Source code for wf_psf.utils.configs_handler


A module which provides general utility methods
to manage the parameters of the config files

:Authors: Jennifer Pollack <>

import numpy as np
from wf_psf.utils.read_config import read_conf
from import TrainingDataHandler, TestDataHandler
from import train
from wf_psf.psf_models import psf_models
from wf_psf.metrics.metrics_interface import evaluate_model
from wf_psf.plotting.plots_interface import plot_metrics
import logging
from import FileIOHandler
import os
import re
import glob

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs] def register_configclass(config_class): """Register Config Class. A wrapper function to register all config classes in a dictionary. Parameters ---------- config_class: type Config Class Returns ------- config_class: type Config class """ for id in config_class.ids: CONFIG_CLASS[id] = config_class return config_class
[docs] def set_run_config(config_name): """Set Config Class. A function to select the class of a configuration from CONFIG_CLASS dictionary. Parameters ---------- config_name: str Name of config Returns ------- config_class: class Name of config class """ try: config_id = [id for id in CONFIG_CLASS.keys() if, config_name)][0] config_class = CONFIG_CLASS[config_id] except KeyError as e: logger.exception("Config name entered is invalid. Check your config settings.") exit() return config_class
[docs] def get_run_config(run_config, config_params, file_handler): """Get Run Configuration. A function to get the configuration for a wf-psf run. Parameters ---------- run_config: str Name of the type of run configuraton config_params: str Path of the run configuration file file_handler: object A class instance of FileIOHandler Returns ------- config_class: object A class instance of the selected configuration class. """ config_class = set_run_config(run_config) return config_class(config_params, file_handler)
[docs] class ConfigParameterError(Exception): """Custom Config Parameter Error exception class for specific error scenarios.""" def __init__(self, message="An error with your config settings occurred."): self.message = message super().__init__(self.message)
[docs] class DataConfigHandler: """DataConfigHandler. A class to handle data configuration parameters. Parameters ---------- data_conf: str Path of the data configuration file training_model_params: Recursive Namespace object Recursive Namespace object containing the training model parameters """ def __init__(self, data_conf, training_model_params): try: self.data_conf = read_conf(data_conf) except FileNotFoundError as e: logger.exception(e) exit() except TypeError as e: logger.exception(e) exit() self.simPSF = psf_models.simPSF(training_model_params) self.training_data = TrainingDataHandler(, self.simPSF, training_model_params.n_bins_lda, ) self.test_data = TestDataHandler(, self.simPSF, training_model_params.n_bins_lda, )
[docs] @register_configclass class TrainingConfigHandler: """TrainingConfigHandler. A class to handle training configuration parameters. Parameters ---------- ids: tuple A tuple containing a string id for the Configuration Class training_conf: str Path of the training configuration file file_handler: object A instance of the FileIOHandler class """ ids = ("training_conf",) def __init__(self, training_conf, file_handler): self.training_conf = read_conf(training_conf) self.file_handler = file_handler self.data_conf = DataConfigHandler( os.path.join( file_handler.config_path, ),, ) self.file_handler.copy_conffile_to_output_dir( ) self.checkpoint_dir = file_handler.get_checkpoint_dir( self.file_handler._run_output_dir ) self.optimizer_dir = file_handler.get_optimizer_dir( self.file_handler._run_output_dir ) self.psf_model_dir = file_handler.get_psf_model_dir( self.file_handler._run_output_dir )
[docs] def run(self): """Run. A function to run wave-diff according to the input configuration. """ train.train(, self.data_conf.training_data, self.data_conf.test_data, self.checkpoint_dir, self.optimizer_dir, self.psf_model_dir, ) if is not None: self.file_handler.copy_conffile_to_output_dir( ) metrics = MetricsConfigHandler( os.path.join( self.file_handler.config_path,, ), self.file_handler, self.training_conf, )
