Source code for wf_psf.metrics.metrics_interface

"""Metrics Interface.

A module which defines the classes and methods
to manage metrics evaluation of the trained psf model.

:Author: Jennifer Pollack <>


import sys
import numpy as np
import time
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_addons as tfa
import as training_preprocessing
from import TrainingDataHandler, TestDataHandler
from wf_psf.psf_models import psf_models
from wf_psf.metrics import metrics as wf_metrics
import os
import logging
import as io

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def ground_truth_psf_model(metrics_params, coeff_matrix): psf_model = psf_models.get_psf_model( metrics_params.ground_truth_model.model_params, metrics_params.metrics_hparams, ) psf_model.tf_poly_Z_field.assign_coeff_matrix(coeff_matrix) psf_model.tf_np_poly_opd.alpha_mat.assign( np.zeros_like(psf_model.tf_np_poly_opd.alpha_mat) # type: ignore ) return psf_model
[docs] class MetricsParamsHandler: """Metrics Parameters Handler. A class to handle training parameters accessed: Parameters ---------- metrics_params: Recursive Namespace object Recursive Namespace object containing metrics input parameters trained_model: Recursive Namespace object Recursive Namespace object containing trained model input parameters """ def __init__(self, metrics_params, trained_model): self.metrics_params = metrics_params self.trained_model = trained_model
[docs] def evaluate_metrics_polychromatic_lowres(self, psf_model, simPSF, dataset): """Evaluate Polychromatic PSF Low-Res Metrics. A function to evaluate metrics for Low-Res Polychromatic PSF. Inputs ------ psf_model: object PSF model class instance of the psf model selected for metrics evaluation. simPSF: object SimPSFToolkit instance test_dataset: dict Test dataset dictionary Returns ------- poly_metric: dict Dictionary containing RMSE, Relative RMSE values, and corresponding Standard Deviation values for Low-Res Polychromatic PSF metrics. """"Computing polychromatic metrics at low resolution.") rmse, rel_rmse, std_rmse, std_rel_rmse = wf_metrics.compute_poly_metric( tf_semiparam_field=psf_model, GT_tf_semiparam_field=ground_truth_psf_model( self.metrics_params, dataset["C_poly"] ), simPSF_np=simPSF, tf_pos=dataset["positions"], tf_SEDs=dataset["SEDs"], n_bins_lda=self.trained_model.model_params.n_bins_lda, n_bins_gt=self.metrics_params.ground_truth_model.model_params.n_bins_lda, batch_size=self.metrics_params.metrics_hparams.batch_size, dataset_dict=dataset, ) poly_metric = { "rmse": rmse, "rel_rmse": rel_rmse, "std_rmse": std_rmse, "std_rel_rmse": std_rel_rmse, } return poly_metric
[docs] def evaluate_metrics_mono_rmse(self, psf_model, simPSF, dataset): """Evaluate Monochromatic PSF RMSE Metrics. A function to evaluate metrics for Monochromatic PSF. Inputs ------ psf_model: object PSF model class instance of the psf model selected for metrics evaluation. simPSF: object SimPSFToolkit instance test_dataset: dict Test dataset dictionary Returns ------- mono_metric: dict Dictionary containing RMSE, Relative RMSE values, and corresponding Standard Deviation values for Monochromatic PSF metrics. """"Computing monochromatic metrics.") lambda_list = np.arange(0.55, 0.9, 0.01) # 10nm separation ( rmse_lda, rel_rmse_lda, std_rmse_lda, std_rel_rmse_lda, ) = wf_metrics.compute_mono_metric( tf_semiparam_field=psf_model, GT_tf_semiparam_field=ground_truth_psf_model( self.metrics_params, dataset["C_poly"] ), simPSF_np=simPSF, tf_pos=dataset["positions"], lambda_list=lambda_list, ) mono_metric = { "rmse_lda": rmse_lda, "rel_rmse_lda": rel_rmse_lda, "std_rmse_lda": std_rmse_lda, "std_rel_rmse_lda": std_rel_rmse_lda, } return mono_metric
[docs] def evaluate_metrics_opd(self, psf_model, simPSF, dataset): """Evaluate OPD Metrics. A function to evaluate metrics for Optical Path Differences. Inputs ------ psf_model: object PSF model class instance of the psf model selected for metrics evaluation. simPSF: object SimPSFToolkit instance test_dataset: dict Test dataset dictionary Returns ------- opd_metric: dict Dictionary containing RMSE, Relative RMSE values, and corresponding Standard Deviation values for OPD metrics. """"Computing OPD metrics.") ( rmse_opd, rel_rmse_opd, rmse_std_opd, rel_rmse_std_opd, ) = wf_metrics.compute_opd_metrics( tf_semiparam_field=psf_model, GT_tf_semiparam_field=ground_truth_psf_model( self.metrics_params, dataset["C_poly"] ), pos=dataset["positions"], batch_size=self.metrics_params.metrics_hparams.batch_size, ) opd_metric = { "rmse_opd": rmse_opd, "rel_rmse_opd": rel_rmse_opd, "rmse_std_opd": rmse_std_opd, "rel_rmse_std_opd": rel_rmse_std_opd, } return opd_metric
