Source code for shapepipe.modules.setools_package.setools


This module contains a class to handle operations on SExtractor output

:Authors: Axel Guinot


import operator
import os
import re
import string

import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np

from shapepipe.pipeline import file_io
from shapepipe.pipeline.str_handler import StrInterpreter
from shapepipe.utilities.file_system import mkdir

[docs]class SETools(object): """The SETools Class. Tools to analyse SExtractor catalogues. Parameters ---------- cat: str, numpy.ndarray Path to SExtractor catalogue (FITS_LDAC format) or numpy.ndarray (structured array) output_dir: str Path to pipeline result directory file_number_string: str input catalogue number/specifier config_filepath: str Path to ``config.setools`` file cat_file: bool, optional ``True`` if ``cat`` is a path to a file, ``False`` otherwise """ def __init__( self, cat, output_dir, file_number_string, config_filepath, cat_file=True, ): if cat_file: self._is_file = True self._cat_filepath = cat cat_file = file_io.FITSCatalogue( self._cat_filepath, SEx_catalogue=True, ) self._data = cat_file.get_data() cat_file.close() else: self._cat_filepath = None self._is_file = False self._data = cat self._cat_size = len(self._data) self._config_file = open(config_filepath) self._output_dir = output_dir self._file_number_string = file_number_string
[docs] def process(self, w_log): """Process. Main function called to process a SExtractor catalogue. Parameters ---------- w_log : logging.Logger Logging instance """ if self._is_file: file_number = self._file_number_string else: file_number = '' # Processing: Create mask = filter input if len(self._mask) != 0: direc = f'{self._output_dir}/mask' mkdir(direc) self._make_mask() for key in self.mask.keys(): if 'NO_SAVE' in self._mask[key]: continue file_name = f'{direc}/{key}{file_number}.fits' self.save_mask(self.mask[key], file_name) if len(self._plot) != 0: direc = f'{self._output_dir}/plot' mkdir(direc) self._make_plot() for key in self.plot.keys(): output_path = f'{direc}/{key}{file_number}' SEPlot(self.plot[key], self._data, output_path, self.mask) if len(self._new_cat) != 0: direc = f'{self._output_dir}/new_cat' mkdir(direc) self._make_new_cat() for key in self.new_cat.keys(): file_name = f'{direc}/{key}{file_number}' self.save_new_cat(self.new_cat[key], file_name) if len(self._rand_split) != 0: direc = f'{self._output_dir}/rand_split' mkdir(direc) self._make_rand_split() for sample_type in self.rand_split.keys(): empty_found = False for ratio in self.rand_split[sample_type].keys(): if ( not empty_found and len(self.rand_split[sample_type][ratio]) == 0 ): empty_found = True if empty_found: 'At least one random-split catalogue is empty, no ' + 'random sub-samples written for sample_type=' + f'{sample_type}') continue output_dir = f'{direc}/{sample_type}_' self.save_rand_split( self.rand_split[sample_type], output_dir, file_number, ) if len(self._stat) != 0: direc = f'{self._output_dir}/stat' mkdir(direc) self._make_stat() for key in self.stat.keys(): output_path = f'{direc}/{key}{file_number}.txt' self.save_stat(self.stat[key], output_path)
[docs] def read(self): """Read the Configuration File. This function read the config file and creates a dictionary for every task. Raises ------ RuntimeError If not section found ValueError For invalid section """ self._mask = {} self._mask_key = [] self._plot = {} self._stat = {} self._new_cat = {} self._rand_split = {} in_section = 0 while True: line_tmp = self._config_file.readline() if line_tmp == '': break line_tmp = self._clean_line(line_tmp) if line_tmp is None: continue # Loop over SETools file, look for section headers # [SECTION_TYPE:OBJECT_NAME], e.g. # [MASK:star_selection] if (in_section != 0) & (re.split(r'\[', line_tmp)[0] == ''): in_section = 0 if not in_section: if (re.split(r'\[', line_tmp)[0] != ''): raise RuntimeError('No section found') sec = re.split(r'\[|\]', line_tmp)[1] if