Source code for wf_psf.psf_models.tf_layers

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_addons as tfa
from wf_psf.psf_models.tf_modules import TF_mono_PSF
from wf_psf.utils.utils import calc_poly_position_mat
import wf_psf.utils.utils as utils
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class TF_poly_Z_field(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """Calculate the zernike coefficients for a given position. This module implements a polynomial model of Zernike coefficient variation. Parameters ---------- n_zernikes: int Number of Zernike polynomials to consider d_max: int Max degree of polynomial determining the FoV variations. """ def __init__( self, x_lims, y_lims, random_seed=None, n_zernikes=45, d_max=2, name="TF_poly_Z_field", ): super().__init__(name=name) self.n_zernikes = n_zernikes self.d_max = d_max self.coeff_mat = None self.x_lims = x_lims self.y_lims = y_lims self.random_seed = random_seed self.init_coeff_matrix()
[docs] def get_poly_coefficients_shape(self): """Return the shape of the coefficient matrix.""" return (self.n_zernikes, int((self.d_max + 1) * (self.d_max + 2) / 2))
[docs] def assign_coeff_matrix(self, coeff_mat): """Assign coefficient matrix.""" self.coeff_mat.assign(coeff_mat)
[docs] def get_coeff_matrix(self): """Get coefficient matrix.""" return self.coeff_mat
[docs] def init_coeff_matrix(self): """Initialize coefficient matrix.""" tf.random.set_seed(self.random_seed) coef_init = tf.random_uniform_initializer(minval=-0.01, maxval=0.01) self.coeff_mat = tf.Variable( initial_value=coef_init(self.get_poly_coefficients_shape()), trainable=True, dtype=tf.float32, )
[docs] def call(self, positions): """Calculate the zernike coefficients for a given position. The position polynomial matrix and the coefficients should be set before calling this function. Parameters ---------- positions: Tensor(batch, 2) First element is x-axis, second is y-axis. Returns ------- zernikes_coeffs: Tensor(batch, n_zernikes, 1, 1) """ poly_mat = calc_poly_position_mat( positions, self.x_lims, self.y_lims, self.d_max ) zernikes_coeffs = tf.transpose(tf.linalg.matmul(self.coeff_mat, poly_mat)) return zernikes_coeffs[:, :, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis]
[docs] class TF_zernike_OPD(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """Turn zernike coefficients into an OPD. Will use all of the Zernike maps provided. Both the Zernike maps and the Zernike coefficients must be provided. Parameters ---------- zernike_maps: Tensor (Num_coeffs, x_dim, y_dim) z_coeffs: Tensor (batch_size, n_zernikes, 1, 1) Returns ------- opd: Tensor (batch_size, x_dim, y_dim) """ def __init__(self, zernike_maps, name="TF_zernike_OPD"): super().__init__(name=name) self.zernike_maps = zernike_maps
[docs] def call(self, z_coeffs): """Perform the weighted sum of Zernikes coeffs and maps. Returns ------- opd: Tensor (batch_size, x_dim, y_dim) """ return tf.math.reduce_sum(tf.math.multiply(self.zernike_maps, z_coeffs), axis=1)
[docs] class TF_batch_poly_PSF(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """Calculate a polychromatic PSF from an OPD and stored SED values. The calculation of the packed values with the respective SED is done with the SimPSFToolkit class but outside the TF class. Parameters ---------- obscurations: Tensor [opd_dim, opd_dim] Obscurations to apply to the wavefront. packed_SED_data: Tensor [batch_size, 3, n_bins_lda] Comes from: tf.convert_to_tensor(list(list(Tensor,Tensor,Tensor))) Where each inner list consist of a packed_elem: packed_elems: Tuple of tensors Contains three 1D tensors with the parameters needed for the calculation of one monochromatic PSF. packed_elems[0]: phase_N packed_elems[1]: lambda_obs packed_elems[2]: SED_norm_val The SED data is constant in a FoV. psf_batch: Tensor [batch_size, output_dim, output_dim] Tensor containing the psfs that will be updated each time a calculation is required. REMOVED! """ def __init__(self, obscurations, output_Q, output_dim=64, name="TF_batch_poly_PSF"): super().__init__(name=name) self.output_Q = output_Q self.obscurations = obscurations self.output_dim = output_dim self.current_opd = None