[docs] @register_configclass class MetricsConfigHandler: """MetricsConfigHandler. A class to handle metrics configuation parameters. Parameters ---------- ids: tuple A tuple containing a string id for the Configuration Class metrics_conf: str Path to the metrics configuration file file_handler: object An instance of the FileIOHandler training_conf: RecursiveNamespace object RecursiveNamespace object containing the training configuration parameters """ ids = ("metrics_conf",) def __init__(self, metrics_conf, file_handler, training_conf=None): self._metrics_conf = read_conf(metrics_conf) self._file_handler = file_handler self.trained_model_path = self._get_trained_model_path(training_conf) self._training_conf = self._load_training_conf(training_conf) @property def metrics_conf(self): return self._metrics_conf @property def metrics_dir(self): return self._file_handler.get_metrics_dir(self._file_handler._run_output_dir) @property def training_conf(self): return self._training_conf @property def plotting_conf(self): return self.metrics_conf.metrics.plotting_config @property def data_conf(self): return self._load_data_conf() @property def psf_model(self): return psf_models.get_psf_model(,, ) @property def weights_path(self): return psf_models.get_psf_model_weights_filepath(self.weights_basename_filepath) def _get_trained_model_path(self, training_conf): """Get Trained Model Path. Helper method to get the trained model path. Parameters ---------- training_conf: None or RecursiveNamespace None type or RecursiveNamespace Returns ------- str A string representing the path to the trained model output run directory. """ if training_conf is None: try: return self._metrics_conf.metrics.trained_model_path except TypeError as e: logger.exception(e) raise ConfigParameterError( "Metrics config file trained model path or config values are empty." ) else: return os.path.join( self._file_handler.output_path, self._file_handler.parent_output_dir, self._file_handler.workdir, ) def _load_training_conf(self, training_conf): """Load Training Conf. Load the training configuration if training_conf is not provided. Parameters ---------- training_conf: None or RecursiveNamespace None type or a RecursiveNamespace storing the training configuration parameter setttings. Returns ------- RecursiveNamespace storing the training configuration parameter settings. """ if training_conf is None: try: return read_conf( os.path.join( self._file_handler.get_config_dir(self.trained_model_path), self._metrics_conf.metrics.trained_model_config, ) ) except TypeError as e: logger.exception(e) raise ConfigParameterError( "Metrics config file trained model path or config values are empty." ) else: return training_conf def _load_data_conf(self): """Load Data Conf. A method to load the data configuration file and return an instance of DataConfigHandler class. Returns ------- An instance of the DataConfigHandler class. """ try: return DataConfigHandler( os.path.join( self._file_handler.config_path,, ),, ) except TypeError as e: logger.exception(e) raise ConfigParameterError("Data configuration loading error.") @property def weights_basename_filepath(self): """Get PSF model weights filepath. A function to return the basename of the user-specified psf model weights path. Returns ------- weights_basename: str The basename of the psf model weights to be loaded. """ return os.path.join( self.trained_model_path, self.metrics_conf.metrics.model_save_path, ( f"{self.metrics_conf.metrics.model_save_path}*_{}" f"*{}_cycle{self.metrics_conf.metrics.saved_training_cycle}*" ), )
[docs] def call_plot_config_handler_run(self, model_metrics): """Make Metrics Plots. A function to call the PlottingConfigHandler run command to generate metrics plots. Parameters ---------- model_metrics: dict A dictionary storing the metrics output generated during evaluation of the trained PSF model. """ self._plotting_conf = os.path.join( self._file_handler.config_path, self.plotting_conf, ) plots_config_handler = PlottingConfigHandler( self._plotting_conf, self._file_handler, ) # Update metrics_confs dict with latest result plots_config_handler.metrics_confs[ self._file_handler.workdir ] = self.metrics_conf # Update metric results dict with latest result plots_config_handler.list_of_metrics_dict[self._file_handler.workdir] = [ { + [model_metrics] } ]