re.split(':', sec)[0] == 'MASK': in_section = 1 try: mask_name = re.split(':', sec)[1] except Exception: mask_name = f'mask_{len(self._mask) + 1}' self._mask_key.append(mask_name) self._mask[mask_name] = [] elif re.split(':', sec)[0] == 'PLOT': in_section = 2 try: plot_name = re.split(':', sec)[1] except Exception: plot_name = f'plot_{len(self._plot) + 1}' self._plot[plot_name] = [] elif re.split(':', sec)[0] == 'STAT': in_section = 3 try: stat_name = re.split(':', sec)[1] except Exception: stat_name = f'stat_{len(self._stat) + 1}' self._stat[stat_name] = [] elif re.split(':', sec)[0] == 'NEW_CAT': in_section = 4 try: new_cat_name = re.split(':', sec)[1] except Exception: new_cat_name = f'new_cat_{len(self._new_cat) + 1}' self._new_cat[new_cat_name] = [] elif re.split(':', sec)[0] == 'RAND_SPLIT': in_section = 5 try: rand_split_name = re.split(':', sec)[1] except Exception: rand_split_name = ( f'rand_split_{len(self._rand_split) + 1}' ) self._rand_split[rand_split_name] = [] else: raise ValueError( "Section has to be in ['MASK','PLOT','STAT'," + "'NEW_CAT','RAND_SPLIT','FLAG_SPLIT']" ) else: if in_section == 1: self._mask[mask_name].append(line_tmp) elif in_section == 2: self._plot[plot_name].append(line_tmp) elif in_section == 3: self._stat[stat_name].append(line_tmp) elif in_section == 4: self._new_cat[new_cat_name].append(line_tmp) elif in_section == 5: self._rand_split[rand_split_name].append(line_tmp)
[docs] def _clean_line(self, line): """Clean Lines. This function is called during the reading process to clean lines from spaces, empty lines and ignore comments. Parameters ---------- line : str Input line Returns ------- str If the line is not empty or a comment return the contents and ``None`` otherwise """ s = re.split('"', line) if len(s) == 3: line_tmp = s[0].replace(' ', '') + s[1] + s[2].replace(' ', '') else: line_tmp = line.replace(' ', '') if re.split('#', line_tmp)[0] == '': return None line_tmp = line_tmp.replace('\n', '') line_tmp = line_tmp.replace('\t', '') line_tmp = re.split('#', line_tmp)[0] if line_tmp != '': return line_tmp else: return None
[docs] def save_mask(self, mask, output_path, ext_name='LDAC_OBJECTS'): """Save Mask. This function will apply a mask to the data and save them into a new SExtractor-like FITS file. Parameters ---------- mask : numpy.ndarray Numpy array of boolean containing output_path : str Path to the general output directory ext_name : str, optional Name of the HDU containing masked data; default is ``LDAC_OBJECTS`` SExtractor name Raises ------ ValueError If mask not provided ValueError If output path not provided """ if mask is None: raise ValueError('mask not provided') if len(mask) == 0: pass if output_path is None: raise ValueError('output path not provided') mask_file = file_io.FITSCatalogue( output_path, open_mode=file_io.BaseCatalogue.OpenMode.ReadWrite, SEx_catalogue=(self._cat_filepath is not None), ) mask_file.save_as_fits( data=self._data[mask], ext_name=ext_name, sex_cat_path=self._cat_filepath, )
[docs] def save_new_cat(self, new_cat, output_path, ext_name='LDAC_OBJECTS'): """Save New Catalogue. This function creates a new catalogue with a specific format (FITS bin table, SExtractor-like FITS catalogue or ASCII). Parameters ---------- new_cat : dict Dictionary containing the data and ``OUTPUT_FORMAT`` output_path : str Path of the output ext_name : str Name of the extension for FITS bin table output Raises ------ ValueError If ``OUTPUT_FORMAT`` not provided ValueError For invalid output format """ try: output_format = new_cat.pop('OUTPUT_FORMAT') except Exception: raise ValueError('OUTPUT_FORMAT not provided') if output_format == 'fits': new_file = file_io.FITSCatalogue( output_path + '.fits', open_mode=file_io.BaseCatalogue.OpenMode.ReadWrite, ) new_file.save_as_fits(data=new_cat, ext_name=ext_name) elif output_format == 'SEx_cat': new_file = file_io.FITSCatalogue( output_path + '.fits', open_mode=file_io.BaseCatalogue.OpenMode.ReadWrite, SEx_catalogue=(self._cat_filepath