Create random catalogue

This section describes how to create a random catalogue from ShapePipe mask files corresponding to a selection of tiles.

Set up

First, if if does not exist already, create the file tile_numbers.txt containing a list of tile IDs, one per line. This is the same format as the input file to get_images_runner. For example, link to a patch ID list,

ln -s tiles_PX.txt tile_numbers.txt

Next, set the run and config paths,

export SP_RUN=.
export SP_CONFIG=/path/to/config-files

Get images or image headers

We need to footprint of the image tiles. If they have been downloaded for a ShapePipe run, check that they are accessible as last run of the get_images_runner module.

If not, we can just download the headers to gain significant download time.

shapepipe_run -c $SP_CONFIG/config_get_tiles_vos_headers.ini

Check mask files

Make sure that all mask files are present. If they have been downloaded from vos as .tgz files, type

canfar_avail_results -i tile_numbers.txt --input_path . -v -m -o missing_mask.txt

In case of missing mask files, check whether they are present in the vos remote directory,

canfar_avail_results -i tile_numbers.txt --input_path vos:cfis/vos-path/to/results -v -m

If missing on vos, process those tiles. If processing only up the the mask is necessary, the following steps can be carried out,

job_sp -j 7 TILE_ID
job_sp -j 128 TILE_ID

The first command processes the tile up to the mask; the second line uploads the mask files to vos.

Now, download the missing masks with

canfar_download_results -i missing_mask.txt --input_vos vos-path/to/results -m -v

Untar .tgz files if required,

while read p; do tar xvf pipeline_flag_$p.tgz; done <missing_mask.txt

Prepare combined mask input directory

To combine all mask files into one input directory, easy to find by the subsequent ShapePipe module random_runner, type

prepare_tiles_for_final -c flag

To make sure everything went well, check the linked .fits files with

canfar_avail_results -i tile_numbers.txt --input_path output/run_sp_combined_flag/mask_runner/output -x fits -v -m

Create random catalogue

First, create a random catalogue for each input tile and mask file,

shapepipe_run -c $SP_CONFIG/config_Rc.ini

Next, merge those catalogues into a numpy binary (.npy) file,

merge_final_cat -i output/run_sp_Rc/random_cat_runner/output -n random_cat -v


We can plot the random objects,

python ~/astro/repositories/github/sp_validation/scripts/

and finally compute the effective survey area,