[docs] def calculate_mono_PSF(self, packed_elems): """Calculate monochromatic PSF from packed elements. packed_elems[0]: phase_N packed_elems[1]: lambda_obs packed_elems[2]: SED_norm_val """ # Unpack elements phase_N = packed_elems[0] lambda_obs = packed_elems[1] SED_norm_val = packed_elems[2] # Build the monochromatic PSF generator tf_mono_psf_gen = TF_mono_PSF( phase_N, lambda_obs, self.obscurations, output_Q=self.output_Q, output_dim=self.output_dim, ) # Calculate the PSF mono_psf = tf_mono_psf_gen.__call__(self.current_opd) mono_psf = tf.squeeze(mono_psf, axis=0) # mono_psf = tf.reshape(mono_psf, shape=(mono_psf.shape[1],mono_psf.shape[2])) # Multiply with the respective normalized SED and return return tf.math.scalar_mul(SED_norm_val, mono_psf)
[docs] def calculate_poly_PSF(self, packed_elems): """Calculate a polychromatic PSF.""" self.current_opd = packed_elems[0][tf.newaxis, :, :] SED_pack_data = packed_elems[1] def _calculate_poly_PSF(elems_to_unpack): return tf.map_fn( self.calculate_mono_PSF, elems_to_unpack, parallel_iterations=10, fn_output_signature=tf.float32, swap_memory=True, ) # Readability # stacked_psfs = _calculate_poly_PSF(packed_elems) # poly_psf = tf.math.reduce_sum(stacked_psfs, axis=0) # return poly_psf stack_psf = _calculate_poly_PSF(SED_pack_data) poly_psf = tf.math.reduce_sum(stack_psf, axis=0) return poly_psf
[docs] def call(self, inputs): """Calculate the batch poly PSFs.""" # Unpack Inputs opd_batch = inputs[0] packed_SED_data = inputs[1] def _calculate_PSF_batch(elems_to_unpack): return tf.map_fn( self.calculate_poly_PSF, elems_to_unpack, parallel_iterations=10, fn_output_signature=tf.float32, swap_memory=True, ) psf_poly_batch = _calculate_PSF_batch((opd_batch, packed_SED_data)) return psf_poly_batch
[docs] class TF_batch_mono_PSF(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """Calculate a monochromatic PSF from a batch of OPDs. The calculation of the ``phase_N`` variable is done with the SimPSFToolkit class but outside the TF class. Parameters ---------- obscurations: Tensor [opd_dim, opd_dim] Obscurations to apply to the wavefront. psf_batch: Tensor [batch_size, output_dim, output_dim] Tensor containing the psfs that will be updated each time a calculation is required. Can be started with zeros. output_Q: int Output oversampling value. output_dim: int Output PSF stamp dimension. """ def __init__(self, obscurations, output_Q, output_dim=64, name="TF_batch_mono_PSF"): super().__init__(name=name) self.output_Q = output_Q self.obscurations = obscurations self.output_dim = output_dim self.phase_N = None self.lambda_obs = None self.tf_mono_psf_gen = None self.current_opd = None
[docs] def calculate_mono_PSF(self, current_opd): """Calculate monochromatic PSF from OPD info.""" # Calculate the PSF mono_psf = self.tf_mono_psf_gen.__call__(current_opd[tf.newaxis, :, :]) mono_psf = tf.squeeze(mono_psf, axis=0) return mono_psf
[docs] def init_mono_PSF(self): """Initialise or restart the PSF generator.""" self.tf_mono_psf_gen = TF_mono_PSF( self.phase_N, self.lambda_obs, self.obscurations, output_Q=self.output_Q, output_dim=self.output_dim, )
[docs] def set_lambda_phaseN(self, phase_N=914, lambda_obs=0.7): """Set the lambda value for monochromatic PSFs and the phaseN.""" self.phase_N = phase_N self.lambda_obs = lambda_obs self.init_mono_PSF()
[docs] def set_output_params(self, output_Q, output_dim): """Set output patams, Q and dimension.""" self.output_Q = output_Q self.output_dim = output_dim self.init_mono_PSF()
[docs] def call(self, opd_batch): """Calculate the batch poly PSFs.""" if self.phase_N is None: self.set_lambda_phaseN() def _calculate_PSF_batch(elems_to_unpack): return tf.map_fn( self.calculate_mono_PSF, elems_to_unpack, parallel_iterations=10, fn_output_signature=tf.float32, swap_memory=True, ) mono_psf_batch = _calculate_PSF_batch((opd_batch)) return mono_psf_batch