is not None), ) new_file.save_as_fits( data=new_cat, ext_name=ext_name, sex_cat_path=self._cat_filepath, ) elif (output_format == 'txt') | (output_format == 'ascii'): new_file = open(output_path + '.txt', 'w') new_file.write('# HEADER\n') new_file.write('# ') n_max = -1 for key in new_cat.keys(): if len(new_cat[key]) > n_max: n_max = len(new_cat[key]) new_file.write(f'{key}\t') new_file.write('\n') for idx in range(n_max): for key in new_cat.keys(): try: new_file.write(f'{new_cat[key][idx]}\t') except Exception: new_file.write('\t') new_file.write('\n') new_file.close() else: raise ValueError("Format should be in ['fits', 'SEx_cat', 'txt']")
[docs] def save_rand_split( self, rand_split, output_path, file_number, ext_name='LDAC_OBJECTS', ): """Save Random Split Catalogues. Save two catalogues following the random split specified. Parameters ---------- rand_split : dict Dictionary containing the indices for the split and mask to apply output_path : str Path of the output dir file_number : str Numbering of the pipeline ext_name : str, optional Name of the extension where data are stored Raises ------ ValueError If ``rand_split`` not provided ValueError If ``output_path`` not provided ValueError If ``file_number`` not provided """ if rand_split is None: raise ValueError('rand_split not provided') if output_path is None: raise ValueError('output path not provided') if file_number is None: raise ValueError('file_number path not provided') mask = rand_split.pop('mask') data = self._data[mask] for idx in rand_split.keys(): rand_split_file = file_io.FITSCatalogue( f'{output_path}{idx}{file_number}.fits', open_mode=file_io.BaseCatalogue.OpenMode.ReadWrite, SEx_catalogue=(self._cat_filepath is not None), ) rand_split_file.save_as_fits( data=data[rand_split[idx]], ext_name=ext_name, sex_cat_path=self._cat_filepath, )
[docs] def save_stat(self, stat, output_path): """Save Statistics. Save the statistics in ASCII format. Parameters ---------- stat : dict Dictionary containing the statistics output_path : str Path of the output dir Raises ------ ValueError If ``stat`` not provided ValueError If ``output`` path not provided """ if stat is None: raise ValueError('stat not provided') if output_path is None: raise ValueError('output path not provided') file = open(output_path, 'w') file.write('# Statistics\n') for key in stat.keys(): file.write(f'{key} = {str(stat[key])}\n') file.close()
[docs] def _make_mask(self): """Make Mask. This function transforms the constraints from the config file to conditions. Raises ------ RuntimeError If value not found in mask """ if len(self._mask) == 0: return None self.mask = {} for key in self._mask_key: global_mask = np.ones(self._cat_size, dtype=bool) global_ind = np.where(global_mask)[0] for idx in self._mask[key]: s = re.split('{|}', idx) if s[0] == '': try: global_mask &= self.mask[s[1]] global_ind = np.where(global_mask)[0] self._mask[key].pop(self._mask[key].index(idx)) except Exception: raise RuntimeError(f'"{s[1]}" not found in mask') mask_tmp = None for idx in self._mask[key]: if idx == 'NO_SAVE': continue tmp = StrInterpreter( idx, self._data[global_mask], make_compare=True, mask_dict=self.mask, ).result if mask_tmp is None: mask_tmp = np.ones(tmp.shape[0], dtype=bool) mask_tmp &= tmp new_ind = global_ind[mask_tmp] final_mask = np.zeros(self._cat_size, dtype=bool) final_mask[new_ind] = True self.mask[key] = final_mask
[docs] def _make_plot(self): """Make Plot. This function interpret the different parameters for the plot. Raises ------ ValueError If plot option keyword or value is not in the correct format ValueError If plot keyword not in the correct format """ if len(self._plot) == 0: return None self.plot = {} for key in self._plot.keys(): self.plot[key] = {} for idx in self._plot[key]: s = re.split('=', idx) if len(s) != 2: raise ValueError( 'Plot option keyword/value not in correct format ' + f'(key=val): {idx}' ) ss = re.split('_', s[0]) if len(ss) == 1: self.plot[key][ss[0]] = {'0': s[1]} elif len(ss) == 2: if ss[0] not in self.plot[key].keys(): self.plot[key][ss[0]] = {} self.plot[key][ss[0]][ss[1]] = s[1] else: raise ValueError( 'Plot keyword not in correct format (key or key_i)' + f': {idx}' )
