Source code for wf_psf.metrics.metrics

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import galsim as gs
import wf_psf.utils.utils as utils
from wf_psf.psf_models.tf_psf_field import build_PSF_model
from wf_psf.psf_models import tf_psf_field as psf_field
from wf_psf.sims import SimPSFToolkit as SimPSFToolkit
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def compute_poly_metric( tf_semiparam_field, GT_tf_semiparam_field, simPSF_np, tf_pos, tf_SEDs, n_bins_lda=20, n_bins_gt=20, batch_size=16, dataset_dict=None, ): """Calculate metrics for polychromatic reconstructions. The ``tf_semiparam_field`` should be the model to evaluate, and the ``GT_tf_semiparam_field`` should be loaded with the ground truth PSF field. Relative values returned in [%] (so multiplied by 100). Parameters ---------- tf_semiparam_field: PSF field object Trained model to evaluate. GT_tf_semiparam_field: PSF field object Ground truth model to produce GT observations at any position and wavelength. simPSF_np: PSF simulator object Simulation object to be used by ``generate_packed_elems`` function. tf_pos: Tensor or numpy.ndarray [batch x 2] floats Positions to evaluate the model. tf_SEDs: numpy.ndarray [batch x SED_samples x 2] SED samples for the corresponding positions. n_bins_lda: int Number of wavelength bins to use for the polychromatic PSF. n_bins_gt: int Number of wavelength bins to use for the ground truth polychromatic PSF. batch_size: int Batch size for the PSF calcualtions. dataset_dict: dict Dictionary containing the dataset information. If provided, and if the `'stars'` key is present, the noiseless stars from the dataset are used to compute the metrics. Otherwise, the stars are generated from the GT model. Default is `None`. Returns ------- rmse: float RMSE value. rel_rmse: float Relative RMSE value. Values in %. std_rmse: float Sstandard deviation of RMSEs. std_rel_rmse: float Standard deviation of relative RMSEs. Values in %. """ # Generate SED data list for the model packed_SED_data = [ utils.generate_packed_elems(_sed, simPSF_np, n_bins=n_bins_lda) for _sed in tf_SEDs ] tf_packed_SED_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(packed_SED_data, dtype=tf.float32) tf_packed_SED_data = tf.transpose(tf_packed_SED_data, perm=[0, 2, 1]) pred_inputs = [tf_pos, tf_packed_SED_data] # Model prediction preds = tf_semiparam_field.predict(x=pred_inputs, batch_size=batch_size) # GT data preparation if dataset_dict is None or "stars" not in dataset_dict:"Regenerating GT stars from model.") # Change interpolation parameters for the GT simPSF interp_pts_per_bin = simPSF_np.SED_interp_pts_per_bin simPSF_np.SED_interp_pts_per_bin = 0 SED_sigma = simPSF_np.SED_sigma simPSF_np.SED_sigma = 0 # Generate SED data list for GT model packed_SED_data = [ utils.generate_packed_elems(_sed, simPSF_np, n_bins=n_bins_gt) for _sed in tf_SEDs ] tf_packed_SED_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(packed_SED_data, dtype=tf.float32) tf_packed_SED_data = tf.transpose(tf_packed_SED_data, perm=[0, 2, 1]) pred_inputs = [tf_pos, tf_packed_SED_data] # GT model prediction GT_preds = GT_tf_semiparam_field.predict(x=pred_inputs, batch_size=batch_size) else:"Using GT stars from dataset.") GT_preds = dataset_dict["stars"] # Calculate residuals residuals = np.sqrt(np.mean((GT_preds - preds) ** 2, axis=(1, 2))) GT_star_mean = np.sqrt(np.mean((GT_preds) ** 2, axis=(1, 2))) # RMSE calculations rmse = np.mean(residuals) rel_rmse = 100.0 * np.mean(residuals / GT_star_mean) # STD calculations std_rmse = np.std(residuals) std_rel_rmse = 100.0 * np.std(residuals / GT_star_mean) # Print RMSE values"Absolute RMSE:\t %.4e \t +/- %.4e" % (rmse, std_rmse))"Relative RMSE:\t %.4e %% \t +/- %.4e %%" % (rel_rmse, std_rel_rmse)) return rmse, rel_rmse, std_rmse, std_rel_rmse
