Source code for wf_psf.psf_models.tf_modules

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

[docs] class TF_fft_diffract(tf.Module): """Diffract the wavefront into a monochromatic PSF. Parameters ---------- output_dim: int Dimension of the output square postage stamp output_Q: int Downsampling factor. Must be integer. """ def __init__(self, output_dim=64, output_Q=2, name=None): super().__init__(name=name) self.output_dim = output_dim self.output_Q = int(output_Q) self.downsample_layer = tf.keras.layers.AveragePooling2D( pool_size=(self.output_Q, self.output_Q), strides=None, padding="valid", data_format="channels_last", )
[docs] def crop_img(self, image): # Crop the image start = int(image.shape[0] // 2 - self.output_dim // 2) stop = int(image.shape[0] // 2 + self.output_dim // 2) return image[start:stop, start:stop]
[docs] def tf_crop_img(self, image, output_crop_dim): """Crop images with tf methods. It handles a batch of 2D images: [batch, width, height] """ # Define shape at runtime as we don't know it yet im_shape = tf.shape(image) # start offset_height = int(im_shape[2] // 2 - output_crop_dim // 2) offset_width = int(im_shape[1] // 2 - output_crop_dim // 2) # stop target_height = int(output_crop_dim) target_width = int(output_crop_dim) # Crop image cropped_image = tf.image.crop_to_bounding_box( tf.transpose(image, perm=[1, 2, 0]), offset_height, offset_width, target_height, target_width, ) return tf.transpose(cropped_image, perm=[2, 0, 1])
[docs] def normalize_psf(self, psf): # Sum over all the dimensions norm_factor = tf.math.reduce_sum(psf, axis=[1, 2], keepdims=True) return psf / norm_factor
def __call__(self, input_phase): """Calculate the normalized PSF from the padded phase array.""" # Perform the FFT-based diffraction operation # fft_phase = tf.signal.fftshift(tf.signal.fft2d(input_phase)) fft_phase = tf.signal.fftshift( tf.signal.fft2d(input_phase[:, ...]), axes=[1, 2] ) psf = tf.math.pow(tf.cast(tf.math.abs(fft_phase), dtype=tf.float64), 2) # Crop the image # We crop to output_dim*Q cropped_psf = self.tf_crop_img( psf, output_crop_dim=int(self.output_dim * self.output_Q) ) # Downsample image # We downsample by a factor Q to get output_dim if self.output_Q != 1: cropped_psf = self.downsample_layer(cropped_psf[..., tf.newaxis]) # # Alternative solution but tf.image.resize does not have the # # gradients implemented in tensorflow # cropped_psf = tf.image.resize( # cropped_psf[ ..., tf.newaxis], # size=[self.output_dim, self.output_dim], # method=tf.image.ResizeMethod.AREA, # preserve_aspect_ratio=False, # antialias=True) # Remove channel dimension [batch, heigh, width, channel] cropped_psf = tf.squeeze(cropped_psf, axis=-1) # Normalize the PSF norm_psf = self.normalize_psf(cropped_psf) return norm_psf
[docs] class TF_build_phase(tf.Module): """Build complex phase map from OPD map.""" def __init__(self, phase_N, lambda_obs, obscurations, name=None): super().__init__(name=name) self.phase_N = phase_N self.lambda_obs = lambda_obs self.obscurations = obscurations
[docs] def zero_padding_diffraction(self, no_pad_phase): """Pad with zeros corresponding to the required lambda. Important: To check the original size of the ``no_pad_phase`` variable we have to look in the [1] dimension not the [0] as it is the batch. """ # pad_num = int(self.phase_N//2 - no_pad_phase.shape[0]//2) phase_shape = tf.shape(no_pad_phase) # pure tensorflow start = tf.math.floordiv( tf.cast(self.phase_N, dtype=tf.int32), tf.cast(2, dtype=tf.int32) ) stop = tf.math.floordiv( tf.cast(phase_shape[1], dtype=tf.int32), tf.cast(2, dtype=tf.int32) ) pad_num = tf.math.subtract(start, stop) # start - stop padding = [(0, 0), (pad_num, pad_num), (pad_num, pad_num)] padded_phase = tf.pad(no_pad_phase, padding) return padded_phase
# return tf.pad(no_pad_phase, padding)
[docs] def apply_obscurations(self, phase): """Multiply element-wise with the obscurations.""" return tf.math.multiply(phase, tf.cast(self.obscurations, phase.dtype))
[docs] def opd_to_phase(self, opd): """Convert from opd to phase.""" pre_phase = tf.math.multiply( tf.cast((2 * np.pi) / self.lambda_obs, opd.dtype), opd ) phase = tf.math.exp(tf.dtypes.complex(tf.cast(0, pre_phase.dtype), pre_phase)) # return tf.cast(phase, dtype=tf.complex64) return phase
def __call__(self, opd): """Build the phase from the opd.""" phase = self.opd_to_phase(opd) obsc_phase = self.apply_obscurations(phase) padded_phase = self.zero_padding_diffraction(obsc_phase) return padded_phase
