Source code for shapepipe.modules.mask_package.mask


This module contains a class to create star mask for an image.

:Authors: Axel Guinot, Martin Kilbinger


import os
import re

import numpy as np
from astropy import units, wcs
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from import fits

from shapepipe.pipeline import file_io
from shapepipe.pipeline.config import CustomParser
from shapepipe.pipeline.execute import execute
from shapepipe.utilities.file_system import mkdir

[docs]class Mask(object): """Mask. Class to create mask based on a star catalogue. Parameters ---------- image_path : str Path to image (FITS format) weight_path : str Path to the weight image (FITS format) image_prefix : str Prefix to input image name, specify as ``'none'`` for no prefix image_num : str File number identified config_filepath : str Path to the ``.mask`` config file output_dir : str Path to the output directory w_log : logging.Logger Log file path_external_flag : str, optional Path to external flag file, default is ``None`` (not used) outname_base : str, optional Output file name base, default is ``flag`` star_cat_path : str, optional Path to external star catalogue, default is ``None`` (not used; instead the star catalogue is produced on the fly at run time) hdu : int, optional HDU number, default is ``0`` """ def __init__( self, image_path, weight_path, image_prefix, image_num, config_filepath, output_dir, w_log, path_external_flag=None, outname_base='flag', star_cat_path=None, hdu=0, ): # Path to the image to mask self._image_fullpath = image_path # Path to the weight associated to the image self._weight_fullpath = weight_path # Input image prefix if (image_prefix.lower() != 'none') and (image_prefix != ''): self._img_prefix = f'{image_prefix}_' else: self._img_prefix = '' # File number identified self._img_number = image_num # Path to mask config file self._config_filepath = config_filepath # Path to the output directory self._output_dir = output_dir # Log file self._w_log = w_log # Path to an external flag file self._path_external_flag = path_external_flag # Output file base name self._outname_base = outname_base # Set external star catalogue path if given if star_cat_path is not None: self._star_cat_path = star_cat_path self._hdu = hdu # Read mask config file self._get_config() # Set parameters needed for the star detection self._set_image_coordinates() # Set error flag self._err = False
[docs] def _get_config(self): """Get Config. Read the config file and set parameters. Raises ------ ValueError If config file name is ``None`` IOError If config file not found """ if self._config_filepath is None: raise ValueError('No path to config file given') if not os.path.exists(self._config_filepath): raise IOError( f'Config file "{self._config_filepath}" not found' ) conf = CustomParser() self._config = { 'PATH': {}, 'BORDER': {}, 'HALO': {}, 'SPIKE': {}, 'MESSIER': {}, 'NGC': {}, 'MD': {}, } if conf.has_option('PROGRAM_PATH', 'WW_PATH'): self._config['PATH']['WW'] = ( conf.getexpanded('PROGRAM_PATH', 'WW_PATH') ) else: self._config['PATH']['WW'] = 'ww' self._config['PATH']['WW_configfile'] = ( conf.getexpanded('PROGRAM_PATH', 'WW_CONFIG_FILE') ) if conf.has_option('PROGRAM_PATH', 'CDSCLIENT_PATH'): self._config['PATH']['CDSclient'] = ( conf.getexpanded('PROGRAM_PATH', 'CDSCLIENT_PATH') ) elif self._star_cat_path is not None: self._config['PATH']['star_cat'] = self._star_cat_path else: raise ValueError( 'Either [PROGRAM_PATH]:CDSCLIENT_PATH in the