[docs] class TF_NP_poly_OPD(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """Non-parametric OPD generation with polynomial variations. Parameters ---------- x_lims: [int, int] Limits of the x axis. y_lims: [int, int] Limits of the y axis. random_seed: int Random seed initialization for Tensor Flow d_max: int Max degree of polynomial determining the FoV variations. opd_dim: int Dimension of the OPD maps. Same as pupil diameter. """ def __init__( self, x_lims, y_lims, random_seed=None, d_max=3, opd_dim=256, name="TF_NP_poly_OPD", ): super().__init__(name=name) # Parameters self.x_lims = x_lims self.y_lims = y_lims self.random_seed = random_seed self.d_max = d_max self.opd_dim = opd_dim self.n_poly = int((self.d_max + 1) * (self.d_max + 2) / 2) # Variables self.S_mat = None self.alpha_mat = None self.init_vars()
[docs] def init_vars(self): """Initialize trainable variables. Basic initialization. Random uniform for S and identity for alpha. """ # S initialization tf.random.set_seed(self.random_seed) random_init = tf.random_uniform_initializer(minval=-0.001, maxval=0.001) self.S_mat = tf.Variable( initial_value=random_init(shape=[self.n_poly, self.opd_dim, self.opd_dim]), trainable=True, dtype=tf.float32, ) # Alpha initialization self.alpha_mat = tf.Variable( initial_value=tf.eye(self.n_poly), trainable=True, dtype=tf.float32 )
[docs] def set_alpha_zero(self): """Set alpha matrix to zero.""" self.alpha_mat.assign(tf.zeros_like(self.alpha_mat, dtype=tf.float32))
[docs] def set_alpha_identity(self): """Set alpha matrix to the identity.""" self.alpha_mat.assign(tf.eye(self.n_poly, dtype=tf.float32))
[docs] def assign_S_mat(self, S_mat): """Assign DD features matrix.""" self.S_mat.assign(S_mat)
[docs] def call(self, positions): """Calculate the OPD maps for the given positions. Calculating: Pi(pos) x alpha x S Parameters ---------- positions: Tensor(batch, 2) First element is x-axis, second is y-axis. Returns ------- opd_maps: Tensor(batch, opd_dim, opd_dim) """ # Calculate the Pi matrix poly_mat = calc_poly_position_mat( positions, self.x_lims, self.y_lims, self.d_max ) # We need to transpose it here to have the batch dimension at first poly_mat = tf.transpose(poly_mat, perm=[1, 0]) inter_res = tf.linalg.matmul(poly_mat, self.alpha_mat) return tf.tensordot(inter_res, self.S_mat, axes=1)
[docs] class TF_NP_MCCD_OPD_v2(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """Non-parametric OPD generation with hybrid-MCCD variations. Parameters ---------- obs_pos: tensor(n_stars, 2) Observed positions of the `n_stars` in the dataset. The indexing of the positions has to correspond to the indexing in the `spatial_dic`. spatial_dic: tensor(n_stars, n_dic_elems) Dictionary containing the spatial-constraint dictionary. `n_stars` corresponds to the total number of stars in the dataset. `n_dic_elems` corresponds to the number of elements of the dictionary, not to be confounded with `n_comp`, the total number of non-parametric features of the wavefront-PSF. x_lims: [int, int] Limits of the x axis. y_lims: [int, int] Limits of the y axis. graph_comps: int Number of wavefront-PSF features correspondign to the graph constraint. d_max: int Max degree of polynomial determining the FoV variations. The number of wavefront-PSF features of the polynomial part is computed `(d_max+1)*(d_max+2)/2`. opd_dim: int Dimension of the OPD maps. Same as pupil diameter. """ def __init__( self, obs_pos, spatial_dic, x_lims, y_lims, random_seed=None, d_max=2, graph_features=6, l1_rate=1e-5, opd_dim=256, name="TF_NP_MCCD_OPD_v2", ): super().__init__(name=name) # Parameters self.x_lims = x_lims self.y_lims = y_lims self.random_seed = random_seed self.d_max = d_max self.opd_dim = opd_dim # L1 regularisation parameter self.l1_rate = l1_rate self.obs_pos = obs_pos self.poly_dic = spatial_dic[0] self.graph_dic = spatial_dic[1] self.n_stars = self.poly_dic.shape[0] self.n_graph_elems = self.graph_dic.shape[1] self.poly_features = int((self.d_max + 1) * (self.d_max + 2) / 2) self.graph_features = graph_features # Variables self.S_poly = None self.S_graph = None self.alpha_poly = None self.alpha_graph = None self.init_vars()