[docs] def compute_mono_metric( tf_semiparam_field, GT_tf_semiparam_field, simPSF_np, tf_pos, lambda_list, batch_size=32, ): """Calculate metrics for monochromatic reconstructions. The ``tf_semiparam_field`` should be the model to evaluate, and the ``GT_tf_semiparam_field`` should be loaded with the ground truth PSF field. Relative values returned in [%] (so multiplied by 100). Parameters ---------- tf_semiparam_field: PSF field object Trained model to evaluate. GT_tf_semiparam_field: PSF field object Ground truth model to produce GT observations at any position and wavelength. simPSF_np: PSF simulator object Simulation object capable of calculating ``phase_N`` values from wavelength values. tf_pos: list of floats [batch x 2] Positions to evaluate the model. lambda_list: list of floats [wavelength_values] List of wavelength values in [um] to evaluate the model. batch_size: int Batch size to process the monochromatic PSF calculations. Returns ------- rmse_lda: list of float List of RMSE as a function of wavelength. rel_rmse_lda: list of float List of relative RMSE as a function of wavelength. Values in %. std_rmse_lda: list of float List of standard deviation of RMSEs as a function of wavelength. std_rel_rmse_lda: list of float List of standard deviation of relative RMSEs as a function of wavelength. Values in %. """ # Initialise lists rmse_lda = [] rel_rmse_lda = [] std_rmse_lda = [] std_rel_rmse_lda = [] total_samples = tf_pos.shape[0] # Main loop for each wavelength for it in range(len(lambda_list)): # Set the lambda (wavelength) and the required wavefront N lambda_obs = lambda_list[it] phase_N = simPSF_np.feasible_N(lambda_obs) residuals = np.zeros((total_samples)) GT_star_mean = np.zeros((total_samples)) # Total number of epochs n_epochs = int(np.ceil(total_samples / batch_size)) ep_low_lim = 0 for ep in range(n_epochs): # Define the upper limit if ep_low_lim + batch_size >= total_samples: ep_up_lim = total_samples else: ep_up_lim = ep_low_lim + batch_size # Extract the batch batch_pos = tf_pos[ep_low_lim:ep_up_lim, :] # Estimate the monochromatic PSFs GT_mono_psf = GT_tf_semiparam_field.predict_mono_psfs( input_positions=batch_pos, lambda_obs=lambda_obs, phase_N=phase_N ) model_mono_psf = tf_semiparam_field.predict_mono_psfs( input_positions=batch_pos, lambda_obs=lambda_obs, phase_N=phase_N ) num_pixels = GT_mono_psf.shape[1] * GT_mono_psf.shape[2] residuals[ep_low_lim:ep_up_lim] = ( np.sum((GT_mono_psf - model_mono_psf) ** 2, axis=(1, 2)) / num_pixels ) GT_star_mean[ep_low_lim:ep_up_lim] = ( np.sum((GT_mono_psf) ** 2, axis=(1, 2)) / num_pixels ) # Increase lower limit ep_low_lim += batch_size # Calculate residuals residuals = np.sqrt(residuals) GT_star_mean = np.sqrt(GT_star_mean) # RMSE calculations rmse_lda.append(np.mean(residuals)) rel_rmse_lda.append(100.0 * np.mean(residuals / GT_star_mean)) # STD calculations std_rmse_lda.append(np.std(residuals)) std_rel_rmse_lda.append(100.0 * np.std(residuals / GT_star_mean)) return rmse_lda, rel_rmse_lda, std_rmse_lda, std_rel_rmse_lda
[docs] def compute_opd_metrics(tf_semiparam_field, GT_tf_semiparam_field, pos, batch_size=16): """Compute the OPD metrics. Need to handle a batch size to avoid Out-Of-Memory errors with the GPUs. This is specially due to the fact that the OPD maps have a higher dimensionality than the observed PSFs. The OPD RMSE is computed after having removed the mean from the different reconstructions. It is computed only on the non-obscured elements from the OPD. Parameters ---------- tf_semiparam_field: PSF field object Trained model to evaluate. GT_tf_semiparam_field: PSF field object Ground truth model to produce GT observations at any position and wavelength. pos: numpy.ndarray [batch x 2] Positions at where to predict the OPD maps. batch_size: int Batch size to process the OPD calculations. Returns ------- rmse: float Absolute RMSE value. rel_rmse: float Relative RMSE value. rmse_std: float Absolute RMSE standard deviation. rel_rmse_std: float Relative RMSE standard deviation. """ # Get OPD obscurations np_obscurations = np.real(GT_tf_semiparam_field.obscurations.numpy()) # Define total number of samples n_samples = pos.shape[0] # Initialise batch variables opd_batch = None GT_opd_batch = None counter = 0 # Initialise result lists rmse_vals = np.zeros(n_samples) rel_rmse_vals = np.zeros(n_samples) while counter < n_samples: # Calculate the batch end element if counter + batch_size <= n_samples: end_sample = counter + batch_size else: end_sample = n_samples # Define the batch positions batch_pos = pos[counter:end_sample, :] # We calculate a batch of OPDs opd_batch = tf_semiparam_field.predict_opd(batch_pos).numpy() GT_opd_batch = GT_tf_semiparam_field.predict_opd(batch_pos).numpy() # Remove the mean of the OPD opd_batch -= np.mean(opd_batch, axis=(1, 2)).reshape(-1, 1, 