model" to load weights of final psf model or "checkpoint" to load weights from a checkpoint callback.
  model_save_path: <enter psf_model or checkpoint>

  # Choose the training cycle for which to evaluate the psf_model. Can be: 1, 2, ...
  saved_training_cycle: 2
  # Metrics-only run: Specify model_params for a pre-trained model else leave blank if running training + metrics
  # Specify path to Parent Directory of Trained Model 
  trained_model_path: </path/to/parent/directory/of/trained/model>

  # Name of the Trained Model Config file stored in config sub-directory in the trained_model_path parent directory
  trained_model_config: <enter name of trained model config file>
  #Evaluate the monchromatic RMSE metric.
  eval_mono_metric_rmse: True
  #Evaluate the OPD RMSE metric.
  eval_opd_metric_rmse: True
  #Evaluate the shape RMSE metrics at super-resolution (sr) for the training dataset.
  eval_train_shape_sr_metric_rmse: True

  # Name of Plotting Config file - Enter name of yaml file to run plot metrics else if empty run metrics evaluation only
  plotting_config: <enter name of plotting_config .yaml file or leave empty>


The metrics key model_save_path enables a choice of running the metrics evaluation for a fully trained PSF model or the weights of a given checkpoint cycle. The parameter saved_training_cycle specifies the cycle at which to run metrics evaluation.

As stated in the previous section, the metrics evaluation pipeline can be executed subsequently after the completion of the training routine to evaluate the trained PSF model. It can also be launched independently to compute the metrics of a previously trained model. This is done by setting the value of the parameter trained_model_path to the absolute path of the parent directory containing the output files of the model. This is the directory with the naming convention: wf-outputs-timestamp (see this example of the run output directory). The user must then provide as an entry for the key: trained_model_config the subdirectory path to the training configuration file, e.g. config/train_config.yaml. Below we show an example of this for the case where a user wants to run metrics evaluation of a pretrained full PSF model saved in the directory wf-outputs-202310161536.

WaveDiff Pre-trained Model

├── checkpoint
│   ├── checkpoint
│   ├──
│   ├── checkpoint_callback_poly-coherent_euclid_200stars_cycle1.index
│   ├──
│   └── checkpoint_callback_poly-coherent_euclid_200stars_cycle2.index
├── config
│   ├── configs.yaml
│   ├── data_config.yaml
│   ├── metrics_config.yaml
│   └── training_config.yaml
├── log-files
│   └── wf-psf_202310161536.log
├── metrics
│   └── metrics-poly-coherent_euclid_200stars.npy
├── optim-hist
│   └── optim_hist_poly-coherent_euclid_200stars.npy
├── plots
└── psf_model
    ├── checkpoint
    ├── psf_model_poly-coherent_euclid_200stars_cycle1.index
    └── psf_model_poly-coherent_euclid_200stars_cycle2.index


   # Specify the type of model weights to load by entering "psf_model" to load weights of final psf model or "checkpoint" to load weights from a checkpoint callback.
  model_save_path: psf_model
  # Choose the training cycle for which to evaluate the psf_model. Can be: 1, 2, ...
  saved_training_cycle: 2
  # Metrics-only run: Specify model_params for a pre-trained model else leave blank if running training + metrics
  # Specify path to Parent Directory of Trained Model 
  trained_model_path: /path/to/wf-outputs-202310161536
  # Name of Trained Model Config file inside /trained_model_path/ parent directory
  trained_model_config: training_config.yaml

The results of the metrics evaluation will be saved in the new output directory created at runtime (not in the pretrained model directory created previously).

When the trained_model fields are left empty as stated in the commented line, WaveDiff will run the training and metrics pipelines in serial. At the start of the metrics evaluation task, it will automatically retrieve the model weights at the specific cycle defined by model_save_path and saved_training_cycle from the wf-outputs-<timestamp> sub-directories generated at runtime just before the training task.

