Source code for shapepipe.utilities.cfis


CFIS module.

:Authors: Martin Kilbinger


import errno
import glob
import os
import re
import shlex
import sys

import astropy.coordinates as coords
import numpy as np
import pylab as plt
from astropy import units
from import ascii
from astropy.wcs import WCS

from shapepipe.utilities.file_system import mkdir

unitdef = 'degree'

# Maybe define class for these constants?
size = {}
size['tile'] = 0.5
size['weight'] = 0.5
size['exposure'] = 1.0

# Cut criteria for exposures
exp_time_min = 95
flag_valid = 'V'

[docs]class param: """Param Class. General class to store (default) variables. """ def __init__(self, **kwds): self.__dict__.update(kwds)
[docs] def print(self, **kwds): """Print.""" print(self.__dict__)
[docs] def var_list(self, **kwds): """Get Variable List.""" return vars(self)
[docs]class CfisError(Exception): """Cfis Error. Generic error that is raised by this script. """ pass
[docs]class image(): """Image Class. Class to store and create image information. Parameters ---------- name : str file name ra : Angle right ascension dec : Angle declination exp_time : int, optional, default=-1 exposure time valid : str, optional, default='Unknown' validation flag """ def __init__(self, name, ra, dec, exp_time=-1, valid='Unknown'): = name self.ra = ra self.dec = dec if exp_time is None: self.exp_time = -1 else: self.exp_time = exp_time if valid is None: self.valid = 'Unknown' else: self.valid = valid
[docs] def cut(self, no_cuts=False): """Cut. Return True (False) if image does (not) need to be cut from selection. Parameters ---------- no_cuts : bool, optiona, default=False do not cut if True Returns ------- bool True (False) if image is (not) cut """ # Do not cut if no_cuts flag is set if no_cuts: return False # Cut if exposure time smaller than minimum (and not flagged as # unknown or n/a) if self.exp_time < exp_time_min and self.exp_time != -1: return True # Cut if validation flag is not valid (and not unknown) if self.valid != flag_valid and self.valid != 'Unknown': return True return False
[docs] def get_ID(self): """Get ID. Return image ID. Returns ------- str image iD Raises ------ ValueError if name does not match to ID pattern """ m ='(\d{3}).{1}(\d{3})', if m is None: raise ValueError(f'No ID match in file name {name}') else: return f'{m[1]}.{m[2]}'
[docs] def print( self, file=sys.stdout, base_name=False, name_only=True, ID_only=False ): """Print. Print image information as ascii Table column. Parameters ---------- file : file, optional, default=sys.stdout output file handle base_name : bool, optional, default=False if True (False), print image base name (full path) name_only : bool, optional, default=False if True, do not print metainfo ID_only : bool, optional, default=False if True, only print file ID instead of entire name Raises ------ ValueError if name does not match to ID pattern """ if base_name: name = os.path.basename( else: name = if ID_only: m ='\d{3}.\d{3}', name) if m is None: raise ValueError(f'No ID match in file name {name}') else: name = m[0] print(name, end='', file=file) if not name_only: if self.ra is not None: ra_unit = getattr(self.ra, unitdef) print(f' {ra_unit:10.2f}', end='', file=file) if self.dec is not None: dec_unit = getattr(self.dec, unitdef) print(f' {dec_unit:10.2f}', end='', file=file) print(f' {self.exp_time:5d} {self.valid:8s}', end='', file=file) print(file=file)
[docs] def print_header(self, file=sys.stdout): """Print Header. Print header for ascii Table output Parameters ---------- file : file, optional, default=sys.stdout output file handle """ print( f'#Name ra[{unitdef}] dec[{unitdef}] exp_time[s] validation', file=file )