mask config file ' + ' or a star catalogue as module input needs to be present' ) self._config['PATH']['temp_dir'] = self._get_temp_dir_path( conf.getexpanded('OTHER', 'TEMP_DIRECTORY') ) self._config['BORDER']['make'] = ( conf.getboolean('BORDER_PARAMETERS', 'BORDER_MAKE') ) if self._config['BORDER']['make']: self._config['BORDER']['width'] = ( conf.getint('BORDER_PARAMETERS', 'BORDER_WIDTH') ) self._config['BORDER']['flag'] = ( conf.get('BORDER_PARAMETERS', 'BORDER_FLAG_VALUE') ) for mask_shape in ['HALO', 'SPIKE']: self._config[mask_shape]['make'] = conf.getboolean( f'{mask_shape}_PARAMETERS', f'{mask_shape}_MAKE', ) self._config[mask_shape]['individual'] = ( conf.getboolean('OTHER', 'KEEP_INDIVIDUAL_MASK') ) if self._config[mask_shape]['make']: self._config[mask_shape]['maskmodel_path'] = conf.getexpanded( f'{mask_shape}_PARAMETERS', f'{mask_shape}_MASKMODEL_PATH', ) self._config[mask_shape]['mag_lim'] = conf.getfloat( f'{mask_shape}_PARAMETERS', f'{mask_shape}_MAG_LIM', ) self._config[mask_shape]['scale_factor'] = conf.getfloat( f'{mask_shape}_PARAMETERS', f'{mask_shape}_SCALE_FACTOR', ) self._config[mask_shape]['mag_pivot'] = conf.getfloat( f'{mask_shape}_PARAMETERS', f'{mask_shape}_MAG_PIVOT', ) self._config[mask_shape]['flag'] = conf.getint( f'{mask_shape}_PARAMETERS', f'{mask_shape}_FLAG_VALUE', ) if conf.getboolean('OTHER', 'KEEP_REG_FILE'): reg_file = conf.getexpanded( f'{mask_shape}_PARAMETERS', f'{mask_shape}_REG_FILE', ) self._config[mask_shape]['reg_file'] = ( f'{self._config["PATH"]["temp_dir"]}/' + f'{re.split(".reg", reg_file)[0]}' + f'{self._img_number}.reg' ) else: self._config[mask_shape]['reg_file'] = None for mask_type in ['MESSIER', 'NGC']: self._config[mask_type]['make'] = conf.getboolean( f'{mask_type}_PARAMETERS', f'{mask_type}_MAKE' ) if self._config[mask_type]['make']: self._config[mask_type]['cat_path'] = conf.getexpanded( f'{mask_type}_PARAMETERS', f'{mask_type}_CAT_PATH', ) self._config[mask_type]['size_plus'] = conf.getfloat( f'{mask_type}_PARAMETERS', f'{mask_type}_SIZE_PLUS', ) self._config[mask_type]['flag'] = conf.getint( f'{mask_type}_PARAMETERS', f'{mask_type}_FLAG_VALUE', ) self._config['MD']['make'] = ( conf.getboolean('MD_PARAMETERS', 'MD_MAKE') ) if self._config['MD']['make']: self._config['MD']['thresh_flag'] = ( conf.getfloat('MD_PARAMETERS', 'MD_THRESH_FLAG') ) self._config['MD']['thresh_remove'] = ( conf.getfloat('MD_PARAMETERS', 'MD_THRESH_REMOVE') ) self._config['MD']['remove'] = ( conf.getboolean('MD_PARAMETERS', 'MD_REMOVE') )
[docs] def _set_image_coordinates(self): """Set Image Coordinates. Compute the image coordinates for matching with the star catalogue and star mask. """ img = file_io.FITSCatalogue(self._image_fullpath, hdu_no=0) self._header = img.get_header() img_shape = img.get_data().shape img.close() del img self._wcs = wcs.WCS(self._header) # Compute field center # Note: get_data().shape corresponds to (n_y, n_x) pix_center = [img_shape[1] / 2.0, img_shape[0] / 2.0] wcs_center = self._wcs.all_pix2world([pix_center], 1)[0] self._fieldcenter = {} self._fieldcenter['pix'] = np.array(pix_center) self._fieldcenter['wcs'] = ( SkyCoord(ra=wcs_center[0], dec=wcs_center[1], unit='deg') ) # Get the four corners of the image corners = self._wcs.calc_footprint() self._corners_sc = SkyCoord( ra=corners[:, 0] *, dec=corners[:, 1] *, ) # Compute image radius = image diagonal self._img_radius = self._get_image_radius()
