Source code for wf_psf.sims.SimPSFToolkit

import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as spsig
import scipy.interpolate as sinterp
import PIL
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap, LinearSegmentedColormap
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from wf_psf.utils.utils import PI_zernikes, zernike_generator

    from cv2 import resize, INTER_AREA
    print("Problem importing opencv..")
        from skimage.transform import downscale_local_mean

        print("Falling back to skimage.")
        print("Only integer downsampling allowed with this method.")
        print("Problem importing skimage..")

[docs] class SimPSFToolkit(object): """Simulate PSFs. In the future the zernike maps could be created with galsim or some other alternative. Parameters ---------- Remove zernike_maps XXXzernike_maps: list of np.ndarray Each element of the list should contain a Zernike map of the order (OSA/ANSI index convention) corresponding to the position in the list. max_order: int Maximum Zernike polynomial order. Default is `45`. max_wfe_rms: float Maximum allowed WFE in RMS. Used forvnormalization. Units in [\mu m]. Default is ``0.1``. output_dim: int Output dimension of the square PSF stamp. Default is `64`. rand_seed: int Random seed to be used to generate random zernike values. Default is `None`. plot_opt: bool Option to plot some characteristics of the PSF generated. Default is `False`. oversampling_rate: float Oversampling rate for the wavefront PSF simulation. Default is `2.14` that is the minumum number required by Euclid so that there is no aliasing at any wavelength in the pass band [0.55um, 0.9um]. output_Q: float Downsampling rate to match the specified telescope's sampling. The value of `output_Q` should be equal to `oversampling_rate` in order to have the right pixel sampling corresponding to the telescope characteristics `pix_sampling`, `tel_diameter`, `tel_focal_length`. The final oversampling obtained is `oversampling_rate/output_Q`. Default is `1`, so the output psf will be super-resolved by a factor of `oversampling_rate`. pix_sampling: float Pixel sampling in [um]. Default is `12`[um] (Euclid-like). tel_diameter: float Telescope's main mirror diameter in [m]. Default is `1.2`[m] (Euclid-like). tel_focal_length: float Telescope's focal length in [m]. Default is `24.5`[m] (Euclid-like). pupil_diameter: int Pupil diameter in pixels. Number of samples of the wavefront in the pupil plane. More specifically, the Optical Path Differences map. Default is `1024` [pix]. euclid_obsc: bool Wheter to use Euclid-like obscurations. Defualt is `True`. LP_filter_length: int Length of one dimension of the Low-Pass (LP) filter to apply to the obscurations to avoid the aliasing effect. The filter is a simple top-hat filter. Default is `3`. verbose: int Self-explanatory variable. Default is `0`, use a value `>0` to activate. SED_sigma: float Standard deviation of the multiplicative SED Gaussian noise. SED_interp_pts_per_bin: int Number of points to interpolate in between SED values. It can be 0, 1 or 2. SED_extrapolate: bool SED interpolation mode. Default mode uses extrapolation. SED_interp_kind: str SED interpolation kind. Options are `'cubic'` or `'linear'`. """ def __init__( self, # zernike_maps, max_order=45, max_wfe_rms=0.1, output_dim=64, rand_seed=None, plot_opt=False, oversampling_rate=3.0, output_Q=1, pix_sampling=12, tel_diameter=1.2, tel_focal_length=24.5, pupil_diameter=1024, euclid_obsc=True, LP_filter_length=3, verbose=0, SED_sigma=0, SED_interp_pts_per_bin=0, SED_extrapolate=True, SED_interp_kind="linear", ): # Telescope characteristics self.oversampling_rate = oversampling_rate # dimensionless self.output_Q = output_Q # dimensionless self.pix_sampling = pix_sampling # In [um] self.tel_diameter = tel_diameter # In [m] self.tel_focal_length = tel_focal_length # In [m] self.pupil_diameter = pupil_diameter # In [pix] # Input attributes self.max_order = max_order self.rand_seed = rand_seed self.plot_opt = plot_opt self.zernike_maps = zernike_generator(self.max_order, self.pupil_diameter) # self.zernike_maps = zernike_maps self.max_wfe_rms = max_wfe_rms # In [um] self.output_dim = output_dim # In pixels per dimension self.verbose = verbose self.SED_sigma = SED_sigma # std dev for the SED noise distribution self.SED_interp_pts_per_bin = ( SED_interp_pts_per_bin # Number of points to add to each SED bin ) self.SED_extrapolate = SED_extrapolate # SED interpolation mode self.SED_interp_kind = SED_interp_kind # Type of interpolation for the SED # Class attributes self.z_coeffs = None self.psf = None self.opd = None self.phase = None self.lambda_obs = None self.poly_psf = None # Generate pupil mask self.pupil_mask = ~np.isnan(self.zernike_maps[0]) # Generate obscurations if euclid_obsc: self.obscurations = self.generate_pupil_obscurations( N_pix=pupil_diameter, N_filter=LP_filter_length ) else: self.obscurations = np.ones((pupil_diameter, pupil_diameter)) @staticmethod def _OLD_fft_diffraction_op(wf, pupil_mask, pad_factor=2, match_shapes=True): """Perform a fft-based diffraction. Parameters ---------- wf: np.ndarray A complex 2D array that corresponds to the wavefront function. pupil_mask: np.ndarray of bools A 2D boolean mask that corresponds to the pupil function. Returns ------- psf: np.ndarray A real 2D array corresponding to the PSF. """ start = (wf.shape[0] * pad_factor) // 2 - wf.shape[0] // 2 stop = (wf.shape[0] * pad_factor) // 2 + wf.shape[0] // 2 padded_wf = np.zeros( (wf.shape[0] * pad_factor, wf.shape[1] * pad_factor), dtype=np.complex128 ) padded_wf[start:stop, start:stop][pupil_mask] = wf[pupil_mask] fft_wf = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(padded_wf)) # fft_wf = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(np.fft.ifftshift(padded_wf))) psf = np.abs(fft_wf) ** 2 if match_shapes: # Return the psf with its original shape without the padding factor x_dif = int((psf.shape[0] / pad_factor) // 2) y_dif = int((psf.shape[1] / pad_factor) // 2) return psf[x_dif : psf.shape[0] - x_dif, y_dif : psf.shape[1] - y_dif] else: return psf
[docs] @staticmethod def fft_diffract(wf, output_Q, output_dim=64): # Perform the FFT-based diffraction operation fft_wf = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(wf)) psf = np.abs(fft_wf) ** 2 # Calculate crop dimensions if output_dim * output_Q < psf.shape[0]: start = int(psf.shape[0] // 2 - (output_dim * output_Q) // 2) stop = int(psf.shape[0] // 2 + (output_dim * output_Q) // 2) else: start = int(0) stop = psf.shape[0] # Crop psf psf = psf[start:stop, start:stop] # Downsample the image depending on `self.output_Q` try: psf = resize( src=psf, dsize=(int(output_dim), int(output_dim)), interpolation=INTER_AREA, ) except: f_x = int(psf.shape[0] / output_dim) f_y = int(psf.shape[1] / output_dim) psf = downscale_local_mean( image=psf, factors=(f_x, f_y), ) return psf
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_pupil_obscurations(N_pix=1024, N_filter=3): """Generate Euclid like pupil obscurations. Simple procedure considering only the 2D plane. No 3D projections wrt the angle of the FoV is done. Parameters ---------- N_pix: int Total number of pixels N_filter: int Length of the low-pass filter [pixels] """ # Telescope parameters AS_diam = 1200 # Aperture stop diameter [mm] M1_diam = 395 # Mirror 1 cap stopper diameter [mm] sp_lenght = 700 # Spider length [mm] sp_width = 12 # Spider width [mm] AS_centre = [0, 0] M1_centre = [0, 51] sp1_angle = 106.78 - 90 # [degrees] sp2_angle = 50.11 - 90 # [degrees] sp3_angle = -10.76 - 90 # [degrees] sp1_x_pos = 260 # [mm] sp1_y_pos = 240 # [mm] sp2_x_pos = -330 # [mm] sp2_y_pos = 130 # [mm] sp3_x_pos = 70 # [mm] sp3_y_pos = -330 # [mm] # Build pupil