

This page shows all required steps of post-processing the results from one or more ShapePipe runs. Post-processing combines various individual ShapePipe output files, and creates joint results, for example combining individual tile catalogues in a large sky area. The output of post-processing is a joint shape catalogue, containing all required information to create a calibrated shear catalogue via metacalibration), a joint star catalogue, and PSF diagnostic plots.

Some of the following steps pertain specifically to runs carried out on canfar, but most are general.

  1. Retrieve ShapePipe result files

    For a local run on the same machine as for post-processing, nothing needs to be done. In some cases, the run was carried out on a remote machine or cluster, and the resulting ShapePipe output files need to be retrieved.

    In the specific case of, this is done as follows.

    A. Check availability of results

    A canfar job can submit a large number of tiles, whose processing time can vary a lot. We assume that the submitted tile ID list is available locally via the ascii file tile_numbers.txt. To check which tiles have finished running, and whose results have been uploaded, use

    canfar_avail_results -i tile_numbers.txt -v -p PSF --input_path INPUT_PATH

    where PSF is one in [psfex|mccd], and INPUT_PATH the input path on vos, default vos:cfis/cosmostat/kilbinger/results. See -h for all options.

    B. Download results

    All results files will be downloaded with

    canfar_download_results -i tile_numbers.txt -v -p PSF --input_vos INPUT_VOS

    Use the same options as for same as for canfar_avail_results.

    This command can be run in the same directory at subsequent times, to complete an ongoing run: Only newer files will be downloaded from the vos directory. This also assures that partially downloaded or corrupt files will be replaced.

    Checking the vos directorty can be slow for large patches. To only download files that are not yet present locally (in .), first write the missing ones to an ascii file, using again the script canfar_avail_results, but this time with . as input path:

    canfar_avail_results -i tile_numbers.txt --input_path . -p PSF -v -o missing.txt
    Then, download only the missing files with
    canfar_download_results -i missing.txt --input_vos cosmostat/kilbinger/results_mccd_oc2 -p mccd -v

    C. Un-tar results

     untar_results -p PSF

    On success, ShapePipe output fits and log files will be now in various subdirs of the output directory.

At this step all required ShapePipe resulting output files are available in the current working directory.

  1. Optional: Split output in sub-samples

    An optional intermediate step is to create directories for sub-samples, for example one directory for each patch on the sky. This will create symbolic links to the results .tgz files downloaded in the previous step. For example, to create the subdir tiles_W3 with links to result files to all for those tiles contained in the list tiles_W3.txt, do:

     create_sample_results --input_IDs tiles_W3.txt -i . all -o tiles_W3 -v

    The following steps will then be done in the directory tiles_W3.

  2. Run PSF diagnostics, create merged catalogue


    post_proc_sp -p PSF

    to automatically perform a number of post-processing steps. Chose the PSF model with the option -p psfex|mccd. In detail, these are (and can also be done individually by hand):

    A. Analyse psf validation files

    psf_residuals -p PSF

    with options as for post_proc_sp. This script identifies all psf validation files (from all processed tiles downloaded to pwd), creates symbolic links, merges the catalogues, and creates plots of PSF ellipticity, size, and residuals over the focal plane.

    B. Create plots of the PSF and their residuals in the focal plane, as a diagnostic of the overall PSF model. As a scale-dependend test, which propagates directly to the shear correlation function, the rho statistics are computed, see [Rowe, 2010] and [Jarvis et al., 2016],

    shapepipe_run -c /path/to/shapepipe/example/cfis/config_MsPl_PSF.ini

    C. Prepare output directory

    Create links to all ‘final_cat’ result files with


    The corresponding output directory that is created is output/run_sp_combined/make_catalog_runner/output. On success, it contains links to all final_cat output catalogues

    D. Merge final output files

    Create a single main shape catalog:

    merge_final_cat -i <input_dir> -p <param_file> -v

    Choose as input directory input_dir the output of step C. A default parameter file <param_file> is /path/to/shapepipe/example/cfis/final_cat.param. On success, the file ./final_cat.npy is created. Depending on the number of input tiles, this file can be several tens of Gb large.