[docs] def make_mask(self): """Make Mask. Main function to create the mask. """ if self._config['MD']['make']: self.missing_data() if self._config['HALO']['make'] or self._config['SPIKE']['make']: stars = self.find_stars( np.array([ self._fieldcenter['wcs'].ra.value, self._fieldcenter['wcs'].dec.value ]), radius=self._img_radius, ) if not self._err: for _type in ('HALO', 'SPIKE'): if self._config[_type]['make']: self._create_mask( stars=stars, types=_type, mag_limit=self._config[_type]['mag_lim'], scale_factor=self._config[_type]['scale_factor'], mag_pivot=self._config[_type]['mag_pivot'], ) if not self._err: mask_name = [] if self._config['HALO']['make'] and self._config['SPIKE']['make']: self._exec_WW(types='ALL') mask_name.append( f'{self._config["PATH"]["temp_dir"]}halo_spike_flag' + f'{self._img_number}.fits' ) mask_name.append(None) else: for _type in ('HALO', 'SPIKE'): if self._config[_type]['make']: self._exec_WW(types=_type) mask_name.append( f'{self._config["PATH"]["temp_dir"]}' + f'{_type.lower()}_flag{self._img_number}.fits' ) else: mask_name.append(None) masks_internal = {} if not self._err: if self._config['BORDER']['make']: masks_internal['BORDER'] = self.mask_border( width=self._config['BORDER']['width'] ) if not self._err: for _type in ('MESSIER', 'NGC'): if self._config[_type]['make']: masks_internal[_type] = self.mask_dso( self._config[_type]['cat_path'], size_plus=self._config[_type]['size_plus'], flag_value=self._config[_type]['flag'], obj_type=_type, ) if not self._err: try: im_pass = self._config['MD']['im_remove'] except Exception: im_pass = True if not self._err: path_external_flag = self._path_external_flag if not self._err: if im_pass: final_mask = self._build_final_mask( path_mask1=mask_name[0], path_mask2=mask_name[1], masks_internal=masks_internal, path_external_flag=path_external_flag, ) if not self._config['HALO']['individual']: if mask_name[0] is not None: self._rm_fits1_stdout, self._rm_fits1_stderr = ( execute(f'rm {mask_name[0]}') ) if mask_name[1] is not None: self._rm_fits2_stdout, self._rm_fits2_stderr = ( execute(f'rm {mask_name[1]}') ) output_file_name = ( f'{self._output_dir}/{self._img_prefix}' + f'{self._outname_base}{self._img_number}.fits' ) self._mask_to_file( input_mask=final_mask, output_fullpath=output_file_name, ) # Handle stdout / stderr general_stdout = f'\nCDSClient\n{self._CDS_stdout}' general_stderr = '' if self._CDS_stderr != '': general_stderr += f'\nCDSClient\n{self._CDS_stderr}' if hasattr(self, '_WW_stdout') or hasattr(self, '_WW_stdout'): general_stdout += f'\n\nWeightWatcher\n{self._WW_stdout}' if self._WW_stderr != '': general_stderr += f'\n\nWeightWatcher\n{self._WW_stderr}' if hasattr(self, '_rm_reg_stderr') or hasattr(self, '_rm_reg_stdout'): general_stdout += f'\n\nrm reg file\n{self._rm_reg_stdout}' if self._rm_reg_stderr != '': general_stderr += f'\n\nrm reg file\n{self._rm_reg_stderr}' if ( hasattr(self, '_rm_fits1_stderr') or hasattr(self, '_rm_fits1_stdout') ): general_stdout += f'\n\nrm fits1 file\n{self._rm_fits1_stdout}' if self._rm_fits1_stderr != '': general_stderr += f'\n\nrm fits1 file\n{self._rm_fits1_stderr}' if ( hasattr(self, '_rm_fits2_stderr') or hasattr(self, '_rm_fits2_stdout') ): general_stdout += f'\n\nrm fits2 file\n{self._rm_fits2_stdout}' if self._rm_fits2_stderr != '': general_stderr += f'\n\nrm fits2 file\n{self._rm_fits2_stderr}' return general_stdout, general_stderr