plane pupil_plane = np.ones((N_pix, N_pix)) # coordinates of map in [mm] W, H = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(-AS_diam // 2, AS_diam // 2, N_pix), np.linspace(-AS_diam // 2, AS_diam // 2, N_pix), ) ### Calculate the Aperture stop and draw it ### aperture_stop_mask = np.sqrt( (W - AS_centre[0]) ** 2 + (H - AS_centre[1]) ** 2 ) <= (AS_diam / 2) pupil_plane[~aperture_stop_mask] = 0 ### Calculate the M1/M2 obscurations and draw them ### M1_mask = np.sqrt((W - M1_centre[0]) ** 2 + (H - M1_centre[1]) ** 2) <= ( M1_diam / 2 ) pupil_plane[M1_mask] = 0 ### Calculate the spiders and draw them ### # Spider 1 sp1_a = np.tan(sp1_angle * (np.pi / 180)) sp1_b = sp1_y_pos - sp1_a * sp1_x_pos sp1_mask_1 = sp1_a * W + sp1_b - sp_width / 2 * np.sqrt(1 + sp1_a**2) < H sp1_mask_2 = sp1_a * W + sp1_b + sp_width / 2 * np.sqrt(1 + sp1_a**2) > H sp1_mask = np.logical_and(sp1_mask_1, sp1_mask_2) sp1_length_mask = np.sqrt((W - sp1_x_pos) ** 2 + (H - sp1_y_pos) ** 2) <= ( sp_lenght / 2 ) sp1_mask = np.logical_and(sp1_mask, sp1_length_mask) # Spider 2 sp2_a = np.tan(sp2_angle * (np.pi / 180)) sp2_b = sp2_y_pos - sp2_a * sp2_x_pos sp2_mask_1 = sp2_a * W + sp2_b - sp_width / 2 * np.sqrt(1 + sp2_a**2) < H sp2_mask_2 = sp2_a * W + sp2_b + sp_width / 2 * np.sqrt(1 + sp2_a**2) > H sp2_mask = np.logical_and(sp2_mask_1, sp2_mask_2) sp2_length_mask = np.sqrt((W - sp2_x_pos) ** 2 + (H - sp2_y_pos) ** 2) <= ( sp_lenght / 2 ) sp2_mask = np.logical_and(sp2_mask, sp2_length_mask) # Spider 3 sp3_a = np.tan(sp3_angle * (np.pi / 180)) sp3_b = sp3_y_pos - sp3_a * sp3_x_pos sp3_mask_1 = sp3_a * W + sp3_b - sp_width / 2 * np.sqrt(1 + sp3_a**2) < H sp3_mask_2 = sp3_a * W + sp3_b + sp_width / 2 * np.sqrt(1 + sp3_a**2) > H sp3_mask = np.logical_and(sp3_mask_1, sp3_mask_2) sp3_length_mask = np.sqrt((W - sp3_x_pos) ** 2 + (H - sp3_y_pos) ** 2) <= ( sp_lenght / 2 ) sp3_mask = np.logical_and(sp3_mask, sp3_length_mask) # Draw the three spider arms pupil_plane[sp1_mask] = 0 pupil_plane[sp2_mask] = 0 pupil_plane[sp3_mask] = 0 ### Low-pass filter the image ### top_hat_filter = np.ones((N_filter, N_filter)) pupil_plane = spsig.convolve2d( pupil_plane, top_hat_filter, boundary="fill", mode="same", fillvalue=0 ) pupil_plane /= np.sum(top_hat_filter) return pupil_plane
[docs] @staticmethod def crop_img(to_crop_img, ref_im): cent_x = int(to_crop_img.shape[0] // 2) cent_y = int(to_crop_img.shape[1] // 2) delta_x = int(ref_im.shape[0] // 2) delta_y = int(ref_im.shape[1] // 2) return to_crop_img[ cent_x - delta_x : cent_x + delta_x, cent_y - delta_y : cent_y + delta_y ]
[docs] @staticmethod def decimate_im(input_im, decim_f): """Decimate image. Decimated by a factor of decim_f. Based on the PIL library using the default interpolator. """ pil_im = PIL.Image.fromarray(input_im) (width, height) = (pil_im.width // decim_f, pil_im.height // decim_f) im_resized = pil_im.resize((width, height)) return np.array(im_resized)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_radial_idx(max_order=45): it = 1 radial_idxs = [] while len(radial_idxs) <= max_order: for _it in range(it): radial_idxs.append(it - 1) it += 1 return np.array(radial_idxs)
[docs] @staticmethod def psf_plotter(psf, lambda_obs=0.000, cmap="gist_stern", save_img=False): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 10)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(131) im1 = ax1.imshow(psf, cmap=cmap, interpolation="None") divider = make_axes_locatable(ax1) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) fig.colorbar(im1, cax=cax, orientation="vertical") ax1.set_xticks([]) ax1.set_yticks([]) ax1.set_title("PSF (lambda=%.3f [um])" % (lambda_obs)) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(132) im2 = ax2.imshow(np.sqrt(abs(psf)), cmap=cmap, interpolation="None") divider2 = make_axes_locatable(ax2) cax2 = divider2.