[docs]def log_command(argv, name=None, close_no_return=True): """Log Command. Write command with arguments to a file or stdout. Choose name = 'sys.stdout' or 'sys.stderr' for output on sceen. Parameters ---------- argv : numpy.ndarray of str Command line arguments name : str Output file name (default: 'log_<command>') close_no_return : bool If True (default), close log file. If False, keep log file open and return file handler Returns ------- filehandler log file handler (if close_no_return is False) """ if name is None: name = 'log_' + os.path.basename(argv[0]) if name == 'sys.stdout': f = sys.stdout elif name == 'sys.stderr': f = sys.stderr else: f = open(name, 'w') for a in argv: # Quote argument if special characters if ']' in a or ']' in a: a = f'\"{a}\"' print(a, end='', file=f) print(' ', end='', file=f) print('', file=f) if not close_no_return: return f if name != 'sys.stdout' and name != 'sys.stderr': f.close()
[docs]def my_string_split(string, num=-1, verbose=False, stop=False, sep=None): """My String Split. Split a *string* into a list of strings. Choose as separator the first in the list [space, underscore] that occurs in the string. (Thus, if both occur, use space.) Parameters ---------- string : str Input string num : int Required length of output list of strings, -1 if no requirement. verbose : bool Verbose output stop : bool Stop programs with error if True, return None and continues otherwise sep : bool Separator, try ' ', '_', and '.' if None (default) Raises ------ CfisError If number of elements in string and num are different, for stop=True ValueError If no separator found in string Returns ------- list List of string on success, and None if failed """ if string is None: return None if sep is None: has_space = string.find(' ') has_underscore = string.find('_') has_dot = string.find('.') if has_space != -1: my_sep = ' ' elif has_underscore != -1: my_sep = '_' elif has_dot != -1: my_sep = '.' else: # no separator found, does string consist of only one element? if num == -1 or num == 1: my_sep = None else: raise Valueerror( 'No separator (\' \', \'_\', or \'.\') found in string' + f' \'{string}\', cannot split' ) else: if not string.find(sep): raise ValueError( f'No separator \'{sep}\' found in string \'{string}\', ' + 'cannot split' ) my_sep = sep res = string.split(my_sep) if num != -1 and num != len(res) and stop: raise CfisError( f'String \'{len(res)}\' has length {num}, required is {num}' ) return res
[docs]def get_file_pattern(pattern, band, image_type, want_re=True, ext=True): """Get File Pattern. Return file pattern of CFIS image file. Parameters ---------- pattern : str input pattern, can be '' band : str band, one of 'r', 'u' image_type : str image type, one of 'exposure', 'exposure_flag', 'exposure_flag.fz', 'exposure_weight', 'exposure_weight.fz', 'tile', 'cat', 'weight', 'weight.fz' want_re : bool, optional, default=True return regular expression if True ext : bool, optional, default=True if True add file extention to pattern Returns ------- str output pattern """ if pattern == '': if image_type in ( 'exposure', 'exposure_flag', 'exposure_flag.fz', 'exposure_weight', 'exposure_weight.fz' ): pattern_base = r'\d{7}p' else: pattern_base = rf'CFIS.*\.{band}' else: pattern_base = pattern if ext: if image_type == 'exposure': pattern_out = rf'{pattern_base}\.fits\.fz' elif image_type == 'exposure_flag': pattern_out = rf'{pattern_base}\.flag\.fits' elif image_type == 'exposure_flag.fz': pattern_out = rf'{pattern_base}\.flag\.fits\.fz' elif image_type == 'exposure_weight': pattern_out = rf'{pattern_base}\.weight\.fits' elif image_type == 'exposure_weight.fz': pattern_out = rf'{pattern_base}\.weight\.fits\.fz' elif image_type == 'tile': pattern_out = rf'{pattern_base}\.fits' elif image_type == 'cat': pattern_out = rf'{pattern_base}\.cat' elif image_type == 'weight': pattern_out = rf'{pattern_base}\.weight\.fits' elif image_type == 'weight.fz': pattern_out = rf'{pattern_base}\.weight\.fits\.fz' else: raise CfisError(f'Invalid type \'{image_type}\'') else: pattern_out = pattern_base if not want_re: pattern_out = pattern_out.replace('\\', '') return pattern_out