[docs] def find_stars(self, position, radius): """Find Stars. Return GSC (Guide Star Catalog) objects for a field with center (RA, Dec) and radius :math:`r`. Parameters ---------- position : numpy.ndarray Position of the center of the field radius : float Radius in which the query is done (in arcmin) Returns ------- dict Star dicotionnary for GSC objects in the field Raises ------ ValueError For invalid configuration options """ if 'CDSclient' in self._config['PATH']: ra = position[0] dec = position[1] if dec > 0.0: sign = '+' else: sign = '' cmd_line = ( f'{self._config["PATH"]["CDSclient"]} {ra} {sign}{dec} ' + f'-r {radius} -n 1000000' ) self._CDS_stdout, self._CDS_stderr = execute(cmd_line) elif 'star_cat' in self._config['PATH']: f = open(self._config['PATH']['star_cat'], 'r') self._CDS_stdout = self._CDS_stderr = '' f.close() else: raise ValueError( 'Either [PROGRAM_PATH]:CDSCLIENT_PATH in the mask config file ' + ' or a star catalogue as module input needs to be present' ) if self._CDS_stderr != '': self._err = True return None return self._make_star_cat(self._CDS_stdout)
[docs] def mask_border(self, width=100, flag_value=4): """Create Mask Border. Mask ``width`` pixels around the image. Parameters ---------- width : int Width of the mask mask border flag_value : int Value of the flag for the border (power of 2) Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array containing the mask Raises ------ ValueError If ``width`` is ``None`` """ if width is None: raise ValueError('Width for border mask not provided') # Note that python image array is [y, x] flag = np.zeros( ( int(self._fieldcenter['pix'][1] * 2), int(self._fieldcenter['pix'][0] * 2) ), dtype='uint16', ) flag[0:width, :] = flag_value flag[-width:, :] = flag_value flag[:, 0:width] = flag_value flag[:, -width:] = flag_value return flag
[docs] def mask_dso( self, cat_path, size_plus=0.1, flag_value=8, obj_type='Messier', ): """Mask DSO. Create a circular patch for deep-sky objects (DSOs), e.g. Messier or NGC objects. Parameters ---------- cat_path : str Path to the deep-sky catalogue size_plus : float Increase the size of the mask by this factor (e.g. ``0.1`` means 10%) flag_value : int Value of the flag, some power of 2 obj_type : {'Messier', 'NGO'}, optional Object type Returns ------- numpy.ndarray or ``None`` If no deep-sky objects are found in the field return ``None`` and the flag map Raises ------ ValueError If ``size_plus`` is negative ValueError If ``cat_path`` is ``None`` """ if size_plus < 0: raise ValueError( 'deep-sky mask size increase variable cannot be negative' ) if cat_path is None: raise ValueError('Path to deep-sky object catalogue not provided') m_cat, header = fits.getdata(cat_path, header=True) unit_ra = file_io.get_unit_from_fits_header(header, 'ra') unit_dec = file_io.get_unit_from_fits_header(header, 'dec') m_sc = SkyCoord( ra=m_cat['ra'] * unit_ra, dec=m_cat['dec'] * unit_dec, ) unit_size_X = file_io.get_unit_from_fits_header(header, 'size_X') unit_size_Y = file_io.get_unit_from_fits_header(header, 'size_Y') # Loop through all deep-sky objects and check whether any corner is # closer than the object's radius indices = [] size_max_deg = [] for idx, m_obj in enumerate(m_cat): # DSO size # r = max(m_obj['size']) * units.arcmin r = max( m_obj['size_X'] * unit_size_X, m_obj['size_Y'] * unit_size_Y, ) r_deg = size_max_deg.append(r_deg) # Add index to list if distance between DSO and any image corner # is closer than DSO size if np.any(self._corners_sc.separation(m_sc[idx]) < r_deg): indices.append(idx) f'Found {len(indices)} {obj_type} objects overlapping with' ' image' ) if len(indices) == 0: # No closeby