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) fig.colorbar(im2, cax=cax2, orientation="vertical") ax2.set_title("sqrt PSF (lambda=%.3f [um])" % (lambda_obs)) ax2.set_xticks([]) ax2.set_yticks([]) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(133) im3 = ax3.imshow(np.log(abs(psf)), cmap=cmap, interpolation="None") divider3 = make_axes_locatable(ax3) cax3 = divider3.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) fig.colorbar(im3, cax=cax3, orientation="vertical") ax3.set_title("log PSF (lambda=%.3f [um])" % (lambda_obs)) ax3.set_xticks([]) ax3.set_yticks([]) if save_img: plt.savefig("./PSF_lambda_%.3f.pdf" % lambda_obs, bbox_inches="tight")
[docs] @staticmethod def opd_phase_plotter( pupil_mask, opd, phase, lambda_obs, cmap="viridis", save_img=False ): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 10)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(131) im1 = ax1.imshow(pupil_mask, interpolation="None") divider = make_axes_locatable(ax1) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) fig.colorbar(im1, cax=cax, orientation="vertical") ax1.set_title("Pupil mask") ax1.set_xticks([]) ax1.set_yticks([]) vmax = np.max(abs(opd)) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(132) im2 = ax2.imshow(opd, cmap=cmap, interpolation="None", vmin=-vmax, vmax=vmax) divider2 = make_axes_locatable(ax2) cax2 = divider2.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) fig.colorbar(im2, cax=cax2, orientation="vertical") ax2.set_title("OPD [um]") ax2.set_xticks([]) ax2.set_yticks([]) vmax = np.max(abs(np.angle(phase))) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(133) im3 = ax3.imshow( np.angle(phase), cmap=cmap, interpolation="None", vmin=-vmax, vmax=vmax ) divider3 = make_axes_locatable(ax3) cax3 = divider3.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) fig.colorbar(im3, cax=cax3, orientation="vertical") ax3.set_title("W phase [rad](wv=%.2f[um])" % (lambda_obs)) ax3.set_xticks([]) ax3.set_yticks([]) if save_img: plt.savefig("./OPD_lambda_%.3f.pdf" % lambda_obs, bbox_inches="tight")
[docs] def get_psf(self): if self.psf is not None: return self.psf else: print("No PSF has been computed yet.")
[docs] def plot_psf(self, cmap="gist_stern", save_img=False): if self.psf is not None: self.psf_plotter(self.psf, self.lambda_obs, cmap, save_img) else: print("No PSF has been computed yet.")
[docs] def plot_opd_phase(self, cmap="viridis", save_img=False): if self.opd is not None: self.opd_phase_plotter( self.pupil_mask * self.obscurations, self.opd * self.obscurations, self.phase, self.lambda_obs, cmap, save_img, ) else: print("No WF has been computed yet.")
# This method is a setter
[docs] def gen_random_Z_coeffs(self, max_order=45, rand_seed=None): """Generate a random set of Zernike coefficients. The coefficients are generated following a uniform law U~[-1,1] divided by their radial zernike index. Ex: u_i / r(i) (u_i is a realization of U) Parameters ---------- max_order: int Maximum order of Zernike polynomials. rand_seed: int Seed for the random initialization. Returns ------- rand_coeffs: list of floats List containing the random coefficients. """ if rand_seed is not None: np.random.seed(rand_seed) rad_idx = self.get_radial_idx(max_order) rad_idx[0] = 1 z_coeffs = [] for it in range(max_order): z_coeffs.append((np.random.rand() - 0.5) * 2.0 / rad_idx[it]) self.z_coeffs = z_coeffs
[docs] def plot_z_coeffs(self, save_img=False): """Plot random Zernike coefficients.""" if self.z_coeffs is not None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) im1 =, np.array(self.z_coeffs)) ax1.set_xlabel("Zernike coefficients") ax1.set_ylabel("Magnitude") if save_img: plt.savefig("./Z_coeffs.pdf", bbox_inches="tight") else: print("Random coeffs not generated.")
[docs] def get_z_coeffs(self): """Get random coefficients""" if self.z_coeffs is not None: return self.z_coeffs else: print("Random coeffs not generated.")