[docs]def get_tile_number_from_coord(ra, dec, return_type=str): """Get Tile Number From Coord. Return CFIS stacked image tile number covering input coordinates. This is the inverse to get_tile_coord_from_nixy. Parameters ---------- ra : Angle right ascension dec : Angle declination return type : <type 'type'> return type, int or str Raises ------ CfisError for invalid return type Returns ------- tuple tile number for x and tile number for y """ y = ( + 90) * 2.0 yi = int(np.rint(y)) x = * np.cos(dec.radian) * 2.0 xi = int(np.rint(x)) if xi == 720: xi = 0 if return_type == str: nix = f'{xi:03d}' niy = f'{yi:03d}' elif return_type == int: nix = xi niy = yi else: raise CfisError(f'Invalid return type {return_type}') return nix, niy
[docs]def get_tile_coord_from_nixy(nix, niy): """Get Tile Coord From Nixy. Return coordinates corresponding to tile with number (nix,niy). This is the inverse to get_tile_number_from_coord. Parameters ---------- nix : str or int tile number for x, can be list niy : str or int tile number for y, can be list Returns ------- tuple right ascension and declination """ if not np.isscalar(nix): # Transform to int, necessary if input is string xi = np.array(nix).astype(int) yi = np.array(niy).astype(int) else: xi = int(nix) yi = int(niy) d = yi / 2 - 90 dec = coords.Angle(d, unit='deg') r = xi / 2 / np.cos(dec.radian) ra = coords.Angle(r, unit='deg') return ra, dec
[docs]def get_tile_name(nix, niy, band, image_type='tile', input_format='full'): """Get Tile Name. Return tile name for given tile numbers. Parameters ---------- nix : str tile number for x niy : str tile number for y band : str band, one in 'r' or 'u' image_type : str optional, default='tile' image type input_format : str optional, default='full' 'full' (name) or 'ID_only' input format for image names Raises ------ CfisError for invalid type Returns ------- str tile name """ if type(nix) is int and type(niy) is int: if input_format == 'ID_only': tile_base = f'{nix:03d}.{niy:03d}' else: tile_base = f'CFIS.{nix:03d}.{niy:03d}.{band}' elif type(nix) is str and type(niy) is str: if input_format == 'ID_only': tile_base = f'{nix}.{niy}' else: tile_base = f'CFIS.{nix}.{niy}.{band}' else: raise CfisError(f'Invalid type for input tile numbers {nix}, {niy}') if input_format == 'ID_only': tile_name = tile_base else: if image_type == 'tile': tile_name = f'{tile_base}.fits' elif image_type == 'weight': tile_name = f'{tile_base}.weight.fits' elif image_type == 'weight.fz': tile_name = f'{tile_base}.weight.fits.fz' else: raise CfisError(f'Invalid image type {image_type}') return tile_name
[docs]def get_tile_number(tile_name): """Get Tile Number. Return tile number of given image tile name. Parameters ---------- tile_name : str tile name Raises ------ CfisError if tile name does not match expected pipeline numbering scheme Returns ------- tuple tile number for x and tile number for y """ m ='(\d{3})[\.-](\d{3})', tile_name) if m is None or len(m.groups()) != 2: raise CfisError( f'Image name \'{tile_name}\' does not match tile name syntax' ) nix = m.groups()[0] niy = m.groups()[1] return nix, niy
[docs]def get_tile_number_list(tile_name_list): """Get Tile Number List. Return tile numbers of given image tiles. Parameters ---------- tile_name_list : list of str tile names Returns ------- tuple tile numbers for x and tile numbers for y """ nix_list = [] niy_list = [] for tile_name in tile_name_list: nix, niy = get_tile_number(tile_name) nix_list.append(nix) niy_list.append(niy) return nix_list, niy_list
[docs]def get_log_file(path, verbose=False): """Get Log File. Return log file content. Parameters ---------- path : str log file path verbose : bool, optional, default=False verbose output if True Raises ------ CfisError if input path does not exist Returns ------- list of str log file lines """ if not os.path.isfile(path): raise CfisError(f'Log file \'{path}\' not found') f_log = open(path, 'r') log = f_log.readlines() if verbose: print(f'Reading log file, {len(log)} lines found') f_log.close() return log