1) GT_opd_batch -= np.mean(GT_opd_batch, axis=(1, 2)).reshape(-1, 1, 1) # Obscure the OPDs opd_batch *= np_obscurations GT_opd_batch *= np_obscurations # Generate obscuration mask obsc_mask = np_obscurations > 0 nb_mask_elems = np.sum(obsc_mask) # Compute the OPD RMSE with the masked obscurations res_opd = np.sqrt( np.array( [ np.sum((im1[obsc_mask] - im2[obsc_mask]) ** 2) / nb_mask_elems for im1, im2 in zip(opd_batch, GT_opd_batch) ] ) ) GT_opd_mean = np.sqrt( np.array( [np.sum(im2[obsc_mask] ** 2) / nb_mask_elems for im2 in GT_opd_batch] ) ) # RMSE calculations rmse_vals[counter:end_sample] = res_opd rel_rmse_vals[counter:end_sample] = 100.0 * (res_opd / GT_opd_mean) # Add the results to the lists counter += batch_size # Calculate final values rmse = np.mean(rmse_vals) rel_rmse = np.mean(rel_rmse_vals) rmse_std = np.std(rmse_vals) rel_rmse_std = np.std(rel_rmse_vals) # Print RMSE values"Absolute RMSE:\t %.4e \t +/- %.4e" % (rmse, rmse_std))"Relative RMSE:\t %.4e %% \t +/- %.4e %%" % (rel_rmse, rel_rmse_std)) return rmse, rel_rmse, rmse_std, rel_rmse_std
[docs] def compute_shape_metrics( tf_semiparam_field, GT_tf_semiparam_field, simPSF_np, SEDs, tf_pos, n_bins_lda, n_bins_gt, output_Q=1, output_dim=64, batch_size=16, opt_stars_rel_pix_rmse=False, dataset_dict=None, ): """Compute the pixel, shape and size RMSE of a PSF model. This is done at a specific sampling and output image dimension. It is done for polychromatic PSFs so SEDs are needed. Parameters ---------- tf_semiparam_field: PSF field object Trained model to evaluate. GT_tf_semiparam_field: PSF field object Ground truth model to produce GT observations at any position and wavelength. simPSF_np: SEDs: numpy.ndarray [batch x SED_samples x 2] SED samples for the corresponding positions. tf_pos: Tensor [batch x 2] Positions at where to predict the PSFs. n_bins_lda: int Number of wavelength bins to use for the polychromatic PSF. n_bins_gt: int Number of wavelength bins to use for the ground truth polychromatic PSF. output_Q: int Downsampling rate to match the specified telescope's sampling. The value of `output_Q` should be equal to `oversampling_rate` in order to have the right pixel sampling corresponding to the telescope characteristics `pix_sampling`, `tel_diameter`, `tel_focal_length`. The final oversampling obtained is `oversampling_rate/output_Q`. Default is `1`, so the output psf will be super-resolved by a factor of `oversampling_rate`. TLDR: better use `1` and measure shapes on the super-resolved PSFs. output_dim: int Output dimension of the square PSF stamps. batch_size: int Batch size to process the PSF estimations. opt_stars_rel_pix_rmse: bool If `True`, the relative pixel RMSE of each star is added to ther saving dictionary. The summary statistics are always computed. Default is `False`. dataset_dict: dict Dictionary containing the dataset information. If provided, and if the `'super_res_stars'` key is present, the noiseless super resolved stars from the dataset are used to compute the metrics. Otherwise, the stars are generated from the GT model. Default is `None`. Returns ------- result_dict: dict Dictionary with all the results. """ # Save original output_Q and output_dim original_out_Q = tf_semiparam_field.output_Q original_out_dim = tf_semiparam_field.output_dim GT_original_out_Q = GT_tf_semiparam_field.output_Q GT_original_out_dim = GT_tf_semiparam_field.output_dim # Set the required output_Q and output_dim parameters in the models tf_semiparam_field.set_output_Q(output_Q=output_Q, output_dim=output_dim) GT_tf_semiparam_field.set_output_Q(output_Q=output_Q, output_dim=output_dim) # Need to compile the models again tf_semiparam_field = build_PSF_model(tf_semiparam_field) GT_tf_semiparam_field = build_PSF_model(GT_tf_semiparam_field) # Generate SED data list packed_SED_data = [ utils.generate_packed_elems(_sed, simPSF_np, n_bins=n_bins_lda) for _sed in SEDs ] # Prepare inputs tf_packed_SED_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(packed_SED_data, dtype=tf.float32) tf_packed_SED_data = tf.transpose(tf_packed_SED_data, perm=[0, 2, 1]) pred_inputs = [tf_pos, tf_packed_SED_data] # PSF model predictions = tf_semiparam_field.predict(x=pred_inputs, batch_size=batch_size) # GT data preparation if ( dataset_dict is None or "super_res_stars" not in dataset_dict or "SR_stars" not