[docs] def evaluate_metrics_shape(self, psf_model, simPSF, dataset): """Evaluate PSF Shape Metrics. A function to evaluate metrics for PSF shape. Inputs ------ psf_model: object PSF model class instance of the psf model selected for metrics evaluation. simPSF: object SimPSFToolkit instance dataset: dict Test dataset dictionary Returns shape_results: dict Dictionary containing RMSE, Relative RMSE values, and corresponding Standard Deviation values for PSF Shape metrics. """"Computing Shape metrics.") shape_results = wf_metrics.compute_shape_metrics( tf_semiparam_field=psf_model, GT_tf_semiparam_field=ground_truth_psf_model( self.metrics_params, dataset["C_poly"] ), simPSF_np=simPSF, SEDs=dataset["SEDs"], tf_pos=dataset["positions"], n_bins_lda=self.trained_model.model_params.n_bins_lda, n_bins_gt=self.metrics_params.ground_truth_model.model_params.n_bins_lda, batch_size=self.metrics_params.metrics_hparams.batch_size, output_Q=self.metrics_params.metrics_hparams.output_Q, output_dim=self.metrics_params.metrics_hparams.output_dim, opt_stars_rel_pix_rmse=self.metrics_params.metrics_hparams.opt_stars_rel_pix_rmse, dataset_dict=dataset, ) return shape_results
[docs] def evaluate_model( metrics_params, trained_model_params, training_data, test_data, psf_model, weights_path, metrics_output, ): r"""Evaluate the trained model. For parameters check the training script click help. Inputs ------ metrics_params: Recursive Namespace object Recursive Namespace object containing metrics input parameters trained_model_params: Recursive Namespace object Recursive Namespace object containing trained model input parameters training_data: object TrainingDataHandler object test_data: object TestDataHandler object psf_model: object PSF model object weights_path: str Directory location of model weights metrics_output: str Directory location of metrics output """ # Start measuring elapsed time starting_time = time.time() try: ## Load datasets # ----------------------------------------------------- # Get training data"Fetching and preprocessing training and test data...") # Initialize metrics_handler metrics_handler = MetricsParamsHandler(metrics_params, trained_model_params) ## Prepare models # Prepare np input simPSF_np = training_data.simPSF ## Load the model's weights try:"Loading PSF model weights from {}".format(weights_path)) psf_model.load_weights(weights_path) except: logger.exception("An error occurred with the weights_path file.") exit() ## Metric evaluation on the test dataset"\n***\nMetric evaluation on the test dataset\n***\n") # Polychromatic star reconstructions poly_metric = metrics_handler.evaluate_metrics_polychromatic_lowres( psf_model, simPSF_np, test_data.test_dataset ) # Monochromatic star reconstructions if metrics_params.eval_mono_metric_rmse: mono_metric = metrics_handler.evaluate_metrics_mono_rmse( psf_model, simPSF_np, test_data.test_dataset ) else: mono_metric = None # OPD metrics if metrics_params.eval_opd_metric_rmse: opd_metric = metrics_handler.evaluate_metrics_opd( psf_model, simPSF_np, test_data.test_dataset ) else: opd_metric = None # Shape metrics "Computing polychromatic high-resolution metrics and shape metrics." ) shape_results_dict = metrics_handler.evaluate_metrics_shape( psf_model, simPSF_np, test_data.test_dataset ) # Save metrics test_metrics = { "poly_metric": poly_metric, "mono_metric": mono_metric, "opd_metric": opd_metric, "shape_results_dict": shape_results_dict, } ## Metric evaluation on the train dataset"\n***\nMetric evaluation on the train dataset\n***\n") # Polychromatic star reconstructions"Computing polychromatic metrics at low resolution.") train_poly_metric = metrics_handler.evaluate_metrics_polychromatic_lowres( psf_model, simPSF_np, training_data.train_dataset ) # Monochromatic star reconstructions turn into a class if metrics_params.eval_mono_metric_rmse: train_mono_metric = metrics_handler.evaluate_metrics_mono_rmse( psf_model, simPSF_np, training_data.train_dataset ) else: train_mono_metric = None # OPD metrics turn into a class if metrics_params.eval_opd_metric_rmse: train_opd_metric = metrics_handler.evaluate_metrics_opd( psf_model, simPSF_np, training_data.train_dataset ) else: train_opd_metric = None # Shape metrics turn into a class if metrics_params.eval_train_shape_sr_metric_rmse: train_shape_results_dict = metrics_handler.evaluate_metrics_shape( psf_model, simPSF_np, training_data.train_dataset ) else: train_shape_results_dict = None # Save metrics into dictionary train_metrics = { "poly_metric": train_poly_metric, "mono_metric": train_mono_metric, "opd_metric": train_opd_metric, "shape_results_dict": train_shape_results_dict, } ## Save results metrics = {"test_metrics": test_metrics, "train_metrics": train_metrics} run_id_name = ( trained_model_params.model_params.model_name + trained_model_params.id_name ) output_path = metrics_output + "/" + "metrics-" + run_id_name, metrics, allow_pickle=True) ## Print final time final_time = time.time()"\nTotal elapsed time: %f" % (final_time - starting_time)) ## Close log file"\n Good bye..") return metrics except Exception as e:"Error: %s" % e) raise