[docs] def set_z_coeffs(self, z_coeffs): """Set zernike coefficients.""" if len(z_coeffs) == self.max_order: self.z_coeffs = z_coeffs else: print("Zernike coefficients should be of length %d" % (self.max_order))
[docs] def normalize_zernikes(self, z_coeffs=None, max_wfe_rms=None): """Normalize zernike coefficients.""" if max_wfe_rms is None: max_wfe_rms = self.max_wfe_rms # Calculate normalization factor wfe_rms = self.calculate_wfe_rms(z_coeffs=z_coeffs) mult_factor = max_wfe_rms / wfe_rms # Normalize Zernike coefficients and return them z_coeffs = [_z * mult_factor for _z in z_coeffs] return z_coeffs
[docs] def calculate_wfe_rms(self, z_coeffs=None): """Calculate WFE rms from a set of zernike coefficients.""" if z_coeffs is None: if self.z_coeffs is None: self.gen_random_Z_coeffs(self.max_order, self.rand_seed) z_coeffs = self.get_z_coeffs() else: z_coeffs = self.get_z_coeffs() # Create the phase with the Zernike basis opd = 0 for it in range(self.max_order): opd += self.zernike_maps[it] * z_coeffs[it] # Proyect obscurations on to the OPD opd *= self.obscurations # Calculate normalization factor wfe_rms = np.sqrt( np.mean((opd[self.pupil_mask] - np.mean(opd[self.pupil_mask])) ** 2) ) return wfe_rms
[docs] def check_wfe_rms(self, z_coeffs=None, max_wfe_rms=None): """Check if Zernike coefficients are within the maximum admitted error.""" if max_wfe_rms is None: max_wfe_rms = self.max_wfe_rms # Calculate normalization factor wfe_rms = self.calculate_wfe_rms(z_coeffs=z_coeffs) return max_wfe_rms - wfe_rms
[docs] def generate_mono_PSF(self, lambda_obs=0.725, regen_sample=False, get_psf=False): """Generate monochromatic PSF.""" if lambda_obs < 0.55 * 0.9 or lambda_obs > 0.9 * 1.1: print( "WARNING: requested wavelength %.4f um is not in VIS passband [0.55,0.9]um" % (lambda_obs) ) self.lambda_obs = lambda_obs # Calculate the OPD from the Zernike coefficients self.calculate_opd(regen_sample) # Apply the diffraction operator using the opd (optical path differences) self.diffract_phase() if get_psf is True: return np.copy(self.psf)
[docs] def calculate_opd(self, regen_sample=False): """Calculate the OPD from the Zernike coefficients.""" if self.z_coeffs is None or regen_sample is True: # Generate a random sample of coefficients self.gen_random_Z_coeffs(self.max_order, self.rand_seed) # Normalize coefficients z_coeffs = self.normalize_zernikes(self.get_z_coeffs(), self.max_wfe_rms) # Save coefficients self.set_z_coeffs(z_coeffs) # Plot Zernike coefficients if self.plot_opt: self.plot_z_coeffs() else: # Get the stored Zernike coefficients z_coeffs = self.get_z_coeffs() # Create the phase with the Zernike basis opd = 0 for it in range(self.max_order): opd += self.zernike_maps[it] * z_coeffs[it] # Save the wavefront self.opd = opd
[docs] def diffract_phase(self, lambda_obs=None): """Diffract the phase map.""" if lambda_obs is None: if self.lambda_obs is None: print("WARNING: No wavelength is defined. Using default value 0.8um.") lambda_obs = 0.8 else: lambda_obs = self.lambda_obs elif lambda_obs < 0.55 * 0.99 or lambda_obs > 0.9 * 1.01: print( "WARNING: wavelength %.4f is not in VIS passband [0.55,0.9]um" % (lambda_obs) ) # Calculate the feasible lambda closest to lambda_obs possible_lambda = self.feasible_wavelength(lambda_obs) # Save wavelength self.lambda_obs = possible_lambda # Calculate the required N for the input lambda_obs possible_N = self.feasible_N(self.lambda_obs) # Generate the full phase and # Add zeros to the phase to have the correct fourier sampling start = possible_N // 2 - self.opd.shape[0] // 2 stop = possible_N // 2 + self.opd.shape[0] // 2 self.phase = np.zeros((possible_N, possible_N), dtype=np.complex128) self.phase[start:stop, start:stop][self.pupil_mask] = np.exp( 2j * np.pi * self.opd[self.pupil_mask] / self.lambda_obs ) # Project obscurations to the phase self.phase[start:stop, start:stop] *= self.obscurations # FFT-diffract the phase (wavefront) and then crop to desired dimension self.psf = self.fft_diffract( wf=self.phase, output_Q=self.output_Q, output_dim=self.output_dim ) # Normalize psf self.psf /= np.sum(self.psf)