[docs] def run(self): """Run. A function to run wave-diff according to the input configuration. """ "Running metrics evaluation on psf model: {}".format(self.weights_path) ) model_metrics = evaluate_model( self.metrics_conf.metrics,, self.data_conf.training_data, self.data_conf.test_data, self.psf_model, self.weights_path, self.metrics_dir, ) if self.plotting_conf is not None: self._file_handler.copy_conffile_to_output_dir( self.metrics_conf.metrics.plotting_config ) self.call_plot_config_handler_run(model_metrics)
[docs] @register_configclass class PlottingConfigHandler: """PlottingConfigHandler. A class to handle plotting config settings. Parameters ---------- ids: tuple A tuple containing a string id for the Configuration Class plotting_conf: str Name of plotting configuration file file_handler: obj An instance of the FileIOHandler class """ ids = ("plotting_conf",) def __init__(self, plotting_conf, file_handler): self.plotting_conf = read_conf(plotting_conf) self.file_handler = file_handler self.metrics_confs = {} self.check_and_update_metrics_confs() self.list_of_metrics_dict = self.make_dict_of_metrics() self.plots_dir = self.file_handler.get_plots_dir( self.file_handler._run_output_dir )
[docs] def check_and_update_metrics_confs(self): """Check and Update Metrics Confs. A function to check if user provided inputs metrics dir to add to metrics_confs dictionary. """ if self.plotting_conf.plotting_params.metrics_dir: self._update_metrics_confs()
[docs] def make_dict_of_metrics(self): """Make dictionary of metrics. A function to create a dictionary for each metrics per run. Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing metrics or an empty dictionary. """ if self.plotting_conf.plotting_params.metrics_dir: return self.load_metrics_into_dict() else: return {}
def _update_metrics_confs(self): """Update Metrics Configurations. A method to update the metrics_confs dictionary with each set of metrics configuration parameters provided as input. """ for wf_dir, metrics_conf in zip( self.plotting_conf.plotting_params.metrics_dir, self.plotting_conf.plotting_params.metrics_config, ): self.metrics_confs[wf_dir] = read_conf( os.path.join( self.plotting_conf.plotting_params.metrics_output_path, self.file_handler.get_config_dir(wf_dir), metrics_conf, ) ) def _metrics_run_id_name(self, wf_outdir, metrics_params): """Get Metrics Run ID Name. A function to generate run id name for the metrics of a trained model Parameters ---------- wf_outdir: str Name of the wf-psf run output directory metrics_params: RecursiveNamespace Object RecursiveNamespace object containing the metrics parameters used to evaluated the trained model. Returns ------- metrics_run_id_name: list List containing the model name and id for each training run """ try: training_conf = read_conf( os.path.join( metrics_params.metrics.trained_model_path, metrics_params.metrics.trained_model_config, ) ) id_name = model_name = return [model_name + id_name] except (TypeError, FileNotFoundError):"Trained model path not provided...") "Trying to retrieve training config file from workdir: {}".format( wf_outdir ) ) training_confs = [ read_conf(training_conf) for training_conf in glob.glob( os.path.join( self.plotting_conf.plotting_params.metrics_output_path, self.file_handler.get_config_dir(wf_outdir), "training*", ) ) ] run_ids = [ + for training_conf in training_confs ] return run_ids except: logger.exception("File not found.")
[docs] def load_metrics_into_dict(self): """Load Metrics into Dictionary. A method to load a metrics file of a trained model from a previous run into a dictionary. Returns ------- metrics_files_dict: dict A dictionary containing all of the metrics from the loaded metrics files. """ metrics_dict = {} for k, v in self.metrics_confs.items(): run_id_names = self._metrics_run_id_name(k, v) metrics_dict[k] = [] for run_id_name in run_id_names: output_path = os.path.join( self.plotting_conf.plotting_params.metrics_output_path, k, "metrics", "metrics-" + run_id_name + ".npy", ) "Attempting to read in trained model config file...{}".format( output_path ) ) try: metrics_dict[k].append( {run_id_name: [np.load(output_path, allow_pickle=True)[()]]} ) except FileNotFoundError: logger.error( "The required file for the plots was not found. Please check your configs settings." ) return metrics_dict
[docs] def run(self): """Run. A function to run wave-diff according to the input configuration. """"Generating metric plots...") plot_metrics( self.plotting_conf.plotting_params, self.list_of_metrics_dict, self.metrics_confs, self.plots_dir, )