The WaveDiff metrics pipeline is programmed to automatically evaluate the Polychromatic Pixel reconstruction metrics for both the test (at low- and super-pixel resolution) and training data sets (at low-pixel resolution). The Monochromatic Pixel Reconstruction and OPD Reconstruction metrics are both optional and can be selected by setting the Boolean flags for eval_{metric_type}_metric_rmse to True to compute the metric or False to disable. Finally, the Weak Lensing Shape Metrics are computed by default for the test data set at super-pixel resolution and as an option for the training data set by setting the parameter eval_train_shape_sr_metric_rmse to True or False (Note: setting this option to True will also trigger WaveDiff to compute the Polychromatric Pixel Reconstruction metrics at super-pixel resolution for the training data set). The table below provides a summary of these different settings.

Metric type

Metric Identifier

Test Data Set

Training Data Set

Polychromatic Pixel Reconstruction



Default (low-res), Optional (super-res)

Monochromatic Pixel Reconstruction




Optical Path Differences Reconstruction (OPD)




Weak Lensing Shape Metrics (super-res only)




The option to generate plots of the metric evaluation results is provided by setting the value of the parameter plotting_config to the name of the plotting configuration file, e.g. plotting_config.yaml. This will trigger WaveDiff’s plotting pipeline to produce plots after completion of the metrics evaluation pipeline. If the field is left empty, no plots are generated.

To compute the errors of the trained PSF model, the metrics package can retrieve a ground truth data set if it exists in the dataset files listed in the data_configuration file. If they do exist, WaveDiff can generate at runtime a ground truth model using the parameters in the metrics configuration file associated to the key: ground_truth_model. The parameter settings for the ground truth model are similar to those contained in the training configuration file. Currently, the choice of model, which is indicated by the key model_name, is currently limited to the polychromatic PSF model, referenced by the short name poly.

The metrics package is run using TensorFlow to reconstruct the PSF model and to evaluate the various metrics. The metrics_hparams key contains some standard machine learning hyperparameters such as the batch_size as well as additional parameters like output_dim, which sets the dimension of the output pixel postage stamp, etc.

Plot Configuration

The plotting_config.yaml file stores the configuration parameters for the WaveDiff pipeline to generate plots for the metrics listed in the metrics settings table for each data set.

An example of the contents of the plotting_config.yaml file is shown below.

  # Specify path to parent folder containing wf-psf metrics outputs for all runs, e.g. $WORK/wf-outputs/
  metrics_output_path: <PATH>
  # List all of the parent output directories (i.e. wf-outputs-xxxxxxxxxxx) that contain metrics results to be included in the plot 
    #     - wf-outputs-xxxxxxxxxxx1 
    #     - wf-outputs-xxxxxxxxxxx2  
  # List the corresponding names of the metric config file in each of the parent output directories (would like to change such that code goes and finds them in the metrics_dir)
    #     - metrics_config_1.yaml
    #     - metrics_config_2.yaml
  # Show plots flag
  plot_show: False

As nearly all of the specific plotting parameters are pre-coded by default, the plotting_config file parameters enable the option to plot jointly the metrics for other trained PSF models. Consider the example below where the user would like to plot the metrics from three output runs in the directories labelled: wf-outputs-<timestamp>.

├── wf-outputs-202305271829
│   ├── config
│   │   ├── data_config.yaml
│   │   └── metrics_config_200.yaml
│   ├── metrics
│   │   └── metrics-poly-coherent_euclid_200stars.npy
├── wf-outputs-202305271845
│   ├── config
│   │   ├── data_config.yaml
│   │   └── metrics_config_500.yaml
│   ├── metrics
│   │   └── metrics-poly-coherent_euclid_500stars.npy
├── wf-outputs-202305271918
│   ├── config
│   │   ├── data_config.yaml
│   │   └── metrics_config_1000.yaml
│   ├── metrics
│   │   └── metrics-poly-coherent_euclid_1000stars.npy

Below is the following plotting_config.yaml file that would generate plots including each of the three metrics outputs in the example above:

  # Specify path to parent folder containing wf-psf metrics outputs for all runs, ex: $WORK/wf-outputs/
  metrics_output_path: $WORK/wf-outputs/
  # List all of the parent output directories (i.e. wf-outputs-xxxxxxxxxxx) that contain metrics results to be included in the plot 
      - wf-outputs-202305271829 
      - wf-outputs-202305271845 
      - wf-outputs-202305271918