in dataset_dict ):"Generating GT super resolved stars from the GT model.") # Change interpolation parameters for the GT simPSF interp_pts_per_bin = simPSF_np.SED_interp_pts_per_bin simPSF_np.SED_interp_pts_per_bin = 0 SED_sigma = simPSF_np.SED_sigma simPSF_np.SED_sigma = 0 # Generate SED data list for GT model packed_SED_data = [ utils.generate_packed_elems(_sed, simPSF_np, n_bins=n_bins_gt) for _sed in SEDs ] # Prepare inputs tf_packed_SED_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(packed_SED_data, dtype=tf.float32) tf_packed_SED_data = tf.transpose(tf_packed_SED_data, perm=[0, 2, 1]) pred_inputs = [tf_pos, tf_packed_SED_data] # Ground Truth model GT_predictions = GT_tf_semiparam_field.predict( x=pred_inputs, batch_size=batch_size ) else:"Using super resolved stars from dataset.") if "super_res_stars" in dataset_dict: GT_predictions = dataset_dict["super_res_stars"] elif "SR_stars" in dataset_dict: GT_predictions = dataset_dict["SR_stars"] # Calculate residuals residuals = np.sqrt(np.mean((GT_predictions - predictions) ** 2, axis=(1, 2))) GT_star_mean = np.sqrt(np.mean((GT_predictions) ** 2, axis=(1, 2))) # Pixel RMSE for each star if opt_stars_rel_pix_rmse: stars_rel_pix_rmse = 100.0 * residuals / GT_star_mean # RMSE calculations pix_rmse = np.mean(residuals) rel_pix_rmse = 100.0 * np.mean(residuals / GT_star_mean) # STD calculations pix_rmse_std = np.std(residuals) rel_pix_rmse_std = 100.0 * np.std(residuals / GT_star_mean) # Print pixel RMSE values "\nPixel star absolute RMSE:\t %.4e \t +/- %.4e " % (pix_rmse, pix_rmse_std) ) "Pixel star relative RMSE:\t %.4e %% \t +/- %.4e %%" % (rel_pix_rmse, rel_pix_rmse_std) ) # Measure shapes of the reconstructions pred_moments = [ gs.hsm.FindAdaptiveMom(gs.Image(_pred), strict=False) for _pred in predictions ] # Measure shapes of the reconstructions GT_pred_moments = [ gs.hsm.FindAdaptiveMom(gs.Image(_pred), strict=False) for _pred in GT_predictions ] pred_e1_HSM, pred_e2_HSM, pred_R2_HSM = [], [], [] GT_pred_e1_HSM, GT_pred_e2_HSM, GT_pred_R2_HSM = [], [], [] for it in range(len(GT_pred_moments)): if ( pred_moments[it].moments_status == 0 and GT_pred_moments[it].moments_status == 0 ): pred_e1_HSM.append(pred_moments[it].observed_shape.g1) pred_e2_HSM.append(pred_moments[it].observed_shape.g2) pred_R2_HSM.append(2 * (pred_moments[it].moments_sigma ** 2)) GT_pred_e1_HSM.append(GT_pred_moments[it].observed_shape.g1) GT_pred_e2_HSM.append(GT_pred_moments[it].observed_shape.g2) GT_pred_R2_HSM.append(2 * (GT_pred_moments[it].moments_sigma ** 2)) pred_e1_HSM = np.array(pred_e1_HSM) pred_e2_HSM = np.array(pred_e2_HSM) pred_R2_HSM = np.array(pred_R2_HSM) GT_pred_e1_HSM = np.array(GT_pred_e1_HSM) GT_pred_e2_HSM = np.array(GT_pred_e2_HSM) GT_pred_R2_HSM = np.array(GT_pred_R2_HSM) # Calculate metrics # e1 e1_res = GT_pred_e1_HSM - pred_e1_HSM e1_res_rel = (GT_pred_e1_HSM - pred_e1_HSM) / GT_pred_e1_HSM rmse_e1 = np.sqrt(np.mean(e1_res**2)) rel_rmse_e1 = 100.0 * np.sqrt(np.mean(e1_res_rel**2)) std_rmse_e1 = np.std(e1_res) std_rel_rmse_e1 = 100.0 * np.std(e1_res_rel) # e2 e2_res = GT_pred_e2_HSM - pred_e2_HSM e2_res_rel = (GT_pred_e2_HSM - pred_e2_HSM) / GT_pred_e2_HSM rmse_e2 = np.sqrt(np.mean(e2_res**2)) rel_rmse_e2 = 100.0 * np.sqrt(np.mean(e2_res_rel**2)) std_rmse_e2 = np.std(e2_res) std_rel_rmse_e2 = 100.0 * np.std(e2_res_rel) # R2 R2_res = GT_pred_R2_HSM - pred_R2_HSM rmse_R2_meanR2 = np.sqrt(np.mean(R2_res**2)) / np.mean(GT_pred_R2_HSM) std_rmse_R2_meanR2 = np.std(R2_res / GT_pred_R2_HSM) # Print shape/size errors"\nsigma(e1) RMSE =\t\t %.4e \t +/- %.4e " % (rmse_e1, std_rmse_e1))"sigma(e2) RMSE =\t\t %.4e \t +/- %.4e " % (rmse_e2, std_rmse_e2)) "sigma(R2)/<R2> =\t\t %.4e \t +/- %.4e " % (rmse_R2_meanR2, std_rmse_R2_meanR2) ) # Print relative shape/size errors "\nRelative sigma(e1) RMSE =\t %.4e %% \t +/- %.4e %%" % (rel_rmse_e1, std_rel_rmse_e1) ) "Relative sigma(e2) RMSE =\t %.4e %% \t +/- %.4e %%" % (rel_rmse_e2, std_rel_rmse_e2) ) # Print number of stars"\nTotal number of stars: \t\t%d" % (len(GT_pred_moments))) "Problematic number of stars: \t%d" % (len(GT_pred_moments) - GT_pred_e1_HSM.shape[0]) ) # Re-et the original output_Q and output_dim parameters in the models tf_semiparam_field.set_output_Q( output_Q=original_out_Q, output_dim=original_out_dim ) GT_tf_semiparam_field.set_output_Q( output_Q=GT_original_out_Q, output_dim=GT_original_out_dim ) # Need to compile the models again tf_semiparam_field = build_PSF_model(tf_semiparam_field) GT_tf_semiparam_field = build_PSF_model(GT_tf_semiparam_field) # Moment results result_dict = { "pred_e1_HSM": pred_e1_HSM, "pred_e2_HSM": pred_e2_HSM, "pred_R2_HSM": pred_R2_HSM, "GT_pred_e1_HSM": GT_pred_e1_HSM, "GT_ped_e2_HSM": GT_pred_e2_HSM, "GT_pred_R2_HSM": GT_pred_R2_HSM, "rmse_e1": rmse_e1, "std_rmse_e1": std_rmse_e1, "rel_rmse_e1": rel_rmse_e1, "std_rel_rmse_e1": std_rel_rmse_e1, "rmse_e2": rmse_e2, "std_rmse_e2": std_rmse_e2, "rel_rmse_e2": rel_rmse_e2, "std_rel_rmse_e2": std_rel_rmse_e2, "rmse_R2_meanR2": rmse_R2_meanR2, "std_rmse_R2_meanR2": std_rmse_R2_meanR2, "pix_rmse": pix_rmse, "pix_rmse_std": pix_rmse_std, "rel_pix_rmse": rel_pix_rmse, "rel_pix_rmse_std": rel_pix_rmse_std, "output_Q": output_Q, "output_dim": output_dim, "n_bins_lda": n_bins_lda, } if opt_stars_rel_pix_rmse: result_dict["stars_rel_pix_rmse"] = stars_rel_pix_rmse return result_dict
[docs] def gen_GT_wf_model(test_wf_file_path, pred_output_Q=1, pred_output_dim=64): r"""Generate the ground truth model and output test PSF ar required resolution. If `pred_output_Q=1` the resolution will be 3 times the one of Euclid. """ # Load dataset wf_test_dataset = np.load(test_wf_file_path, allow_pickle=True)[()] # Extract parameters from the wf test dataset wf_test_params = wf_test_dataset["parameters"] wf_test_C_poly = wf_test_dataset["C_poly"] wf_test_pos = wf_test_dataset["positions"] tf_test_pos = tf.convert_to_tensor(wf_test_pos, dtype=tf.float32) wf_test_SEDs = wf_test_dataset["SEDs"] # Generate GT model batch_size = 16 # Generate Zernike maps zernikes = utils.zernike_generator( n_zernikes=wf_test_params["max_order"], wfe_dim=wf_test_params["pupil_diameter"] ) ## Generate initializations # Prepare np input simPSF_np = SimPSFToolkit( zernikes, max_order=wf_test_params["max_order"], pupil_diameter=wf_test_params["pupil_diameter"], output_dim=wf_test_params["output_dim"], oversampling_rate=wf_test_params["oversampling_rate"], output_Q=wf_test_params["output_Q"], ) simPSF_np.gen_random_Z_coeffs(max_order=wf_test_params["max_order"]) z_coeffs = simPSF_np.normalize_zernikes( simPSF_np.get_z_coeffs(), simPSF_np.max_wfe_rms ) simPSF_np.set_z_coeffs(z_coeffs) simPSF_np.generate_mono_PSF(lambda_obs=0.7, regen_sample=False) # Obscurations obscurations = simPSF_np.generate_pupil_obscurations( N_pix=wf_test_params["pupil_diameter"], N_filter=wf_test_params["LP_filter_length"], ) tf_obscurations = tf.convert_to_tensor(obscurations, dtype=tf.complex64) ## Prepare ground truth model # Now Zernike's as cubes np_zernike_cube = np.zeros( (len(zernikes), zernikes[0].shape[0], zernikes[0].shape[1]) ) for it in range(len(zernikes)): np_zernike_cube[it, :, :] = zernikes[it] np_zernike_cube[np.isnan(np_zernike_cube)] = 0 tf_zernike_cube = tf.convert_to_tensor(np_zernike_cube, dtype=tf.float32) # Initialize the model GT_tf_semiparam_field = psf_field.TF_SemiParam_field( zernike_maps=tf_zernike_cube, obscurations=tf_obscurations, batch_size=batch_size, output_Q=wf_test_params["output_Q"], d_max_nonparam=2, output_dim=wf_test_params["output_dim"], n_zernikes=wf_test_params["max_order"], d_max=wf_test_params["d_max"], x_lims=wf_test_params["x_lims"], y_lims=wf_test_params["y_lims"], ) # For the Ground truth model GT_tf_semiparam_field.tf_poly_Z_field.assign_coeff_matrix(wf_test_C_poly) _ = GT_tf_semiparam_field.tf_np_poly_opd.alpha_mat.assign( tf.zeros_like(GT_tf_semiparam_field.tf_np_poly_opd.alpha_mat) ) # Set required output_Q GT_tf_semiparam_field.set_output_Q( output_Q=pred_output_Q, output_dim=pred_output_dim ) GT_tf_semiparam_field = psf_field.build_PSF_model(GT_tf_semiparam_field) packed_SED_data = [ utils.generate_packed_elems(_sed, simPSF_np, n_bins=wf_test_params["n_bins"]) for _sed in wf_test_SEDs ] # Prepare inputs tf_packed_SED_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(packed_SED_data, dtype=tf.float32) tf_packed_SED_data = tf.transpose(tf_packed_SED_data, perm=[0, 2, 1]) pred_inputs = [tf_test_pos, tf_packed_SED_data] # Ground Truth model GT_predictions = GT_tf_semiparam_field.predict(x=pred_inputs, batch_size=batch_size) return GT_predictions, wf_test_pos, GT_tf_semiparam_field