[docs] def init_vars(self): """Initialize trainable variables. Basic initialization. Random uniform for S and identity for alpha. """ # S initialization tf.random.set_seed(self.random_seed) random_init = tf.random_uniform_initializer(minval=-0.001, maxval=0.001) self.S_poly = tf.Variable( initial_value=random_init( shape=[self.poly_features, self.opd_dim, self.opd_dim] ), trainable=True, dtype=tf.float32, ) self.S_graph = tf.Variable( initial_value=random_init( shape=[self.graph_features, self.opd_dim, self.opd_dim] ), trainable=True, dtype=tf.float32, ) # Alpha initialization self.alpha_poly = tf.Variable( initial_value=tf.eye( num_rows=self.poly_features, num_columns=self.poly_features ), trainable=True, dtype=tf.float32, ) self.alpha_graph = tf.Variable( initial_value=tf.eye( num_rows=self.n_graph_elems, num_columns=self.graph_features ), trainable=True, dtype=tf.float32, )
[docs] def set_alpha_zero(self): """Set alpha matrix to zero.""" self.alpha_poly.assign(tf.zeros_like(self.alpha_poly, dtype=tf.float32)) self.alpha_graph.assign(tf.zeros_like(self.alpha_graph, dtype=tf.float32))
[docs] def set_alpha_identity(self): """Set alpha matrix to the identity.""" self.alpha_poly.assign( tf.eye( num_rows=self.poly_features, num_columns=self.poly_features, dtype=tf.float32, ) ) self.alpha_graph.assign( tf.eye( num_rows=self.n_graph_elems, num_columns=self.graph_features, dtype=tf.float32, ) )
[docs] def predict(self, positions): """Prediction step.""" ## Polynomial part # Calculate the Pi matrix poly_mat = calc_poly_position_mat( positions, self.x_lims, self.y_lims, self.d_max ) # We need to transpose it here to have the batch dimension at first A_poly = tf.linalg.matmul(tf.transpose(poly_mat, perm=[1, 0]), self.alpha_poly) interp_poly_opd = tf.tensordot(A_poly, self.S_poly, axes=1) ## Graph part A_graph_train = tf.linalg.matmul(self.graph_dic, self.alpha_graph) # RBF interpolation # Order 2 means a thin_plate RBF interpolation # All tensors need to expand one dimension to fulfil requirement in # the tfa's interpolate_spline function A_interp_graph = tfa.image.interpolate_spline( train_points=tf.expand_dims(self.obs_pos, axis=0), train_values=tf.expand_dims(A_graph_train, axis=0), query_points=tf.expand_dims(positions, axis=0), order=2, regularization_weight=0.0, ) # Remove extra dimension required by tfa's interpolate_spline A_interp_graph = tf.squeeze(A_interp_graph, axis=0) interp_graph_opd = tf.tensordot(A_interp_graph, self.S_graph, axes=1) return tf.math.add(interp_poly_opd, interp_graph_opd)
[docs] def call(self, positions): """Calculate the OPD maps for the given positions. Calculating: batch(spatial_dict) x alpha x S Parameters ---------- positions: Tensor(batch, 2) First element is x-axis, second is y-axis. Returns ------- opd_maps: Tensor(batch, opd_dim, opd_dim) """ # Add L1 loss of the graph alpha matrix # self.add_loss(self.l1_rate * tf.math.reduce_sum(tf.math.abs(self.alpha_graph))) # Try Lp norm with p=1.1 p = 1.1 self.add_loss( self.l1_rate * tf.math.pow( tf.math.reduce_sum(tf.math.pow(tf.math.abs(self.alpha_graph), p)), 1 / p ) ) def calc_index(idx_pos): return tf.where(tf.equal(self.obs_pos, idx_pos))[0, 0] # Calculate the indices of the input batch indices = tf.map_fn(calc_index, positions, fn_output_signature=tf.int64) # Recover the spatial dict from the batch indexes # Matrix multiplication dict*alpha # Tensor product to calculate the contribution # Polynomial contribution batch_poly_dict = tf.gather( self.poly_dic, indices=indices, axis=0, batch_dims=0 ) intermediate_poly = tf.linalg.matmul(batch_poly_dict, self.alpha_poly) contribution_poly = tf.tensordot(intermediate_poly, self.S_poly, axes=1) # Graph contribution batch_graph_dict = tf.gather( self.graph_dic, indices=indices, axis=0, batch_dims=0 ) intermediate_graph = tf.linalg.matmul(batch_graph_dict, self.alpha_graph) contribution_graph = tf.tensordot(intermediate_graph, self.S_graph, axes=1) return tf.math.add(contribution_poly, contribution_graph)
