Source code for wf_psf.utils.read_config

"""Read Config.

A module which defines methods to
read configuration files.

:Author: Jennifer Pollack <>


import yaml
from yaml.scanner import ScannerError
from yaml.parser import ParserError
import pprint
from types import SimpleNamespace
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class RecursiveNamespace(SimpleNamespace): """RecursiveNamespace. A child class of the type SimpleNamespace to create nested namespaces (objects). Parameters ---------- **kwargs Extra keyword arguments used to build a nested namespace. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) for key, val in kwargs.items(): if type(val) == dict: setattr(self, key, RecursiveNamespace(**val)) elif type(val) == list: setattr(self, key, list(map(self.map_entry, val)))
[docs] @staticmethod def map_entry(entry): """Map Entry. A function to map a dictionary to a RecursiveNamespace object. Parameters ---------- entry: type Returns ------- RecursiveNamespace RecursiveNamespace object if entry type is a dictionary entry: type Original type of entry if type is not a dictionary """ if isinstance(entry, dict): return RecursiveNamespace(**entry) return entry
[docs] def read_yaml(conf_file): """Read Yaml. A function to read a YAML file. Parameters ---------- conf_file: str Name of configuration file Returns ------- config: dict A dictionary containing configuration parameters. """ with open(conf_file) as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) return config
[docs] def read_conf(conf_file): """Read Conf. A function to read a yaml configuration file, recursively. Parameters ---------- conf_file: str Name of configuration file Returns ------- RecursiveNamespace Recursive Namespace object """"Loading...{}".format(conf_file)) with open(conf_file, "r") as f: try: my_conf = yaml.safe_load(f) except (ParserError, ScannerError, TypeError): logger.exception( "There is a syntax problem with your config file. Please check {}.".format( conf_file ) ) exit() if my_conf == None: raise TypeError( "Config file {} is empty...Stopping Program.".format(conf_file) ) exit() try: return RecursiveNamespace(**my_conf) except TypeError as e: logger.exception( "Check your config file for errors. Error Msg: {}.".format(e) ) exit()
[docs] def read_stream(conf_file): """Read Stream. A generator to read multiple docs in a yaml config. Parameters ---------- conf_file Name of configuration file Yields ------ dict A dictionary containing all config files. """ stream = open(conf_file, "r") docs = yaml.load_all(stream, yaml.FullLoader) for doc in docs: yield doc