deep-sky object found return None # Compute number of DSO center coordinates in footprint, for logging # purpose only n_dso_center_in_footprint = 0 for idx in indices: in_img = self._wcs.footprint_contains(m_sc[idx]) '(obj_type, ra, dec, in_img) = ' + f'({obj_type}, ' + f'{m_cat["ra"][idx]}, ' + f'{m_cat["dec"][idx]}, ' + f'{in_img})' ) # Note: python image array is [y, x] flag = np.zeros( ( int(self._fieldcenter['pix'][1] * 2), int(self._fieldcenter['pix'][0] * 2) ), dtype='uint16', ) nx = self._fieldcenter['pix'][0] * 2 ny = self._fieldcenter['pix'][1] * 2 for idx in indices: m_center = np.hstack(self._wcs.all_world2pix( m_cat['ra'][idx], m_cat['dec'][idx], 0, )) r_pix = ( size_max_deg[idx].to(units.deg).value * (1 + size_plus) / np.abs(self._wcs.pixel_scale_matrix[0][0]) ) # The following accounts for deep-sky centers outside of image, # without creating masks for coordinates out of range y_c, x_c = np.ogrid[0:ny, 0:nx] mask_tmp = ( (x_c - m_center[0]) ** 2 + (y_c - m_center[1]) ** 2 <= r_pix ** 2 ) flag[mask_tmp] = flag_value return flag
[docs] def missing_data(self): """Find Missing Data. Look for zero-valued pixels in image. Flag if their relative number is larger than a threshold. """ # Open image img = file_io.FITSCatalogue(self._image_fullpath, hdu_no=0) # Get total number of pixels im_shape = img.get_data().shape tot = float(im_shape[0] * im_shape[1]) # Compute number and ratio of missing data (zero-valued pixels) missing = float(len(np.where(img.get_data() == 0.)[0])) self._ratio = missing / tot # Mark image as to be flagged if ratio larger than 'flag' threshold if self._ratio >= self._config['MD']['thresh_flag']: self._config['MD']['im_flagged'] = True else: self._config['MD']['im_flagged'] = False # Mark image as to be removed if flag is True and # ratio large than 'remove' threshold. # Reset all other mask 'make' flags to False (no other mask needs # to be created) if self._config['MD']['remove']: if self._ratio >= self._config['MD']['thresh_remove']: self._config['MD']['im_remove'] = True for idx in ['HALO', 'SPIKE', 'MESSIER', 'BORDER']: self._config[idx]['make'] = False else: self._config['MD']['im_remove'] = False img.close()
[docs] def sphere_dist(self, position1, position2): """Compute Spherical Distance. Compute spherical distance between 2 points. Parameters ---------- position1 : numpy.ndarray [x,y] first point (in pixels) position2 : numpy.ndarray [x,y] second point (in pixels) Returns ------- float The distance in degrees. Raises ------ ValueError If input positions are not Numpy arrays """ if ( type(position1) is not np.ndarray or type(position2) is not np.ndarray ): raise ValueError('Object coordinates need to be a numpy.ndarray') p1 = (np.pi / 180.0) * np.hstack( self._wcs.all_pix2world(position1[0], position1[1], 1) ) p2 = (np.pi / 180.0) * np.hstack( self._wcs.all_pix2world(position2[0], position2[1], 1) ) dTheta = p1 - p2 dLong = dTheta[0] dLat = dTheta[1] dist = 2 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt( np.sin(dLat / 2.0) ** 2.0 + np.cos(p1[1]) * np.cos(p2[1]) * np.sin(dLong / 2.0) ** 2.0 )) return dist * (180.0 / np.pi) * 3600.0
[docs] def _get_image_radius(self, center=None): """Get Image Radius. Compute the diagonal distance of the image in arcmin. Parameters ---------- center : numpy.ndarray, optional Coordinates of the center of the image (in pixels) Returns ------- float The diagonal distance of the image in arcmin Raises ------ TypeError If centre is not a Numpy array """ if center is None: return ( self.sphere_dist(self._fieldcenter['pix'], np.zeros(2)) / 60.0 ) else: if isinstance(center, np.ndarray): return self.sphere_dist(center, np.zeros(2)) / 60.0 else: raise TypeError( 'Image center coordinates has to be a numpy.ndarray' )