[docs] class TF_NP_GRAPH_OPD(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """Non-parametric OPD generation with only graph-cosntraint variations. Parameters ---------- obs_pos: tensor(n_stars, 2) Observed positions of the `n_stars` in the dataset. The indexing of the positions has to correspond to the indexing in the `spatial_dic`. spatial_dic: tensor(n_stars, n_dic_elems) Dictionary containing the spatial-constraint dictionary. `n_stars` corresponds to the total number of stars in the dataset. `n_dic_elems` corresponds to the number of elements of the dictionary, not to be confounded with `n_comp`, the total number of non-parametric features of the wavefront-PSF. x_lims: [int, int] Limits of the x axis. y_lims: [int, int] Limits of the y axis. graph_comps: int Number of wavefront-PSF features correspondign to the graph constraint. d_max: int Max degree of polynomial determining the FoV variations. The number of wavefront-PSF features of the polynomial part is computed `(d_max+1)*(d_max+2)/2`. opd_dim: int Dimension of the OPD maps. Same as pupil diameter. """ def __init__( self, obs_pos, spatial_dic, x_lims, y_lims, random_seed=None, graph_features=6, l1_rate=1e-5, opd_dim=256, name="TF_NP_GRAPH_OPD", ): super().__init__(name=name) # Parameters self.x_lims = x_lims self.y_lims = y_lims self.random_seed = random_seed self.opd_dim = opd_dim # L1 regularisation parameter self.l1_rate = l1_rate self.obs_pos = obs_pos self.poly_dic = spatial_dic[0] self.graph_dic = spatial_dic[1] self.n_stars = self.poly_dic.shape[0] self.n_graph_elems = self.graph_dic.shape[1] self.graph_features = graph_features # Variables self.S_graph = None self.alpha_graph = None self.init_vars()
[docs] def init_vars(self): """Initialize trainable variables. Basic initialization. Random uniform for S and identity for alpha. """ # S initialization tf.random.set_seed(self.random_seed) random_init = tf.random_uniform_initializer(minval=-0.001, maxval=0.001) self.S_graph = tf.Variable( initial_value=random_init( shape=[self.graph_features, self.opd_dim, self.opd_dim] ), trainable=True, dtype=tf.float32, ) # Alpha initialization self.alpha_graph = tf.Variable( initial_value=tf.eye( num_rows=self.n_graph_elems, num_columns=self.graph_features ), trainable=True, dtype=tf.float32, )
[docs] def set_alpha_zero(self): """Set alpha matrix to zero.""" self.alpha_graph.assign(tf.zeros_like(self.alpha_graph, dtype=tf.float32))
[docs] def set_alpha_identity(self): """Set alpha matrix to the identity.""" self.alpha_graph.assign( tf.eye( num_rows=self.n_graph_elems, num_columns=self.graph_features, dtype=tf.float32, ) )
[docs] def predict(self, positions): """Prediction step.""" ## Graph part A_graph_train = tf.linalg.matmul(self.graph_dic, self.alpha_graph) # RBF interpolation # Order 2 means a thin_plate RBF interpolation # All tensors need to expand one dimension to fulfil requirement in # the tfa's interpolate_spline function A_interp_graph = tfa.image.interpolate_spline( train_points=tf.expand_dims(self.obs_pos, axis=0), train_values=tf.expand_dims(A_graph_train, axis=0), query_points=tf.expand_dims(positions, axis=0), order=2, regularization_weight=0.0, ) # Remove extra dimension required by tfa's interpolate_spline A_interp_graph = tf.squeeze(A_interp_graph, axis=0) interp_graph_opd = tf.tensordot(A_interp_graph, self.S_graph, axes=1) return interp_graph_opd