[docs]def check_ra(ra): """Check RA. Range check of right ascension. Parameters ---------- ra : Angle right ascension Raises ------ CfisError for invalid ra range on input Returns ------- bool result of check (True if pass, False if fail) """ print(ra.deg) if ra.deg < 0 or ra.deg > 360: raise CfisError('Invalid ra, valid range is 0 < ra < 360 deg') return 1 return 0
[docs]def check_dec(dec): """Check Dec. Range check of declination. Parameters ---------- dec : Angle declination Raises ------ CfisError for invalid dec range on input Returns ------- bool result of check (True if pass, False if fail) """ if dec.deg < -90 or dec.deg > 90: raise CfisError('Invalid dec, valid range is -90 < dec < 90 deg') return 1 return 0
[docs]def get_Angle(str_coord): """Get Angle. Return Angles ra, dec from coordinate string Parameters ---------- str_coord : string string of input coordinates Returns ------- tuple right ascension and declination """ ra, dec = my_string_split(str_coord, num=2, stop=True) a_ra = coords.Angle(ra) a_dec = coords.Angle(dec) return a_ra, a_dec
[docs]def get_Angle_arr(str_coord, num=-1, wrap=True, verbose=False): """Get Angle Arr. Return array of Angles from coordinate string Parameters ---------- str_coord : str string of input coordinates num : int, optional, default=-1 expected number of coordinates (even number) wrap : bool, optional, default=True if True, wrap ra to [0; 360) verbose : bool, optional, default=False verbose output Returns ------- numpy.ndarray of SkyCoord array of sky coordinates (pairs ra, dec) """ angles_mixed = my_string_split( str_coord, num=num, verbose=verbose, stop=True ) n = len(angles_mixed) n = int(n / 2) angles = [] for idx in range(n): ra = angles_mixed[2 * idx] dec = angles_mixed[2 * idx + 1] if wrap: c = coords.SkyCoord(ra, dec) else: c = param(ra=coords.Angle(ra), dec=coords.Angle(dec)) angles.append(c) return angles
[docs]def read_list(fname, col=None): """Read List. Read list from ascii file. Parameters ---------- fname : str ascii file name col : str, optional, default=None column name Returns ------- list of str list of file names """ if col is None: f = open(fname, 'rU', encoding='latin1') file_list = [x.strip() for x in f.readlines()] f.close() else: import pandas as pd dat = pd.read_csv(fname, sep=r'\s+', dtype='string', header=None) if col not in dat: col = int(col) file_list = dat[col] file_list.sort() return file_list
[docs]def create_image_list(fname, ra, dec, exp_time=[], valid=[]): """Create Image List. Return list of image information. Parameters ---------- fname : list of str file names ra : list of str right ascension dec : list of str declination exp_time : list of int, optional, default=[] exposure time valid : list of str, optional, default=[] QSO exposure validation flag Returns ------- list of images list of image information """ nf = len(fname) nr = len(ra) nd = len(dec) if nf == 0: raise CfisError('No entries in file name list') if (nf != nr or nf != nd) and nr != 0 and nd != 0: raise CfisError( f'Lists fname, ra, dec have not same length ({nf}, {nr}, {nd})' ) images = [] for i in range(nf): if nr > 0 and nd > 0: r = Angle(f'{ra[i]} {unitdef}') d = Angle(f'{dec[i]} {unitdef}') else: r = None d = None if len(exp_time) > 0: e = exp_time[i] else: e = -1 if len(valid) > 0: v = valid[i] else: v = None im = image(str(fname[i]), r, d, exp_time=e, valid=v) images.append(im) return images