[docs] def _make_star_cat(self, CDSclient_output): """Make Star Catalogue. Make a dictionary from findgsc2.2 output. Parameters ---------- CDSclient_output : str Output of findgsc2.2 Returns ------- dict Star dictionary containing all information """ header = [] stars = {} # get header for key in CDSclient_output.splitlines()[3].split(' '): if (key != '') and (key != ';'): # cleaning output key = key.replace(' ', '') for key_split in re.split(',|#|;', key): if key_split != '': key = key_split header.append(key) stars[key] = [] # get data for elem in range(4, len(CDSclient_output.splitlines()) - 5): idx = 0 for key in CDSclient_output.splitlines()[elem].split(' '): if (key != '') and (key != ';'): # cleaning output key = key.replace(' ', '') for key_split in re.split(',|#|;', key): if key_split != '': key = key_split # handle missing data try: key = float(key) stars[header[idx]].append(key) except Exception: if key == '---': stars[header[idx]].append(None) else: stars[header[idx]].append(key) idx += 1 return stars
[docs] def _create_mask( self, stars, types='HALO', mag_limit=18.0, mag_pivot=13.8, scale_factor=0.3, ): """Create Mask. Apply mask from model to stars and save into DS9 region file. Parameters ---------- stars : dict Stars dictionary (output of ``find_stars``) types : {'HALO', 'SPIKE'}, optional Type of mask, options are ``HALO`` or ``SPIKE`` mag_limit : float, optional Faint magnitude limit for mask, default is ``18.0`` mag_pivot : float, optional Pivot magnitude for the model, default is ``13.8`` scale_factor : float, optional Scaling for the model, default is ``0.3`` Raises ------ ValueError If no star catalogue is provided ValueError If an invalid option is provided for type """ if stars is None: raise ValueError('Star catalogue dictionary not provided') if types not in ('HALO', 'SPIKE'): raise ValueError('Mask types need to be in ["HALO", "SPIKE"]') if self._config[types]['reg_file'] is None: reg = ( f'{self._config["PATH"]["temp_dir"]}{types.lower()}' + f'{self._img_number}.reg' ) else: reg = self._config[types]['reg_file'] mask_model = np.loadtxt( self._config[types]['maskmodel_path'] ).transpose() mask_reg = open(reg, 'w') stars_used = [[], [], []] star_zip = zip( stars['RA(J2000)'], stars['Dec(J2000)'], stars['Fmag'], stars['Jmag'], stars['Vmag'], stars['Nmag'], stars['Clas'], ) for ra, dec, Fmag, Jmag, Vmag, Nmag, clas in star_zip: mag = 0.0 idx = 0.0 if Fmag is not None: mag += Fmag idx += 1.0 if Jmag is not None: mag += Jmag idx += 1.0 if Vmag is not None: mag += Vmag idx += 1.0 if Nmag is not None: mag += Nmag idx += 1.0 if idx == 0.0: mag = None else: mag /= idx if ( ra is not None and dec is not None and mag is not None and clas is not None ): if (mag < mag_limit) and (clas == 0): scaling = 1.0 - scale_factor * (mag - mag_pivot) pos = self._wcs.all_world2pix(ra, dec, 0) stars_used[0].append(pos[0]) stars_used[1].append(pos[1]) stars_used[2].append(scaling) for idx in range(len(stars_used[0])): poly = 'polygon(' for x, y in zip(mask_model[0], mask_model[1]): angle = np.arctan2(y, x) ll = stars_used[2][idx] * np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2) xnew = ll * np.cos(angle) ynew = ll * np.sin(angle) poly = ( f'{poly}{str(stars_used[0][idx] + xnew + 0.5)} ' + f'{str(stars_used[1][idx] + ynew + 0.5)} ' ) poly = f'{poly})\n' mask_reg.write(poly) mask_reg.close()
