Source code for wf_psf.utils.graph_utils

import numpy as np

[docs] class GraphBuilder(object): r"""GraphBuilder class. This class computes the necessary quantities for RCA's graph constraint. Parameters ---------- obs_data: numpy.ndarray Observed data. obs_pos: numpy.ndarray Corresponding positions. obs_weights: numpy.ndarray Corresponding per-pixel weights. n_comp: int Number of RCA components. n_eigenvects: int Maximum number of eigenvectors to consider per :math:`(e,a)` couple. Default is ``None``; if not provided, *all* eigenvectors will be considered, which can lead to a poor selection of graphs, especially when data is undersampled. Ignored if ``VT`` and ``alpha`` are provided. n_iter: int How many alternations should there be when optimizing over :math:`e` and :math:`a`. Default is 3. ea_gridsize: int How fine should the logscale grid of :math:`(e,a)` values be. Default is 10. distances: numpy.ndarray Pairwise distances for all positions. Default is ``None``; if not provided, will be computed from given positions. auto_run: bool Whether to immediately build the graph quantities. Default is ``True``. """ def __init__( self, obs_data, obs_pos, obs_weights, n_comp, n_eigenvects=None, n_iter=3, ea_gridsize=10, distances=None, auto_run=True, verbose=2, ): r"""Initialize class attributes.""" self.obs_data = obs_data shap = self.obs_data.shape self.obs_pos = obs_pos self.obs_weights = obs_weights # change to same format as that we will use for # residual matrix R later on self.obs_weights = np.transpose( self.obs_weights.reshape((shap[0] * shap[1], shap[2])) ) self.n_comp = n_comp if n_eigenvects is None: self.n_eigenvects = self.obs_data.shape[2] else: self.n_eigenvects = n_eigenvects self.n_iter = n_iter self.ea_gridsize = ea_gridsize if verbose > 1: self.verbose = True else: self.verbose = False if distances is None: self.distances = pairwise_distances(self.obs_pos) else: self.distances = distances if auto_run: self._build_graphs() def _build_graphs(self): r"""Compute graph-constraint related values. Notes ----- See RCA paper (Ngole et al.) sections 5.2 and (especially) 5.5.3. """ shap = self.obs_data.shape e_max = self.pick_emax() if self.verbose: print(" > power max = ", e_max) # [TL] Modif min from 0.01 to 0.001 a_range = np.geomspace(0.001, 1.99, self.ea_gridsize) e_range = np.geomspace(0.01, e_max, self.ea_gridsize) # initialize R matrix with observations R = np.copy(np.transpose(self.obs_data.reshape((shap[0] * shap[1], shap[2])))) self.sel_a = [] self.sel_e = [] idx = [] list_eigenvects = [] for _ in range(self.n_comp): e, a, j, best_VT = self.select_params(R, e_range, a_range) self.sel_e += [e] self.sel_a += [a] idx += [j] list_eigenvects += [best_VT] vect = best_VT[j].reshape(1, -1) R -= if self.verbose: print( " > selected e: {}\tselected a:".format(e) + "{}\t chosen index: {}/{}".format(a, j, self.n_eigenvects) ) self.VT = np.vstack((eigenvect for eigenvect in list_eigenvects)) self.alpha = np.zeros((self.n_comp, self.VT.shape[0])) for i in range(self.n_comp): self.alpha[i, i * self.n_eigenvects + idx[i]] = 1
[docs] def pick_emax(self, epsilon=1e-15): r"""Pick maximum value for ``e`` parameter. From now, we fix the maximum :math:`e` to 1 and ignore the old procedure that was giving values that were too big. Old procedure: Select maximum value of :math:`e` for the greedy search over set of :math:`(e,a)` couples, so that the graph is still fully connected. """ # nodiag = np.copy(self.distances) # nodiag[nodiag==0] = 1e20 # dist_ratios = np.min(nodiag,axis=1) / np.max(self.distances, axis=1) # r_med = np.min(dist_ratios**2) # return np.log(epsilon)/np.log(r_med) return 1.0
[docs] def select_params(self, R, e_range, a_range): r"""Select best graph parameters. Select :math:`(e,a)` parameters and best eigenvector for current :math:`R_i` matrix. Parameters ---------- R: numpy.ndarray Current :math:`R_i` matrix (as defined in RCA paper (Ngole et al.), sect. 5.5.3.) e_range: numpy.ndarray List of :math:`e` values to be tested. a_range: numpy.ndarray List of :math:`a` values to be tested. """ current_a = 0.5 for i in range(self.n_iter): # optimize over e Peas = np.array([gen_Pea(self.distances, e, current_a) for e in e_range]) all_eigenvects = np.array([self.gen_eigenvects(Pea) for Pea in Peas]) ea_idx, eigen_idx, _ = select_vstar(all_eigenvects, R, self.obs_weights) current_e = e_range[ea_idx] # optimize over a Peas = np.array([gen_Pea(self.distances, current_e, a) for a in a_range]) all_eigenvects = np.array([self.gen_eigenvects(Pea) for Pea in Peas]) ea_idx, eigen_idx, best_VT = select_vstar( all_eigenvects, R, self.obs_weights ) current_a = a_range[ea_idx] return current_e, current_a, eigen_idx, best_VT
[docs] def gen_eigenvects(self, mat): r"""Compute input matrix's eigenvectors. Keep only the ``n_eigenvects`` associated with the smallest eigenvalues. """ U, s, vT = np.linalg.svd(mat, full_matrices=True) vT = vT[-self.n_eigenvects :] return vT
[docs] def select_vstar(eigenvects, R, weights): r"""Pick best eigenvector from a set of :math:`(e,a)`. i.e., solve (35) from RCA paper (Ngole et al.). Parameters ---------- eigenvects: numpy.ndarray Array of eigenvects to be tested over. R: numpy.ndarray :math:`R_i` matrix. weights: numpy.ndarray Entry-wise weights for :math:`R_i`. """ loss = np.sum((weights * R) ** 2) for i, Pea_eigenvects in enumerate(eigenvects): for j, vect in enumerate(Pea_eigenvects): colvect = np.copy(vect).reshape(1, -1) current_loss = np.sum( (weights * R - * R))) ** 2 ) if current_loss < loss: loss = current_loss eigen_idx = j ea_idx = i best_VT = np.copy(Pea_eigenvects) return ea_idx, eigen_idx, best_VT
[docs] def pairwise_distances(obs_pos): r"""Compute pairwise distances.""" ones = np.ones(obs_pos.shape[0]) out0 = np.outer(obs_pos[:, 0], ones) out1 = np.outer(obs_pos[:, 1], ones) return np.sqrt((out0 - out0.T) ** 2 + (out1 - out1.T) ** 2)
[docs] def gen_Pea(distances, e, a): r"""Compute the graph Laplacian for a given set of parameters. Parameters ---------- distances: numpy.ndarray Array of pairwise distances e: float Exponent to which the pairwise distances should be raised. a: float Constant multiplier along Laplacian's diagonal. Returns ------- Pea: numpy.ndarray Graph laplacian. Notes ----- Computes :math:`P_{e,a}` matrix for given ``e``, ``a`` couple. See Equations (16-17) in RCA paper (Ngole et al.). Watch out with the ``e`` parameter as it plays a vital role in the graph definition as it is a parameter of the distance that defines the graph's weights. """ Pea = np.copy(distances**e) np.fill_diagonal(Pea, 1.0) Pea = -1.0 / Pea for i in range(Pea.shape[0]): Pea[i, i] = a * (np.sum(-1.0 * Pea[i]) - 1.0) return Pea