[docs] def feasible_N(self, lambda_obs): """Calculate the feasible N for a lambda_obs diffraction. Input wavelength must be in [um]. """ # Calculate the required N for the input lambda_obs req_N = ( self.oversampling_rate * self.pupil_diameter * lambda_obs * self.tel_focal_length ) / (self.tel_diameter * self.pix_sampling) # Recalculate the req_N into a possible value (a pair integer) possible_N = int((req_N // 2) * 2) return possible_N
[docs] def feasible_wavelength(self, lambda_obs): """Calculate closest feasible wavelength to target wavelength. Input wavelength must be in [um]. Parameters ---------- lambda_obs: float """ # Calculate a feasible N for the input lambda_obs possible_N = self.feasible_N(lambda_obs) # Recalculate the corresponding the wavelength possible_lambda = (possible_N * self.tel_diameter * self.pix_sampling) / ( self.pupil_diameter * self.oversampling_rate * self.tel_focal_length ) if self.verbose > 0: # print("Requested wavelength: %.5f \nRequired N: %.2f"%(lambda_obs, req_N)) print( "Possible wavelength: %.5f \nPossible N: %.2f" % (possible_lambda, possible_N) ) return possible_lambda
[docs] @staticmethod def gen_SED_interp(SED, n_bins=35, interp_kind="cubic"): """Generate SED interpolator. Returns the interpolator and the wavelengths in [nm]. """ wv_max = 900 wv_min = 550 # wvlength = np.arange(wv_min, wv_max, int((wv_max-wv_min)/n_bins)) wvlength = np.linspace(wv_min, wv_max, num=n_bins, endpoint=True) SED_interp = sinterp.interp1d( SED[:, 0], SED[:, 1], kind=interp_kind, bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate", ) return wvlength, SED_interp
[docs] @staticmethod def filter_SED(SED, n_bins, filter_lims=None): """Generate filtered SED. Returns a 'n_bins' point SED and wvlength vector. Each bin 'i' is obtained integrating the SED from filter_lims[i][0] and filter_lims[i][1] Parameters ---------- n_bins: int Number of desired bins for the integrated SED. It should be less or equal to the bins of the unfilterd SED. SED: np.ndarray The unfiltered SED. In the first column it contains the wavelength positions. In the second column the SED value at each wavelength. filter_lims: list of np.ndarray Each element on the list contains the lower und upper integration limits for the bins. Midpoints of bins should be in increasing order. Bins can overlap or be disjoint. """ wv_step = SED[1, 0] - SED[0, 0] wv_max = SED[-1, 0] + wv_step / 2 wv_min = SED[0, 0] - wv_step / 2 # If not given, define equiespaced equaly sized filters if filter_lims is None: wvlength = np.linspace(wv_min, wv_max, num=n_bins + 1, endpoint=True) filter_lims = [wvlength[it : it + 2] for it in range(n_bins)] # Smaller filtered SED SED_filt = np.zeros((n_bins, 2)) # Sum over each filter band (can include a weigthing function, i.e. filter) for idx, lims in enumerate(filter_lims): lim_low = np.abs(SED[:, 0] - lims[0]).argmin() lim_hi = np.abs(SED[:, 0] - lims[1]).argmin() # Sum internal points (whole point surrounding inside the bin) SED_filt[idx, 1] = np.sum(SED[(lim_low + 1) : lim_hi, 1]) # Sum lower lim portion SED_filt[idx, 1] = ( SED_filt[idx, 1] + SED[lim_low, 1] * (SED[lim_low, 0] - lims[0] + wv_step / 2) / wv_step ) # Sum upper lim portion if lim_hi != lim_low: SED_filt[idx, 1] = ( SED_filt[idx, 1] + SED[lim_hi, 1] * (lims[1] - SED[lim_hi, 0] + wv_step / 2) / wv_step ) # Weight by the size of the bin SED_filt[idx, 1] = SED_filt[idx, 1] * (lims[1] - lims[0]) # Normalize the SED SED_filt[:, 1] = SED_filt[:, 1] / np.sum(SED_filt[:, 1]) # Get each bin center as wavelength samples (filter mass centroid) SED_filt[:, 0] = np.sum(np.array(filter_lims), axis=1) / 2 return SED_filt