[docs] def call(self, positions): """Calculate the OPD maps for the given positions. Calculating: batch(spatial_dict) x alpha x S Parameters ---------- positions: Tensor(batch, 2) First element is x-axis, second is y-axis. Returns ------- opd_maps: Tensor(batch, opd_dim, opd_dim) """ # Add L1 loss of the graph alpha matrix # self.add_loss( # self.l1_rate * tf.math.reduce_sum(tf.math.abs(self.alpha_graph)) # ) # Try Lp norm with p=1.1 p = 1.1 self.add_loss( self.l1_rate * tf.math.pow( tf.math.reduce_sum(tf.math.pow(tf.math.abs(self.alpha_graph), p)), 1 / p ) ) def calc_index(idx_pos): return tf.where(tf.equal(self.obs_pos, idx_pos))[0, 0] # Calculate the indices of the input batch indices = tf.map_fn(calc_index, positions, fn_output_signature=tf.int64) # Recover the spatial dict from the batch indexes # Matrix multiplication dict*alpha # Tensor product to calculate the contribution # Graph contribution batch_graph_dict = tf.gather( self.graph_dic, indices=indices, axis=0, batch_dims=0 ) intermediate_graph = tf.linalg.matmul(batch_graph_dict, self.alpha_graph) contribution_graph = tf.tensordot(intermediate_graph, self.S_graph, axes=1) return contribution_graph
[docs] class TF_physical_layer(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """Store and calculate the zernike coefficients for a given position. This layer gives the Zernike contribution of the physical layer. It is fixed and not trainable. Parameters ---------- obs_pos: Tensor (n_stars, 2) Observed positions of the `n_stars` in the dataset. The indexing of the positions has to correspond to the indexing in the `zks_prior`. n_zernikes: int Number of Zernike polynomials zks_prior: Tensor (n_stars, n_zernikes) Zernike coefficients for each position interpolation_type: str Type of interpolation to be used. Options are: 'none', 'all', 'top_K', 'independent_Zk'. Default is 'none'. interpolation_args: dict Interpolation hyper-parameters. The order of the RBF interpolation, and the K elements in the `top_K` interpolation. """ def __init__( self, obs_pos, zks_prior, interpolation_type="none", interpolation_args=None, name="TF_physical_layer", ): super().__init__(name=name) self.obs_pos = obs_pos self.zks_prior = zks_prior if interpolation_args is None: interpolation_args = {"order": 2, "K": 50} # Define the prediction routine if interpolation_type == "none": self.predict = elif interpolation_type == "all": self.predict = self.interpolate_all elif interpolation_type == "top_K": self.predict = self.interpolate_top_K elif interpolation_type == "independent_Zk": self.predict = self.interpolate_independent_Zk
[docs] def interpolate_all(self, positions): """Zernike interpolation Right now all the input elements are used to build the RBF interpolant that is going to be used for the interpolation. """ # RBF interpolation of prior Zernikes # Order 2 means a thin_plate RBF interpolation # All tensors need to expand one dimension to fulfil requirement in # the tfa's interpolate_spline function interp_zks = tfa.image.interpolate_spline( train_points=tf.expand_dims(self.obs_pos, axis=0), train_values=tf.expand_dims(self.zks_prior, axis=0), query_points=tf.expand_dims(positions, axis=0), order=self.interpolation_args["order"], regularization_weight=0.0, ) # Remove extra dimension required by tfa's interpolate_spline interp_zks = tf.squeeze(interp_zks, axis=0) return interp_zks[:, :, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis]
[docs] def interpolate_top_K(self, positions): """Zernike interpolation The class wf.utils.ZernikeInterpolation allows to use only the K closest elements for the interpolation. Even though, the interpolation error is smaller the computing time is bigger. """ zk_interpolator = utils.ZernikeInterpolation( self.obs_pos, self.zks_prior, k=self.interpolation_args["K"], order=self.interpolation_args["order"], ) interp_zks = zk_interpolator.interpolate_zks(positions) return interp_zks[:, :, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis]
[docs] def interpolate_independent_Zk(self, positions): """Zernike interpolation The class wf.utils.IndependentZernikeInterpolation allows to interpolate each order of the Zernike polynomials independently using all the points avaialble to build the interpolant. """ zk_interpolator = utils.IndependentZernikeInterpolation( self.obs_pos, self.zks_prior, order=self.interpolation_args["order"] ) interp_zks = zk_interpolator.interpolate_zks(positions) return interp_zks[:, :, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis]