[docs] def _make_new_cat(self): """Make New Catalogue. This function interprets the contents for each column of the new catalogue. Raises ------ ValueError For invalid output format """ if len(self._new_cat) == 0: return None self.new_cat = {} for key in self._new_cat.keys(): self.new_cat[key] = {} for idx in self._new_cat[key]: s = re.split('=', j) if len(s) == 2: if s[0] == 'OUTPUT_FORMAT': self.new_cat[key][s[0]] = s[1] else: self.new_cat[key][s[0]] = StrInterpreter( s[1], self._data, make_compare=False, mask_dict=self.mask, ).result else: raise ValueError(f'Not a valid format : {idx}')
[docs] def _make_rand_split(self): """Make Random Split. This function creates mask with random indices corresponding to the specfied ratio. Raises ------ ValueError For invalid random split format ValueError If ratio is not a number ValueError If mask does not exist """ if len(self._rand_split) == 0: return None self.rand_split = {} mask = np.ones(self._cat_size, dtype=bool) for key in self._rand_split.keys(): self.rand_split[key] = {} for idx in self._rand_split[key]: s = re.split('=', idx) if len(s) != 2: raise ValueError( f'Not a valid format : {self._rand_split[key][0]}' ) if s[0] == 'RATIO': try: ratio = float(s[1]) except Exception: raise ValueError('RATIO is not a number') if ratio >= 1: ratio /= 100. elif s[0] == 'MASK': ss = re.split(',', s[1]) for k in ss: try: mask &= self.mask[k] except Exception: raise ValueError(f'mask {k} does not exist') cat_size = len(np.where(mask)[0]) n_keep = int(np.ceil(cat_size * ratio)) mask_ratio = [] mask_left = list(range(0, cat_size)) while len(mask_ratio) != n_keep: idx = np.random.randint(0, len(mask_left)) mask_ratio.append(mask_left.pop(idx)) mask_ratio = np.array(mask_ratio) mask_left = np.array(mask_left) self.rand_split[key]['mask'] = mask self.rand_split[key][f'ratio_{int(ratio * 100)}'] = mask_ratio self.rand_split[key][f'ratio_{100 - int(ratio * 100)}'] = mask_left
[docs] def _make_stat(self): """Make Statistics. This function interprets the different statistics required. Raises ------ ValueError For invalid statistics format """ if len(self._stat) == 0: return None self.stat = {} for key in self._stat.keys(): self.stat[key] = {} for idx in self._stat[key]: s = re.split('=', idx) if len(s) != 2: raise ValueError(f'Not a valid format : {idx}') self.stat[key][s[0]] = StrInterpreter( s[1], self._data, make_compare=False, mask_dict=self.mask, ).result
[docs]class SEPlot(object): """The SEPlot Class. Tools to create plots. Parameters ---------- plot_dict : dict Dictionary containing the parameters for the plot catalogue : numpy.recarray or astropy.fits.fitsrec Array containing the full data output_path : str Path for the output mask_dict : dict, optional Dictionary containing masks to apply Raises ------ ValueError If ``plot_dict`` not provided ValueError If ``catalogue`` not provided ValueError If ``output_path`` not provided ValueError If plot type not specified ValueError For invalid plot type Notes ----- Types of plots available : plot, scatter, hist. """ def __init__(self, plot_dict, catalogue, output_path, mask_dict=None): if plot_dict is None: raise ValueError('plot_dict not provided') if catalogue is None: raise ValueError('catalogue not provided') if output_path is None: raise ValueError('output_path not provided') self._plot = plot_dict self._output_path = output_path self._cat = catalogue self._mask_dict = mask_dict if 'TYPE' not in self._plot.keys(): raise ValueError('Plot type not specified') if self._plot['TYPE']['0'] in ['plot', 'PLOT']: self._check_key_for_plot(['X', 'Y']) self._make_plot() elif self._plot['TYPE']['0'] in ['scatter', 'SCATTER']: self._check_key_for_plot(['X', 'Y']) self._make_scatter() elif self._plot['TYPE']['0'] in [ 'histogram', 'hist', 'HISTOGRAM', 'HIST' ]: self._check_key_for_plot(['Y']) self._make_hist() else: raise ValueError(f'Type : {self._plot["TYPE"]["0"]} not available')