  # List the corresponding names of the metric config file in each of the parent output directories (would like to change such that code goes and finds them in the metrics_dir)
      - metrics_config_200.yaml
      - metrics_config_500.yaml
      - metrics_config_1000.yaml

  # Show plots flag
  plot_show: False

In the field for the key: metrics_output_path, the user provides the path to the parent directory containing the subdirectories of the runs to be plotted. Then under the metrics_dir key, the user lists row-by-row the names of the parent directories for each run. Similarly, for the metrics_config key, the user can list the names of the metrics_config files used for the additional runs row-by-row. Note, if the user only wants to plot the metric from an active metrics evaluation run, i.e. the plotting pipeline task is run subsequently after the metrics pipeline, these fields can be left empty. The only plotting parameter plot_show is a Boolean used to trigger a display of the plot at runtime (as in an interactive session). If False, no plot is displayed.

Master Configuration

The configs.yaml file is the master configuration file that is used to define all of the pipeline tasks to be submitted and executed by WaveDiff during runtime. In this file, the user lists the processing tasks (one or more) to be performed by setting the values of the associated configuration variables {pipeline_task}_conf and the name of the configuration file {pipeline_task}_config.yaml. See an example below to configure WaveDiff to launch a sequence of runs to train models 1…n with their respective configurations given in the files training_config_{id}.yaml.

  training_conf_1: training_config_1.yaml
  training_conf_2: training_config_2.yaml
  training_conf_n: training_config_n.yaml

Each training task is run sequentially and independently of the others. All of the results are stored in the same wf-outputs-<timestamp> directory as shown in the example below.

├── wf-outputs-202310131055
│   ├── checkpoint
│   │   ├── checkpoint
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── checkpoint_callback_poly-coherent_euclid_200stars_1_cycle1.index
│   ├── ...
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├── checkpoint_callback_poly-coherent_euclid_200stars_n_cycle1.index
│   ├── config
│   │   ├── configs.yaml
│   │   ├── data_config.yaml
│   │   ├── training_config_1.yaml
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── training_config_n.yaml
│   ├── log-files
│   │   └── wf-psf_202310131055.log
│   ├── optim-hist
│   │   ├── optim_hist_poly-coherent_euclid_200stars_1.npy
│   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── optim_hist_poly-coherent_euclid_200stars_n.npy
│   ├── plots
│   └── psf_model
│       ├── checkpoint
│       ├──
│       ├── psf_model_poly-coherent_euclid_200stars_1_cycle1.index
│       ├── ...
│       ├──
│       ├── psf_model_poly-coherent_euclid_200stars_n_cycle1.index

Likewise, to perform a metrics evaluation and generate plots for each training run (as in the example above), the corresponding names of the metrics_config.yaml and plotting_config.yaml files need to be provided as values to the {metrics}_config and {plotting}_config parameters in training_config_{id}.yaml and metrics_config.yaml files, respectively. The same metrics_config.yaml and plotting_config.yaml files can be used for each training_config_{id}.yaml file. Below is an example of the config tree structure for a training + metrics + plotting run:

├── configs.yaml
├── data_config.yaml
├── metrics_config.yaml
├── plotting_config.yaml
├── training_config_1.yaml
├── ...
└── training_config_n.yaml

Note, in this version of WaveDiff produces a single plot per each metric per trained model. To display all of the metrics results for each trained model in a single plot, the user must do so in a different run following the steps defined in the section Plot Configuration. The next upgrade to WaveDiff will feature options to produce independent metrics plots per trained model or a single master plot comparing the respective metric results for all trained models.

The master configuration file can include a combination of the three pipeline tasks, i.e. training, metrics and plotting. This will prompt WaveDiff to do independent tasks like train a new PSF model, compute the metrics of a pre-trained PSF model, or produce plots for a selection of pre-computed metrics. While currently WaveDiff executes these jobs sequentially on a single GPU, the future plan is to distribute these tasks in parallel across multiple GPUs to accelerate the computation.

If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to open a Github issue.