[docs] def call(self, positions): """Calculate the prior zernike coefficients for a given position. The position polynomial matrix and the coefficients should be set before calling this function. Parameters ---------- positions: Tensor(batch, 2) First element is x-axis, second is y-axis. Returns ------- zernikes_coeffs: Tensor(batch, n_zernikes, 1, 1) """ def calc_index(idx_pos): return tf.where(tf.equal(self.obs_pos, idx_pos))[0, 0] # Calculate the indices of the input batch indices = tf.map_fn(calc_index, positions, fn_output_signature=tf.int64) # Recover the prior zernikes from the batch indexes batch_zks = tf.gather(self.zks_prior, indices=indices, axis=0, batch_dims=0) return batch_zks[:, :, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis]
# --- # # Deprecated #
[docs] class OLD_TF_batch_poly_PSF(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """Calculate a polychromatic PSF from an OPD and stored SED values. The calculation of the packed values with the respective SED is done with the SimPSFToolkit class but outside the TF class. obscurations: Tensor(pupil_len, pupil_len) Obscurations to apply to the wavefront. packed_SED_data: Tensor(batch_size, 3, n_bins_lda) Comes from: tf.convert_to_tensor(list(list(Tensor,Tensor,Tensor))) Where each inner list consist of a packed_elem: packed_elems: Tuple of tensors Contains three 1D tensors with the parameters needed for the calculation of one monochromatic PSF. packed_elems[0]: phase_N packed_elems[1]: lambda_obs packed_elems[2]: SED_norm_val The SED data is constant in a FoV. psf_batch: Tensor(batch_size, output_dim, output_dim) Tensor containing the psfs that will be updated each time a calculation is required. """ def __init__( self, obscurations, psf_batch, output_dim=64, name="TF_batch_poly_PSF" ): super().__init__(name=name) self.obscurations = obscurations self.output_dim = output_dim self.psf_batch = psf_batch self.current_opd = None
[docs] def set_psf_batch(self, psf_batch): """Set poly PSF batch.""" self.psf_batch = psf_batch
[docs] def calculate_mono_PSF(self, packed_elems): """Calculate monochromatic PSF from packed elements. packed_elems[0]: phase_N packed_elems[1]: lambda_obs packed_elems[2]: SED_norm_val """ # Unpack elements phase_N = packed_elems[0] lambda_obs = packed_elems[1] SED_norm_val = packed_elems[2] # Build the monochromatic PSF generator tf_mono_psf_gen = TF_mono_PSF( phase_N, lambda_obs, self.obscurations, output_dim=self.output_dim ) # Calculate the PSF mono_psf = tf_mono_psf_gen.__call__(self.current_opd) # Multiply with the respective normalized SED and return return tf.math.scalar_mul(SED_norm_val, mono_psf)
[docs] def calculate_poly_PSF(self, packed_elems): """Calculate a polychromatic PSF.""""TF_batch_poly_PSF: calculate_poly_PSF: packed_elems.type") def _calculate_poly_PSF(elems_to_unpack): return tf.map_fn( self.calculate_mono_PSF, elems_to_unpack, parallel_iterations=10, fn_output_signature=tf.float32, swap_memory=True, ) # Readability # stacked_psfs = _calculate_poly_PSF(packed_elems) # poly_psf = tf.math.reduce_sum(stacked_psfs, axis=0) # return poly_psf return tf.math.reduce_sum(_calculate_poly_PSF(packed_elems), axis=0)
[docs] def call(self, inputs): """Calculate the batch poly PSFs.""" # Unpack Inputs opd_batch = inputs[0] packed_SED_data = inputs[1] batch_num = opd_batch.shape[0] it = tf.constant(0) while_condition = lambda it: tf.less(it, batch_num) def while_body(it): # Extract the required data of _it_ packed_elems = packed_SED_data[it] self.current_opd = opd_batch[it][tf.newaxis, :, :] # Calculate the _it_ poly PSF poly_psf = self.calculate_poly_PSF(packed_elems) # Update the poly PSF tensor with the result # Slice update of a tensor # See tf doc of _tensor_scatter_nd_update_ to understand indices = tf.reshape(it, shape=(1, 1)) # self.psf_batch = tf.tensor_scatter_nd_update(self.psf_batch, indices, poly_psf) # increment i return [tf.add(it, 1)] # Loop over the PSF batches r = tf.while_loop( while_condition, while_body, [it], swap_memory=True, parallel_iterations=10 ) return self.psf_batch