## Below this line there are DEPRECATED functions
[docs] def compute_metrics( tf_semiparam_field, simPSF_np, test_SEDs, train_SEDs, tf_test_pos, tf_train_pos, tf_test_stars, tf_train_stars, n_bins_lda, batch_size=16, ): # Generate SED data list test_packed_SED_data = [ utils.generate_packed_elems(_sed, simPSF_np, n_bins=n_bins_lda) for _sed in test_SEDs ] tf_test_packed_SED_data = tf.convert_to_tensor( test_packed_SED_data, dtype=tf.float32 ) tf_test_packed_SED_data = tf.transpose(tf_test_packed_SED_data, perm=[0, 2, 1]) test_pred_inputs = [tf_test_pos, tf_test_packed_SED_data] test_predictions = tf_semiparam_field.predict( x=test_pred_inputs, batch_size=batch_size ) # Initialize the SED data list packed_SED_data = [ utils.generate_packed_elems(_sed, simPSF_np, n_bins=n_bins_lda) for _sed in train_SEDs ] # First estimate the stars for the observations tf_packed_SED_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(packed_SED_data, dtype=tf.float32) tf_packed_SED_data = tf.transpose(tf_packed_SED_data, perm=[0, 2, 1]) inputs = [tf_train_pos, tf_packed_SED_data] train_predictions = tf_semiparam_field.predict(x=inputs, batch_size=batch_size) # Calculate RMSE values test_res = np.sqrt(np.mean((tf_test_stars - test_predictions) ** 2)) train_res = np.sqrt(np.mean((tf_train_stars - train_predictions) ** 2)) # Calculate relative RMSE values relative_test_res = test_res / np.sqrt(np.mean((tf_test_stars) ** 2)) relative_train_res = train_res / np.sqrt(np.mean((tf_train_stars) ** 2)) # Print RMSE values"Test stars absolute RMSE:\t %.4e" % test_res)"Training stars absolute RMSE:\t %.4e" % train_res) # Print RMSE values"Test stars relative RMSE:\t %.4e %%" % (relative_test_res * 100.0)) "Training stars relative RMSE:\t %.4e %%" % (relative_train_res * 100.0) ) return test_res, train_res
[docs] def compute_opd_metrics_mccd( tf_semiparam_field, GT_tf_semiparam_field, test_pos, train_pos ): """Compute the OPD metrics.""" np_obscurations = np.real(tf_semiparam_field.obscurations.numpy()) ## For test positions # Param part zernike_coeffs = tf_semiparam_field.tf_poly_Z_field(test_pos) P_opd_pred = tf_semiparam_field.tf_zernike_OPD(zernike_coeffs) # Non-Param part NP_opd_pred = tf_semiparam_field.tf_NP_mccd_OPD.predict(test_pos) # OPD prediction opd_pred = tf.math.add(P_opd_pred, NP_opd_pred) # GT model GT_zernike_coeffs = GT_tf_semiparam_field.tf_poly_Z_field(test_pos) GT_opd_maps = GT_tf_semiparam_field.tf_zernike_OPD(GT_zernike_coeffs) # Compute residual and obscure the OPD res_opd = (GT_opd_maps.numpy() - opd_pred.numpy()) * np_obscurations # Calculate absolute RMSE values test_opd_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(res_opd**2)) # Calculate relative RMSE values relative_test_opd_rmse = test_opd_rmse / np.sqrt( np.mean((GT_opd_maps.numpy() * np_obscurations) ** 2) ) # Print RMSE values"Test stars absolute OPD RMSE:\t %.4e" % test_opd_rmse) "Test stars relative OPD RMSE:\t %.4e %%\n" % (relative_test_opd_rmse * 100.0) ) ## For train part # Param part zernike_coeffs = tf_semiparam_field.tf_poly_Z_field(train_pos) P_opd_pred = tf_semiparam_field.tf_zernike_OPD(zernike_coeffs) # Non-Param part NP_opd_pred = tf_semiparam_field.tf_NP_mccd_OPD.predict(train_pos) # OPD prediction opd_pred = tf.math.add(P_opd_pred, NP_opd_pred) # GT model GT_zernike_coeffs = GT_tf_semiparam_field.tf_poly_Z_field(train_pos) GT_opd_maps = GT_tf_semiparam_field.tf_zernike_OPD(GT_zernike_coeffs) # Compute residual and obscure the OPD res_opd = (GT_opd_maps.numpy() - opd_pred.numpy()) * np_obscurations # Calculate RMSE values train_opd_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(res_opd**2)) # Calculate relative RMSE values relative_train_opd_rmse = train_opd_rmse / np.sqrt( np.mean((GT_opd_maps.numpy() * np_obscurations) ** 2) ) # Print RMSE values"Train stars absolute OPD RMSE:\t %.4e" % train_opd_rmse) "Train stars relative OPD RMSE:\t %.4e %%\n" % (relative_train_opd_rmse * 100.0) ) return test_opd_rmse, train_opd_rmse