[docs] def _check_key_for_plot(self, key_list): """Check Key for Plot. Raise exception if keys not found in plot description. Parameters ---------- key_list: list List of keys Raises ------ ValueError If key not provided for plot type """ for key in key_list: if key not in self._plot.keys(): raise ValueError( f'Key \'{key}\' not provided for plot of type ' + f'\'{self._plot["TYPE"]["0"]}\'' )
[docs] def _make_plot(self): """Make Plot. This function calls ``matplotlib.pyplot.plot``. Raises ------ ValueError If X not provided for each value of Y ValueError If plot keyword not in the correct format See Also -------- matplotlib.pyplot.plot """ self._fig = plt.figure() if 'TITLE' in self._plot.keys(): title = self._plot['TITLE']['0'] s = re.split('@', title) if len(s) >= 3: title = s[0] ii = 1 for idx in s[1:-1]: if ii % 2 == 0: title += idx else: title += str(StrInterpreter( idx, self._cat, make_compare=False, mask_dict=self._mask_dict, ).result) ii += 1 else: title = '' self._fig.suptitle(title) for key in self._plot['Y'].keys(): if 'LABEL' in self._plot.keys(): try: label = self._plot['LABEL'][key] s = re.split('@', label) if len(s) >= 3: label = s[0] jj = 1 for j in s[1:-1]: if jj % 2 == 0: label += j else: label += str(StrInterpreter( j, self._cat, make_compare=False, mask_dict=self._mask_dict, ).result) jj += 1 except Exception: label = None else: label = None if 'COLOR' in self._plot.keys(): try: color = self._plot['COLOR'][key] except Exception: color = None else: color = None if 'MARKER' in self._plot.keys(): try: marker = self._plot['MARKER'][key] except Exception: marker = '+' else: marker = '+' if 'MARKERSIZE' in self._plot.keys(): try: markersize = self._plot['MARKERSIZE'][key] except Exception: markersize = 1 else: markersize = 1 if 'LINE' in self._plot.keys(): try: line = self._plot['LINE'][key] except Exception: line = '' else: line = '' if 'ALPHA' in self._plot.keys(): try: alpha = self._plot['ALPHA'][key] except Exception: alpha = None else: alpha = None try: x = self._plot['X'][key] except Exception: if len(self._plot['X']) == 1: x = self._plot['X'][self._plot['X'].keys()[0]] else: raise ValueError( 'You need to specify X for each Y provided if they ' + 'dont have the same' ) plt.plot( StrInterpreter(x, self._cat, mask_dict=self._mask_dict).result, StrInterpreter( self._plot['Y'][key], self._cat, mask_dict=self._mask_dict, ).result, label=label, color=color, marker=marker, markersize=markersize, ls=line, alpha=alpha, figure=self._fig, ) # Set ploy limits for x and y for (lim, set_lim) in zip(['XLIM', 'YLIM'], [plt.xlim, plt.ylim]): if lim in self._plot.keys(): try: val = re.split(',', self._plot[lim]['0']) except Exception: raise ValueError( f'Plot {lim} keyword/value not in correct format ' + f'({lim}=lower,upper): {self._plot[lim]["0"]}' ) set_lim(float(val[0]), float(val[1])) if 'LABEL' in self._plot.keys(): plt.legend() if 'XLABEL' in self._plot.keys(): plt.xlabel(self._plot['XLABEL']['0']) if 'YLABEL' in self._plot.keys(): plt.ylabel(self._plot['YLABEL']['0']) if 'FORMAT' in self._plot.keys(): out_format = self._plot['FORMAT']['0'] else: out_format = "PNG" self._fig.savefig( f'{self._output_path}.{out_format.lower()}', format=out_format, ) plt.close()