[docs] class TF_zernike_OPD(tf.Module): """Turn zernike coefficients into an OPD. Will use all of the Zernike maps provided. Both the Zernike maps and the Zernike coefficients must be provided. Parameters ---------- zernike_maps: Tensor (Num_coeffs, x_dim, y_dim) z_coeffs: Tensor (num_star, num_coeffs, 1, 1) Returns ------- opd: Tensor (num_star, x_dim, y_dim) """ def __init__(self, zernike_maps, name=None): super().__init__(name=name) self.zernike_maps = zernike_maps def __call__(self, z_coeffs): # Perform the weighted sum of Zernikes coeffs and maps opd = tf.math.reduce_sum(tf.math.multiply(self.zernike_maps, z_coeffs), axis=1) return opd
[docs] class TF_Zernike_mono_PSF(tf.Module): """Build a monochromatic PSF from zernike coefficients. Following a Zernike model. """ def __init__( self, phase_N, lambda_obs, obscurations, zernike_maps, output_dim=64, name=None ): super().__init__(name=name) self.tf_build_opd_zernike = TF_zernike_OPD(zernike_maps) self.tf_build_phase = TF_build_phase(phase_N, lambda_obs, obscurations) self.tf_fft_diffract = TF_fft_diffract(output_dim) def __call__(self, z_coeffs): opd = self.tf_build_opd_zernike.__call__(z_coeffs) phase = self.tf_build_phase.__call__(opd) psf = self.tf_fft_diffract.__call__(phase) return psf
[docs] class TF_mono_PSF(tf.Module): """Calculate a monochromatic PSF from an OPD map.""" def __init__( self, phase_N, lambda_obs, obscurations, output_Q, output_dim=64, name=None ): super().__init__(name=name) self.output_Q = output_Q self.tf_build_phase = TF_build_phase(phase_N, lambda_obs, obscurations) self.tf_fft_diffract = TF_fft_diffract(output_dim, output_Q=self.output_Q) def __call__(self, opd): phase = self.tf_build_phase.__call__(opd) psf = self.tf_fft_diffract.__call__(phase) return tf.cast(psf, dtype=opd.dtype)
# class TF_poly_PSF(tf.Module): # """Calculate a polychromatic PSF from an OPD and stored SED values. # The calculation of the packed values with the respective SED is done # with the SimPSFToolkit class but outside the TF class. # packed_elems: Tuple of tensors # Contains three 1D tensors with the parameters needed for # the calculation of each monochromatic PSF. # packed_elems[0]: phase_N # packed_elems[1]: lambda_obs # packed_elems[2]: SED_norm_val # """ # def __init__(self, obscurations, packed_elems, output_dim=64, zernike_maps=None, name=None): # super().__init__(name=name) # self.obscurations = obscurations # self.output_dim = output_dim # self.packed_elems = packed_elems # self.zernike_maps = zernike_maps # self.opd = None # def set_packed_elems(self, new_packed_elems): # """Set packed elements.""" # self.packed_elems = new_packed_elems # def set_zernike_maps(self, zernike_maps): # """Set Zernike maps.""" # self.zernike_maps = zernike_maps # def calculate_from_zernikes(self, z_coeffs): # """Calculate polychromatic PSFs from zernike coefficients. # Zernike maps required. # """ # tf_zernike_opd_gen = TF_zernike_OPD(self.zernike_maps) # # For readability # # opd = tf_zernike_opd_gen.__call__(z_coeffs) # # poly_psf = self.__call__(opd) # # return poly_psf # return self.__call__(tf_zernike_opd_gen.__call__(z_coeffs)) # def calculate_mono_PSF(self, packed_elems): # """Calculate monochromatic PSF from packed elements. # packed_elems[0]: phase_N # packed_elems[1]: lambda_obs # packed_elems[2]: SED_norm_val # """ # # Unpack elements # phase_N = packed_elems[0] # lambda_obs = packed_elems[1] # SED_norm_val = packed_elems[2] # # Build the monochromatic PSF generator # tf_mono_psf_gen = TF_mono_PSF(phase_N, lambda_obs, self.obscurations, output_dim=self.output_dim) # # Calculate the PSF # mono_psf = tf_mono_psf_gen.__call__(self.opd) # # Multiply with the respective normalized SED and return # return tf.math.scalar_mul(SED_norm_val, mono_psf) # def __call__(self, opd): # # Save the OPD that will be shared by all the monochromatic PSFs # self.opd = opd # # Use tf.function for parallelization over GPU # # Not allowed since the dynamic padding for the diffraction does not # # work in the @tf.function context # # @tf.function # def calculate_poly_PSF(elems_to_unpack): # return tf.map_fn(self.calculate_mono_PSF, # elems_to_unpack, # parallel_iterations=10, # fn_output_signature=tf.float32) # stacked_psfs = calculate_poly_PSF(packed_elems) # poly_psf = tf.math.reduce_sum(stacked_psfs, axis=0) # return poly_psf