[docs] def _exec_WW(self, types='HALO'): """Execute WeightWatcher. Execute WeightWatcher to transform ``.reg`` to ``.fits`` flag map. Parameters ---------- types : {'HALO', 'SPIKE', 'ALL'}, optional Type of WeightWatcher execution, options are ``HALO``, ``SPIKE`` or ``ALL`` Raises ------ BaseCatalogue.CatalogFileNotFound If catalogue file not found """ if types in ('HALO', 'SPIKE'): default_reg = ( f'{self._config["PATH"]["temp_dir"]}{types.lower()}' + f'{self._img_number}.reg' ) default_out = ( f'{self._config["PATH"]["temp_dir"]}{types.lower()}_flag' + f'{self._img_number}.fits' ) if self._config[types]['reg_file'] is None: reg = default_reg if not file_io.BaseCatalogue(reg)._file_exists(reg): raise file_io.BaseCatalogue.CatalogFileNotFound(reg) cmd = ( f'{self._config["PATH"]["WW"]} ' + f'-c {self._config["PATH"]["WW_configfile"]} ' + f'-WEIGHT_NAMES {self._weight_fullpath} ' + f'-POLY_NAMES {reg} ' + f'-POLY_OUTFLAGS {self._config[types]["flag"]} ' + f'-FLAG_NAMES "" -OUTFLAG_NAME {default_out} ' + '-OUTWEIGHT_NAME ""' ) self._WW_stdout, self._WW_stderr = execute(cmd) self._rm_reg_stdout, self._rm_reg_stderr = ( execute(f'rm {reg}') ) else: reg = self._config[types]['reg_file'] if not file_io.BaseCatalogue(reg)._file_exists(reg): raise file_io.BaseCatalogue.CatalogFileNotFound(reg) cmd = ( f'{self._config["PATH"]["WW"]} ' + f'-c {self._config["PATH"]["WW_configfile"]} ' + f'-WEIGHT_NAMES {self._weight_fullpath} ' + f'-POLY_NAMES {reg} ' + f'-POLY_OUTFLAGS {self._config[types]["flag"]} ' + f'-FLAG_NAMES "" -OUTFLAG_NAME {default_out} ' + '-OUTWEIGHT_NAME ""' ) self._WW_stdout, self._WW_stderr = execute(cmd) elif types == 'ALL': default_reg = [ ( f'{self._config["PATH"]["temp_dir"]}' + f'halo{self._img_number}.reg' ), ( f'{self._config["PATH"]["temp_dir"]}' + f'spike{self._img_number}.reg' ) ] default_out = ( f'{self._config["PATH"]["temp_dir"]}' + f'halo_spike_flag{self._img_number}.fits' ) if self._config['HALO']['reg_file'] is None: reg = default_reg for idx in range(2): if not ( file_io.BaseCatalogue(reg[idx])._file_exists(reg[idx]) ): raise ( file_io.BaseCatalogue.CatalogFileNotFound(reg[idx]) ) cmd = ( f'{self._config["PATH"]["WW"]} ' + f'-c {self._config["PATH"]["WW_configfile"]} ' + f'-WEIGHT_NAMES {self._weight_fullpath} ' + f'-POLY_NAMES {reg[0]},{reg[1]} ' + f'-POLY_OUTFLAGS {self._config["HALO"]["flag"]},' + f'{self._config["SPIKE"]["flag"]} ' + f'-FLAG_NAMES "" -OUTFLAG_NAME {default_out} ' + '-OUTWEIGHT_NAME ""' ) self._WW_stdout, self._WW_stderr = execute(cmd) self._rm_reg_stdout, self._rm_reg_stderr = ( execute(f'rm {reg[0]} {reg[1]}') ) else: reg = [ self._config['HALO']['reg_file'], self._config['SPIKE']['reg_file'] ] for idx in range(2): if not ( file_io.BaseCatalogue(reg[idx])._file_exists(reg[idx]) ): raise ( file_io.BaseCatalogue.CatalogFileNotFound(reg[idx]) ) cmd = ( f'{self._config["PATH"]["WW"]} ' + f'-c {self._config["PATH"]["WW_configfile"]} ' + f'-WEIGHT_NAMES {self._weight_fullpath} ' + f'-POLY_NAMES {reg[0]},{reg[1]} ' + f'-POLY_OUTFLAGS {self._config["HALO"]["flag"]},' + f'{self._config["SPIKE"]["flag"]} ' + f'-FLAG_NAMES "" -OUTFLAG_NAME {default_out} ' + '-OUTWEIGHT_NAME ""' ) self._WW_stdout, self._WW_stderr = execute(cmd) else: ValueError("Types must be in ['HALO','SPIKE','ALL']") if (self._WW_stderr != '') or (self._rm_reg_stderr != ''): self._err = True