[docs] @staticmethod def SED_gen_noise(n_bins, SED_sigma): """Generate random normal errors for the binned SED. Returns a vector of size n_bins containing each bin error. Parameters ---------- n_bins: int Number of bins of the SED. It will be the length of the output noise vector. SED_sigma: positive float Standard deviation value of the Gaussian noise vector. """ return np.random.normal(0, SED_sigma, n_bins)
[docs] def interp_SED(self, SED_filt, n_points=0, n_bins=35, interp_kind="cubic"): """Interpolate the binned SED. Returns a ('n_bins')x('n_points'+1) point SED and wvlength vector. Parameters ---------- SED_filt: np.ndarray The filtered SED. In the first column it contains the wavelength positions. In the second column the SED value for each bin. n_points: int Number of points to add in each of the filtered SED bins. It can only be 1 or 2. """ # Generate interpolation function from the binned SED _, SED_interpolator = self.gen_SED_interp( SED_filt, n_bins, interp_kind=interp_kind ) wv_step = SED_filt[1, 0] - SED_filt[0, 0] # Regenerate the wavelength points # JP: This can be turned into a function if n_points == 1: if self.SED_extrapolate: # Add points at the border of each bin : *--o--*--o--*--o--*--o--* SED = np.zeros((n_bins * 2 + 1, 3)) # Set wavelength points then interpolate SED[1::2, 0] = SED_filt[:, 0] SED[2::2, 0] = SED_filt[:, 0] + wv_step / 2 SED[0, 0] = SED_filt[0, 0] - wv_step / 2 SED[:, 1] = SED_interpolator(SED[:, 0]) # Set weigths for new bins (borders have half the bin size) SED[:, 2] = np.ones(n_bins * 2 + 1) SED[0, 2], SED[-1, 2] = 0.5, 0.5 # Apply weights to bins SED[:, 1] *= SED[:, 2] else: # Add points at the border of each bin with no extrapolation: ---o--*--o--*--o--*--o--- SED = np.zeros((n_bins * 2 - 1, 3)) # Set wavelength points then interpolate SED[::2, 0] = SED_filt[:, 0] SED[1::2, 0] = SED_filt[1:, 0] - wv_step / 2 SED[:, 1] = SED_interpolator(SED[:, 0]) # Set weigths for new bins (borders have half the bin size) SED[:, 2] = np.ones(n_bins * 2 - 1) SED[0, 2], SED[-1, 2] = 1.5, 1.5 # Apply weights to bins SED[:, 1] *= SED[:, 2] elif n_points == 2: if self.SED_extrapolate: # Add 2 points per bin: -*-o-*-*-o-*-*-o-*-*-o-*- SED = np.zeros((n_bins * 3, 3)) SED[1::3, 0] = SED_filt[:, 0] SED[::3, 0] = SED_filt[:, 0] - wv_step / 3 SED[2::3, 0] = SED_filt[:, 0] + wv_step / 3 SED[:, 1] = SED_interpolator(SED[:, 0]) # Set weights for new bins (borders have half the bin size) SED[:, 2] = np.ones(n_bins * 3) # Apply weights to bins SED[:, 1] *= SED[:, 2] else: # Add 2 points per bin with no extrapolation: ---o-*-*-o-*-*-o-*-*-o--- SED = np.zeros((n_bins * 3 - 2, 3)) SED[::3, 0] = SED_filt[:, 0] SED[1::3, 0] = SED_filt[1:, 0] - 2 * wv_step / 3 SED[2::3, 0] = SED_filt[1:, 0] - wv_step / 3 SED[:, 1] = SED_interpolator(SED[:, 0]) # Set weigths for new bins (borders have half the bin size) SED[:, 2] = np.ones(n_bins * 3 - 2) SED[0, 2], SED[-1, 2] = 2, 2 # Apply weights to bins SED[:, 1] *= SED[:, 2] elif n_points == 3: if self.SED_extrapolate: # Add 3 points inside each bin : *-*-o-*-*-*-o-*-*-*-o-*-*-*-o-*-* SED = np.zeros((n_bins * 4 + 1, 3)) # Set wavelength points then interpolate SED[4::4, 0] = SED_filt[:, 0] + wv_step / 2 SED[0, 0] = SED_filt[0, 0] - wv_step / 2 SED[1::4, 0] = SED_filt[:, 0] - wv_step / 4 SED[2::4, 0] = SED_filt[:, 0] SED[3::4, 0] = SED_filt[:, 0] + wv_step / 4 # Evaluate interpolator at new points SED[:, 1] = SED_interpolator(SED[:, 0]) # Set weigths for new bins (borders have half the bin size) SED[:, 2] = np.ones(n_bins * 4 + 1) SED[0, 2], SED[-1, 2] = 0.5, 0.5 # Apply weights to bins SED[:, 1] *= SED[:, 2] else: SED = SED_filt # Normalize SED SED[:, 1] = SED[:, 1] / np.sum(SED[:, 1]) return SED
