Source code for shapepipe.pipeline.dependency_handler


This module defines a class for handling pipeline dependencies.

:Author: Samuel Farrens <>


import importlib
import os
import re
import subprocess

[docs]class DependencyHandler(object): """Dependency Handler. This class manages the required Python packages and system executables required to run the pipeline. Parameters ---------- dependencies : list List of Python packages names, optionally with required versions executables : list List of system executables """ def __init__(self, dependencies=[], executables=[]): self.depend = dependencies self.execute = executables self._greq = '>=' self._equal = '==' self._great = '>' self._less = '<' self.dependency_list = [] self.executable_list = list(set(self.execute)) if dependencies: self._split_strings() self._unique_dependencies() @property def depend(self): """Input Dependency List.""" return self._depend @depend.setter def depend(self, value): if not isinstance(value, list): raise TypeError('Input must be list type.') if not all(isinstance(x, str) for x in value): raise ValueError('List elements must be strings.') self._depend = value @property def execute(self): """Input Executable List.""" return self._execute @execute.setter def execute(self, value): if not isinstance(value, list): raise TypeError('Input must be list type.') if not all(isinstance(x, str) for x in value): raise ValueError('List elements must be strings.') self._execute = value
[docs] @staticmethod def _convert_to_float(string): """Convert String to Float. This method converts numerical strings to floats. Parameters ---------- string : str Input string Returns ------- float Converted value """ try: val = float(string) except Exception: val = 0.0 return val
[docs] @staticmethod def _slice_1d(array, indices): """Slice 1D. Slice 1D list by indices. Parameters ---------- array : list List of values indices : list List of inidices Returns ------- list Sliced list """ return [array[index] for index in indices]
[docs] @classmethod def _slice_2d(cls, array, indices): """Slice 2D. Slice a list of lists by indices. Parameters ---------- array : list List of lists indices : list List of inidices Returns ------- list Sliced list """ return [cls._slice_1d(sublist, indices) for sublist in array]
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_indices(array, value): """Get Indices. Get indices of array elements equal to input value. Parameters ---------- array : list List of values value : str Value string Returns ------- list List of indices """ return [ index for index, element in enumerate(array) if element == value ]
[docs] @classmethod def _slice_col_val(cls, array, col, value): """Slice by Column and Value. Slice a list of lists by elements in a given column equal to a given value. Parameters ---------- array : list List of lists col : int Column number value : str Value string Returns ------- list Slices list """ return cls._slice_2d(array, cls._get_indices(array[col], value))
[docs] @staticmethod def _check_executable(exe_name): """Check if Input is Executable. This method checks if the input executable exists. Parameters ---------- exe_name : str Executable name Returns ------- Bool result of test Raises ------ TypeError For invalid input type """ if not isinstance(exe_name, str): raise TypeError('Executable name must be a string.') def is_exe(fpath): return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) fpath, fname = os.path.split(exe_name) if not fpath: res = any([ is_exe(os.path.join(path, exe_name)) for path in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep) ]) else: res = is_exe(exe_name) if not res: raise IOError( f'{exe_name} does not appear to be a valid executable on ' + 'this system.' )
[docs] def _split_string(self, string): """Split String. This method splits the version number from the input module string. Parameters ---------- string : str Input module string Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Array of string components """ if self._greq in string: val = re.split(f'({self._greq})', string) elif self._equal in string: val = re.split(f'({self._equal})', string) elif self._great in string: val = re.split(f'({self._great})', string) elif self._less in string: raise ValueError('"<" not permitted in package version string.') else: val = [string, '', ''] return val
[docs] def _split_strings(self): """Split Strings. This method splits the input dependency modules strings. """ self._depend_arr = list(map( list, zip(*[self._split_string(string) for string in self.depend]) )) self._dependency_set = set(self._depend_arr[0])
[docs] def _unique_dependencies(self): """Create Unique Dependencies. This method creates a unique list of depencies. """ for package_name in self._dependency_set: subset = self._slice_col_val(self._depend_arr, 0, package_name) if any(self._equal in element for element in subset): subset = self._slice_col_val(subset, 1, self._equal) if any([ver != '' for ver in subset[2]]): subset = (self._slice_col_val( subset, 2, str(max( [self._convert_to_float(ver) for ver in subset[2]] )) )) subset = [element[0] for element in self._slice_2d(subset, [0])] self.dependency_list.append(''.join(subset))
[docs] def check_dependencies(self): """Check Dependencies. This method checks that the required dependencies are installed. Returns ------- list List of depenecies with versions and paths """ dependency_status_list = [] for dependency in self._dependency_set: try: package = importlib.import_module(dependency) except Exception: raise ImportError( f'Could not import pipeline dependency {dependency}' ) if hasattr(package, '__version__'): version = package.__version__ else: version = 'N/A' if hasattr(package, '__path__'): path = package.__path__[0] elif hasattr(package, '__file__'): path = package.__file__ else: path = 'N/A' dependency_status_list.append( f' - {package.__name__} {version} {path}' ) return dependency_status_list
[docs] def check_executables(self): """Check Executables. This method checks that the required executables are installed. Returns ------- list List of executables with paths """ executable_status_list = [] for executable in self.executable_list: self._check_executable(executable) exe_path, err = subprocess.Popen( f'which {executable}', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ).communicate() string = f' - {executable} {exe_path.rstrip().decode("utf-8")}' executable_status_list.append(string) return executable_status_list