[docs] def _build_final_mask( self, path_mask1, path_mask2=None, masks_internal=None, path_external_flag=None, ): """Create Final Mask. Create the final mask by combining the individual masks. Parameters ---------- path_mask1 : str Path to a mask (FITS format) path_mask2 : str, optional Path to a mask (FITS format) masks_internal : dict, optional Internally created masks path_external_flag : str, optional Path to an external flag file Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array containing the final mask Raises ------ ValueError If all masks are of type ``None`` TypeError If border is not a Numpy array TypeError If Messier mask is not a Numpy array """ final_mask = None if ( path_mask1 is None and path_mask2 is None and not masks_internal ): raise ValueError( 'No paths to mask files containing halos and/or spikes,' + ' borders, or deep-sky objects provided' ) if path_mask1 is not None: mask1 = file_io.FITSCatalogue(path_mask1, hdu_no=self._hdu) dat = mask1.get_data() final_mask = dat[:, :] if path_mask2 is not None: mask2 = file_io.FITSCatalogue(path_mask2, hdu_no=self._hdu) if final_mask is not None: final_mask += mask2.get_data()[:, :] else: final_mask = mask2.get_data()[:, :] for typ in masks_internal: if masks_internal[typ] is not None: if type(masks_internal[typ]) is np.ndarray: if final_mask is not None: final_mask += masks_internal[typ] else: final_mask = masks_internal[typ] else: raise TypeError( f'internally created mask of type {typ} ' + 'has to be numpy.ndarray' ) if path_external_flag is not None: external_flag = file_io.FITSCatalogue( path_external_flag, hdu_no=self._hdu, ) if final_mask is not None: final_mask += external_flag.get_data()[:, :] else: final_mask = external_flag.get_data()[:, :] external_flag.close() return final_mask.astype(np.int16, copy=False)
[docs] def _mask_to_file(self, input_mask, output_fullpath): """Mask to File. Save the mask to a fits file. Parameters ---------- input_mask : numpy.ndarray Mask to save output_fullpath : str Path of the output file Raises ------ ValueError If input_mask is type ``None`` ValueError If output_fullpath is type ``None`` """ if input_mask is None: raise ValueError('input mask file path not provided') if output_fullpath is None: raise ValueError('output mask file path not provided') out = file_io.FITSCatalogue( output_fullpath, open_mode=file_io.BaseCatalogue.OpenMode.ReadWrite, hdu_no=0, ) out.save_as_fits(data=input_mask, image=True) if self._config['MD']['make']: out.add_header_card( 'MRATIO', self._ratio, 'ratio missing_pixels/all_pixels', ) out.add_header_card( 'MFLAG', self._config['MD']['im_flagged'], f'threshold value {self._config["MD"]["thresh_flag"]:.3}', ) # Write WCS information to header if self._wcs: header_wcs = self._wcs.to_header() for card in header_wcs: out.add_header_card( card, header_wcs[card], header_wcs.comments[card], ) out.close()
[docs] def _get_temp_dir_path(self, temp_dir_path): """Get Temporary Directory Path. Create the path and the directory for temporary files. Parameters ---------- temp_dir_path : str Path to the temporary directory, a value of ``OUTPUT`` will include the temporary files in the run directory Returns ------- str Path to the temporary directory Raises ------ ValueError If ``temp_dir_path`` is of type ``None`` """ if temp_dir_path is None: raise ValueError('Temporary directory path not provided') path = temp_dir_path.replace(' ', '') if path == 'OUTPUT': path = f'{self._output_dir}/temp' path += '/' if not os.path.isdir(path): mkdir(path) return path