[docs] def compute_opd_metrics_polymodel( tf_semiparam_field, GT_tf_semiparam_field, test_pos, train_pos ): """Compute the OPD metrics.""" np_obscurations = np.real(tf_semiparam_field.obscurations.numpy()) ## For test positions # Param part zernike_coeffs = tf_semiparam_field.tf_poly_Z_field(test_pos) P_opd_pred = tf_semiparam_field.tf_zernike_OPD(zernike_coeffs) # Non-Param part NP_opd_pred = tf_semiparam_field.tf_np_poly_opd(test_pos) # OPD prediction opd_pred = tf.math.add(P_opd_pred, NP_opd_pred) # GT model GT_zernike_coeffs = GT_tf_semiparam_field.tf_poly_Z_field(test_pos) GT_opd_maps = GT_tf_semiparam_field.tf_zernike_OPD(GT_zernike_coeffs) # Compute residual and obscure the OPD res_opd = (GT_opd_maps.numpy() - opd_pred.numpy()) * np_obscurations # Calculate RMSE values test_opd_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(res_opd**2)) # Calculate relative RMSE values relative_test_opd_rmse = test_opd_rmse / np.sqrt( np.mean((GT_opd_maps.numpy() * np_obscurations) ** 2) ) # Print RMSE values"Test stars OPD RMSE:\t %.4e" % test_opd_rmse) "Test stars relative OPD RMSE:\t %.4e %%\n" % (relative_test_opd_rmse * 100.0) ) ## For train part # Param part zernike_coeffs = tf_semiparam_field.tf_poly_Z_field(train_pos) P_opd_pred = tf_semiparam_field.tf_zernike_OPD(zernike_coeffs) # Non-Param part NP_opd_pred = tf_semiparam_field.tf_np_poly_opd(train_pos) # OPD prediction opd_pred = tf.math.add(P_opd_pred, NP_opd_pred) # GT model GT_zernike_coeffs = GT_tf_semiparam_field.tf_poly_Z_field(train_pos) GT_opd_maps = GT_tf_semiparam_field.tf_zernike_OPD(GT_zernike_coeffs) # Compute residual and obscure the OPD res_opd = (GT_opd_maps.numpy() - opd_pred.numpy()) * np_obscurations # Calculate RMSE values train_opd_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(res_opd**2)) # Calculate relative RMSE values relative_train_opd_rmse = train_opd_rmse / np.sqrt( np.mean((GT_opd_maps.numpy() * np_obscurations) ** 2) ) # Pritn RMSE values"Train stars OPD RMSE:\t %.4e" % train_opd_rmse) "Train stars relative OPD RMSE:\t %.4e %%\n" % (relative_train_opd_rmse * 100.0) ) return test_opd_rmse, train_opd_rmse
[docs] def compute_opd_metrics_param_model( tf_semiparam_field, GT_tf_semiparam_field, test_pos, train_pos ): """Compute the OPD metrics.""" np_obscurations = np.real(tf_semiparam_field.obscurations.numpy()) ## For test positions # Param part zernike_coeffs = tf_semiparam_field.tf_poly_Z_field(test_pos) opd_pred = tf_semiparam_field.tf_zernike_OPD(zernike_coeffs) # GT model GT_zernike_coeffs = GT_tf_semiparam_field.tf_poly_Z_field(test_pos) GT_opd_maps = GT_tf_semiparam_field.tf_zernike_OPD(GT_zernike_coeffs) # Compute residual and obscure the OPD res_opd = (GT_opd_maps.numpy() - opd_pred.numpy()) * np_obscurations # Calculate absolute RMSE values test_opd_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(res_opd**2)) # Calculate relative RMSE values relative_test_opd_rmse = test_opd_rmse / np.sqrt( np.mean((GT_opd_maps.numpy() * np_obscurations) ** 2) ) # Print RMSE values"Test stars absolute OPD RMSE:\t %.4e" % test_opd_rmse) "Test stars relative OPD RMSE:\t %.4e %%\n" % (relative_test_opd_rmse * 100.0) ) ## For train part # Param part zernike_coeffs = tf_semiparam_field.tf_poly_Z_field(train_pos) opd_pred = tf_semiparam_field.tf_zernike_OPD(zernike_coeffs) # GT model GT_zernike_coeffs = GT_tf_semiparam_field.tf_poly_Z_field(train_pos) GT_opd_maps = GT_tf_semiparam_field.tf_zernike_OPD(GT_zernike_coeffs) # Compute residual and obscure the OPD res_opd = (GT_opd_maps.numpy() - opd_pred.numpy()) * np_obscurations # Calculate RMSE values train_opd_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(res_opd**2)) # Calculate relative RMSE values relative_train_opd_rmse = train_opd_rmse / np.sqrt( np.mean((GT_opd_maps.numpy() * np_obscurations) ** 2) ) # Print RMSE values"Train stars absolute OPD RMSE:\t %.4e" % train_opd_rmse) "Train stars relative OPD RMSE:\t %.4e %%\n" % (relative_train_opd_rmse * 100.0) ) return test_opd_rmse, train_opd_rmse
[docs] def compute_one_opd_rmse(GT_tf_semiparam_field, tf_semiparam_field, pos, is_poly=False): """Compute the OPD map for one position.""" np_obscurations = np.real(tf_semiparam_field.obscurations.numpy()) tf_pos = tf.convert_to_tensor(pos, dtype=tf.float32) ## For test positions # Param part zernike_coeffs = tf_semiparam_field.tf_poly_Z_field(tf_pos) P_opd_pred = tf_semiparam_field.tf_zernike_OPD(zernike_coeffs) # Non-Param part if is_poly == False: NP_opd_pred = tf_semiparam_field.tf_NP_mccd_OPD.predict(tf_pos) else: NP_opd_pred = tf_semiparam_field.tf_np_poly_opd(tf_pos) # OPD prediction opd_pred = tf.math.add(P_opd_pred, NP_opd_pred) # GT model GT_zernike_coeffs = GT_tf_semiparam_field.tf_poly_Z_field(tf_pos) GT_opd_maps = GT_tf_semiparam_field.tf_zernike_OPD(GT_zernike_coeffs) # Compute residual and obscure the OPD res_opd = (GT_opd_maps.numpy() - opd_pred.numpy()) * np_obscurations # Calculate RMSE values opd_rmse = np.sqrt(np.mean(res_opd**2)) return opd_rmse