[docs] def _make_scatter(self): """Make Scatter. This function calls ``matplotlib.pyplot.scatter``. Raises ------ ValueError If X not provided for every ``SCATTER`` ValueError If Y not provided for every ``SCATTER`` See Also -------- matplotlib.pyplot.scatter """ self._fig = plt.figure() if 'TITLE' in self._plot.keys(): title = self._plot['TITLE']['0'] s = re.split('@', title) if len(s) >= 3: title = s[0] counter = 1 for idx in s[1:-1]: if counter % 2 == 0: title += idx else: title += str(StrInterpreter( idx, self._cat, make_compare=False, mask_dict=self._mask_dict, ).result) counter += 1 else: title = '' self._fig.suptitle(title) for key in self._plot['SCATTER'].keys(): if 'LABEL' in self._plot.keys(): try: label = self._plot['LABEL'][key] s = re.split('@', label) if len(s) >= 3: label = s[0] jj = 1 for j in s[1:-1]: if jj % 2 == 0: label += j else: label += str(StrInterpreter( j, self._cat, make_compare=False, mask_dict=self._mask_dict, ).result) jj += 1 except Exception: label = None else: label = None if 'MARKER' in self._plot.keys(): try: marker = self._plot['MARKER'][key] except Exception: marker = '+' else: marker = '+' if 'ALPHA' in self._plot.keys(): try: alpha = self._plot['ALPHA'][key] except Exception: alpha = None else: alpha = None try: x = self._plot['X'][key] except Exception: if len(self._plot['X']) == 1: x = self._plot['X'][self._plot['X'].keys()[0]] else: raise ValueError( 'You need to specify X for each SCATTER provided if ' + 'they dont have the same' ) try: y = self._plot['Y'][key] except Exception: if len(self._plot['Y']) == 1: y = self._plot['Y'][self._plot['Y'].keys()[0]] else: raise ValueError( 'You need to specify Y for each SCATTER provided if ' + 'they dont have the same' ) plt.scatter( StrInterpreter(x, self._cat, mask_dict=self._mask_dict).result, StrInterpreter(y, self._cat, mask_dict=self._mask_dict).result, c=StrInterpreter( self._plot['SCATTER'][key], self._cat, mask_dict=self._mask_dict, ).result, label=label, marker=marker, alpha=alpha, figure=self._fig, ) if 'LABEL' in self._plot.keys(): plt.legend() if 'XLABEL' in self._plot.keys(): plt.xlabel(self._plot['XLABEL']['0']) if 'YLABEL' in self._plot.keys(): plt.ylabel(self._plot['YLABEL']['0']) plt.colorbar() if 'FORMAT' in self._plot.keys(): out_format = self._plot['FORMAT']['0'] else: out_format = 'PNG' self._fig.savefig( f'{self._output_path}.{out_format.lower()}', format=out_format, ) plt.close()
[docs] def _make_hist(self): """Make Hist. This function calls ``matplotlib.pyplot.hist``. See Also -------- matplotlib.pyplot.hist """ self._fig = plt.figure() if 'TITLE' in self._plot.keys(): title = self._plot['TITLE']['0'] s = re.split('@', title) if len(s) >= 3: title = s[0] counter = 1 for idx in s[1:-1]: if counter % 2 == 0: title += idx else: title += str(StrInterpreter( idx, self._cat, make_compare=False, mask_dict=self._mask_dict, ).result) counter += 1 else: title = '' self._fig.suptitle(title) if 'HTYPE' in self._plot.keys(): htype = self._plot['HTYPE']['0'] else: htype = 'bar' if 'LOG' in self._plot.keys(): if self._plot['LOG']['0'] in ['True', 'true', '1']: log = True else: log = False else: log = False for key in self._plot['Y'].keys(): if 'LABEL' in self._plot.keys(): try: label = self._plot['LABEL'][key] s = re.split('@', label) if len(s) >= 3: label = s[0] jj = 1 for j in s[1:-1]: if jj % 2 == 0: label += j else: label += str(StrInterpreter( j, self._cat, make_compare=False, mask_dict=self._mask_dict, ).result) jj += 1 except Exception: label = None else: label = None if 'COLOR' in self._plot.keys(): try: color = self._plot['COLOR'][key] except Exception: color = None else: color = None if 'BIN' in self._plot.keys(): try: bins = int(self._plot['BIN'][key]) except Exception: if len(self._plot['BIN']) == 1: bins = int( self._plot['BIN'][self._plot['BIN'].keys()[0]] ) else: bins = 50 if 'ALPHA' in self._plot.keys(): try: alpha = float(self._plot['ALPHA'][key]) except Exception: alpha = None else: alpha = None plt.hist( StrInterpreter( self._plot['Y'][key], self._cat, mask_dict=self._mask_dict, ).result, bins=bins, color=color, label=label, alpha=alpha, histtype=htype, log=log, ) if 'LABEL' in self._plot.keys(): plt.legend() if 'XLABEL' in self._plot.keys(): plt.xlabel(self._plot['XLABEL']['0']) if 'YLABEL' in self._plot.keys(): plt.ylabel(self._plot['YLABEL']['0']) if 'FORMAT' in self._plot.keys(): out_format = self._plot['FORMAT']['0'] else: out_format = 'PNG' self._fig.savefig( f'{self._output_path}.{out_format.lower()}', format=out_format, ) plt.close()