[docs] def gen_SED_sampler(self, SED, n_bins, interp_kind="cubic"): """Generate SED sampler. Returns the sampler and the wavelengths in [nm] """ # Integrate SED into n_bins SED_filt = self.filter_SED(SED, n_bins) # Add noise. Scale sigma for each bin. Normalise the SED. # SED_filt[:,1] = SED_filt[:,1] + self.SED_gen_noise(len(SED_filt), self.SED_sigma)/len(SED_filt) # Here we assume 1/N as the mean bin value SED_filt[:, 1] += np.multiply( SED_filt[:, 1], self.SED_gen_noise(len(SED_filt), self.SED_sigma) ) SED_filt[:, 1] = SED_filt[:, 1] / np.sum(SED_filt[:, 1]) # Add inside-bin points - Interpolate SED_filt = self.interp_SED( SED_filt, self.SED_interp_pts_per_bin, n_bins, self.SED_interp_kind ) # Add weights if not present if SED_filt.shape[1] == 2: weights = np.ones((SED_filt.shape[0], 1)) SED_filt = np.hstack((SED_filt, weights)) # Interpolate the unweighted SED SED_sampler = sinterp.interp1d( SED_filt[:, 0], SED_filt[:, 1] / SED_filt[:, 2], kind=interp_kind, bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate", ) return SED_filt[:, 0], SED_sampler, SED_filt[:, 2]
[docs] def calc_SED_wave_values(self, SED, n_bins=35): """Calculate feasible wavelength and SED values. Feasible so that the padding number N is integer. Meaning choice of wavelengths matters in speeding up the diffraction computation. Parameters ---------- SED: Spectral energy distribution for a star n_bins: int Number of bins """ # Generate SED interpolator and wavelength array (use new sampler method) wvlength, SED_interp, weights = self.gen_SED_sampler(SED, n_bins) # Convert wavelength from [nm] to [um] wvlength_um = wvlength / 1e3 # Calculate feasible wavelengths (in [um]) verbose = self.verbose self.verbose = 0 feasible_wv = np.array([self.feasible_wavelength(_wv) for _wv in wvlength_um]) self.verbose = verbose # Interpolate and normalize SED SED_norm = SED_interp(feasible_wv * 1e3) # Interpolation is done in [nm] SED_norm *= weights # Weight by the relative size of the bins, then normalise. SED_norm /= np.sum(SED_norm) return feasible_wv, SED_norm
[docs] def generate_poly_PSF(self, SED, n_bins=35): """Generate polychromatic PSF with a specific SED. The wavelength space will be the Euclid VIS instrument band: [550,900]nm and will be sampled in ``n_bins``. """ # Calculate the feasible values of wavelength and the corresponding # SED interpolated values feasible_wv, SED_norm = self.calc_SED_wave_values(SED, n_bins) if self.plot_opt: # Plot input SEDs and interpolated SEDs wvlength, SED_interp = self.gen_SED_interp(SED, n_bins) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8)) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) ax1.plot(SED[:, 0], SED[:, 1], label="Input SED") ax1.scatter( feasible_wv * 1e3, SED_interp(feasible_wv * 1e3), label="Interpolated", c="red", ) ax1.set_xlabel("wavelength [nm]") ax1.set_ylabel("SED(wavelength)") ax1.set_title("SED") ax1.legend() # plt.savefig(output_path+'SED_interp_nbin_%d.pdf'%n_bins, bbox_inches='tight') stacked_psf = 0 # Generate the required monochromatic PSFs for it in range(feasible_wv.shape[0]): self.generate_mono_PSF(lambda_obs=feasible_wv[it]) stacked_psf += self.get_psf() * SED_norm[it] self.poly_psf = stacked_psf return stacked_psf
# This pythonic version of the polychromatic calculation is not working # The parallelisation with the class with shared variables might not be working # It may work if we define a @staticmethod for the diffraction # psf_cube = np.array([_sed*self.generate_mono_PSF(_wv, get_psf=True) # for _wv, _sed in zip(feasible_wv, SED_norm)]) # # Sum to obtain the polychromatic PSFs # self.poly_psf = np.sum(np_psf_cube, axis=0) # return np.copy(self.poly_psf)