[docs] def plot_function(mesh_pos, residual, tf_train_pos, tf_test_pos, title="Error"): vmax = np.max(residual) vmin = np.min(residual) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) plt.scatter( mesh_pos[:, 0], mesh_pos[:, 1], s=100, c=residual.reshape(-1, 1), cmap="viridis", marker="s", vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin, ) plt.colorbar() plt.scatter( tf_train_pos[:, 0], tf_train_pos[:, 1], c="k", marker="*", s=10, label="Train stars", ) plt.scatter( tf_test_pos[:, 0], tf_test_pos[:, 1], c="r", marker="*", s=10, label="Test stars", ) plt.title(title) plt.xlabel("x-axis") plt.ylabel("y-axis")
[docs] def plot_residual_maps( GT_tf_semiparam_field, tf_semiparam_field, simPSF_np, train_SEDs, tf_train_pos, tf_test_pos, n_bins_lda=20, n_points_per_dim=30, is_poly=False, ): # Recover teh grid limits x_lims = tf_semiparam_field.x_lims y_lims = tf_semiparam_field.y_lims # Generate mesh of testing positions x = np.linspace(x_lims[0], x_lims[1], n_points_per_dim) y = np.linspace(y_lims[0], y_lims[1], n_points_per_dim) x_pos, y_pos = np.meshgrid(x, y) mesh_pos = np.concatenate( (x_pos.flatten().reshape(-1, 1), y_pos.flatten().reshape(-1, 1)), axis=1 ) tf_mesh_pos = tf.convert_to_tensor(mesh_pos, dtype=tf.float32) # Testing the positions rec_x_pos = mesh_pos[:, 0].reshape(x_pos.shape) rec_y_pos = mesh_pos[:, 1].reshape(y_pos.shape) # Get random SED from the training catalog SED_random_integers = np.random.choice( np.arange(train_SEDs.shape[0]), size=mesh_pos.shape[0], replace=True ) # Build the SED catalog for the testing mesh mesh_SEDs = np.array([train_SEDs[_id, :, :] for _id in SED_random_integers]) # Generate SED data list mesh_packed_SED_data = [ utils.generate_packed_elems(_sed, simPSF_np, n_bins=n_bins_lda) for _sed in mesh_SEDs ] # Generate inputs tf_mesh_packed_SED_data = tf.convert_to_tensor( mesh_packed_SED_data, dtype=tf.float32 ) tf_mesh_packed_SED_data = tf.transpose(tf_mesh_packed_SED_data, perm=[0, 2, 1]) mesh_pred_inputs = [tf_mesh_pos, tf_mesh_packed_SED_data] # Predict mesh stars model_mesh_preds = tf_semiparam_field.predict(x=mesh_pred_inputs, batch_size=16) GT_mesh_preds = GT_tf_semiparam_field.predict(x=mesh_pred_inputs, batch_size=16) # Calculate pixel RMSE for each star pix_rmse = np.array( [ np.sqrt(np.mean((_GT_pred - _model_pred) ** 2)) for _GT_pred, _model_pred in zip(GT_mesh_preds, model_mesh_preds) ] ) relative_pix_rmse = np.array( [ np.sqrt(np.mean((_GT_pred - _model_pred) ** 2)) / np.sqrt(np.mean((_GT_pred) ** 2)) for _GT_pred, _model_pred in zip(GT_mesh_preds, model_mesh_preds) ] ) # Plot absolute pixel error plot_function( mesh_pos, pix_rmse, tf_train_pos, tf_test_pos, title="Absolute pixel error" ) # Plot relative pixel error plot_function( mesh_pos, relative_pix_rmse, tf_train_pos, tf_test_pos, title="Relative pixel error", ) # Compute OPD errors opd_rmse = np.array( [ compute_one_opd_rmse( GT_tf_semiparam_field, tf_semiparam_field, _pos.reshape(1, -1), is_poly ) for _pos in mesh_pos ] ) # Plot absolute pixel error plot_function( mesh_pos, opd_rmse, tf_train_pos, tf_test_pos, title="Absolute OPD error" )
[docs] def plot_imgs(mat, cmap="gist_stern", figsize=(20, 20)): """Function to plot 2D images of a tensor. The Tensor is (batch,xdim,ydim) and the matrix of subplots is chosen "intelligently". """ def dp(n, left): # returns tuple (cost, [factors]) memo = {} if (n, left) in memo: return memo[(n, left)] if left == 1: return (n, [n]) i = 2 best = n bestTuple = [n] while i * i <= n: if n % i == 0: rem = dp(n / i, left - 1) if rem[0] + i < best: best = rem[0] + i bestTuple = [i] + rem[1] i += 1 memo[(n, left)] = (best, bestTuple) return memo[(n, left)] n_images = mat.shape[0] row_col = dp(n_images, 2)[1] row_n = int(row_col[0]) col_n = int(row_col[1]) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) idx = 0 for _i in range(row_n): for _j in range(col_n): plt.subplot(row_n, col_n, idx + 1) plt.imshow(mat[idx, :, :], cmap=cmap) plt.colorbar() plt.title("matrix id %d" % idx) idx += 1