[docs]def get_image_list( inp, band, image_type, col=None, input_format='full', verbose=False ): """Get Image List. Return list of images. Parameters ---------- inp : str file name or direcory path band : str optical band image_type : str image type ('tile', 'exposure', 'cat', 'weight', 'weight.fz') col : str, optionalm default=None column name for file list input file input_format : str, optional, default='full' 'full' (name) or 'ID_only' input format for image names verbose : bool, optional, default=False verbose output if True Returns ------- list of class images image list """ file_list = [] ra_list = [] dec_list = [] exp_time_list = [] valid_list = [] if os.path.isdir(inp): if col is not None: raise CfisError( 'Column name (-c option) only valid if input is file' ) # Read file names from directory listing inp_type = 'dir' file_list = glob.glob(f'{os.path.abspath(inp)}/*') elif os.path.isfile(inp): if image_type in ('tile', 'weight', 'weight.fz'): # File names in single-column ascii file inp_type = 'file' file_list = read_list(inp, col=col) elif image_type == 'exposure': # File names and coordinates in ascii file inp_type = 'file' dat = if len(dat.keys()) == 3: # File is exposure + coord list # (obtained from file_list = dat['Pointing'] ra_list = dat['R.A.[degree]'] dec_list = dat['Declination[degree]'] elif len(dat.keys()) == 12: # File is log file, e.g. from # # /logs/MCLOG-CFIS.r.qso-elx.log # Default file separator is '|' for d in dat: file_list.append(f'd{d["col1"]}p.fits.fz') ra = re.split(r'\s*', d['col4'])[0] dec = re.split(r'\s*', d['col4'])[1] ang = coords.Angle('{ra} hours') ra_list.append( dec_list.append(dec) exp_time = int(d['col5']) exp_time_list.append(exp_time) valid = re.split(r'\s*', d['col11'])[2] valid_list.append(valid) else: raise CfisError( f'Wrong file format, #columns={len(dat.keys())},' + f' has to be 3 or 12' ) else: raise CfisError(f'Image type \'{image_type}\' not supported') # Create list of objects, coordinate lists can be empty image_list = create_image_list( file_list, ra_list, dec_list, exp_time=exp_time_list, valid=valid_list ) # Filter file list to match CFIS image pattern img_list = [] if input_format == 'ID_only': pattern = get_file_pattern(r'\d{3}.\d{3}', band, image_type, ext=False) else: pattern = get_file_pattern( rf'CFIS.\d{{3}}.\d{{3}}\.{band}', band, image_type ) for img in image_list: # Get link source name if symbolic link try: link_src = os.readlink( name = link_src except Exception: # No link, continue name = m = re.findall(pattern, name) if len(m) != 0: img_list.append(img) if verbose and len(img_list) > 0: print( f'{len(img_list)} image files found in input {inp_type} \'{inp}\'' ) return img_list
[docs]def exclude(f, exclude_list): """Exclude. Return True if f is on ``exclude_list``. Parameters ---------- f : str file name exclude_list : list of str list of files Returns ------- bool True (False) if f is in list """ return f in exclude_list
[docs]def find_image_at_coord( images, coord, band, image_type, no_cuts=False, input_format='full', verbose=False ): """Find Image At Coordinates. Return image covering given coordinate. Parameters ---------- images : list of class image list of images coord : str coordinate ra and dec with units band : str optical band image_type : str image type ('tile', 'weight', 'weight.fz', 'exposure', 'exposure_weight', 'exposure_weight.fz', 'exposure_flag', 'exposure_flag.fz', 'cat') no_cuts : bool, optional, default=False no cuts (of short exposure, validation flag) if True input_format : str, optional, default='full' one of 'full', 'ID_only' verbose : bool, optional verbose output if True, default=False Raises ------ CfisError if image type is not 'tile'; if more than one tile matches if input image coordinates are already set Returns ------- list of images Found image(s), None if none found. """ ra, dec = get_Angle(coord) if verbose: print(f'Looking for image at coordinates {ra}, {dec}') if image_type in ('tile', 'weight', 'weight.fz'): nix, niy = get_tile_number_from_coord(ra, dec, return_type=int) tile_name = get_tile_name( nix, niy, band, image_type, input_format=input_format ) img_found = [] for img in images: if os.path.basename( == tile_name: # Update coordinate in image for tiles with central coordinates ra_c, dec_c = get_tile_coord_from_nixy(nix, niy) if img.ra is not None or img.dec is not None: raise CfisError( 'Coordinates in image are already ' + f'set to {img.ra}, {img.rec}, ' + f'cannot update to {ra_c}, {ra_dec}' ) img.ra = ra_c img.dec = dec_c img_found.append(img) if len(img_found) != 0: pass else: if verbose: print(f'Tile with numbers ({nix}, {niy}) not found') if len(img_found) > 1: raise CfisError(f'More than one tile ({img_found}) found') elif image_type == 'exposure': sc_input = coords.SkyCoord(ra, dec) img_found = [] for img in images: # Check distance along ra and dec from image center sc_img_same_ra = coords.SkyCoord(ra, img.dec) sc_img_same_dec = coords.SkyCoord(img.ra, dec) distance_ra = sc_input.separation(sc_img_same_dec) distance_dec = sc_input.separation(sc_img_same_ra) if ( < size[image_type] / 2 and < size[image_type] / 2 ): if not img.cut(no_cuts=no_cuts): img_found.append(img) if len(img_found) != 0: pass else: if verbose: print('No exposure image found') else: raise CfisError('Only implemented for image_type=tile') return img_found
[docs]def find_images_in_area( images, angles, band, image_type, no_cuts=False, verbose=False ): """Fine Images In Area. Return image list within coordinate area (rectangle) Parameters ---------- images : list of class image list of images angles : array(2) of SkyCoord coordinates [(ra0, dec0), (ra1, dec1)] band : string optical band image_type : str image type ('tile', 'exposure', 'cat', 'weight', 'weight.fz') no_cuts : bool, optional, default=False no cuts (of short exposure, validation flag) if True verbose : bool, optional, default=False verbose output if True Returns ------- list of images found images """ found = [] # if coordinates extend over 360: # check ranges [ra_min, 360] and [0, ra_max-360] # if not: # check range [ra_min, ra_max] ra_bounds = [] threesixty = coords.Angle(360, unitdef) if angles[1].ra > threesixty: ra_bounds = [ [angles[0].ra, threesixty], [coords.Angle(0, unitdef), angles[1].ra - threesixty] ] else: ra_bounds = [[angles[0].ra, angles[1].ra]] if verbose: print( 'Looking for all images within rectangle, ' + f'dec=({angles[0].dec}, {angles[1].dec}), ', end='' ) for ra_min_max in ra_bounds: print(f'ra=[({ra_min_max[0]}, {ra_min_max[1]}) ', end='') print() if image_type in ('tile', 'weight', 'weight.fz'): for img in images: nix, niy = get_tile_number( ra, dec = get_tile_coord_from_nixy(nix, niy) if dec.is_within_bounds(angles[0].dec, angles[1].dec): within = False # Check whether image is in any of the ra bound pairs for (ra_min, ra_max) in ra_bounds: if ra.is_within_bounds(ra_min, ra_max): within = True break if within: if img.ra is None or img.dec is None: img.ra = ra img.dec = dec found.append(img) elif image_type == 'exposure': for img in images: if img.dec.is_within_bounds(angles[0].dec, angles[1].dec): within = False # Check whether image is in any of the ra bound pairs for (ra_min, ra_max) in ra_bounds: if ra.is_within_bounds(ra_min, ra_max): within = True break if within: if not img.cut(no_cuts=no_cuts): found.append(img) else: raise CfisError(f'Image type \'{image_type}\' not implemented yet') if verbose: print(f'{len(found)} images found in area') return found
[docs]def plot_init(): """Plot Init. Initialize a plot """ fs = 12 fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax = plt.gca() ax.yaxis.label.set_size(fs) ax.xaxis.label.set_size(fs) plt.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=fs) plt.rcParams.update({'figure.autolayout': True}) return ax
[docs]def plot_area( images, angles, image_type, outbase, interactive, col=None, show_numbers=False, show_circle=True, show_area_border=False, ax=None, lw=None, save=True, dxy=0 ): """Plot Area. Plot images within area. Parameters ---------- images : numpy.ndarray of image images angles : numpy.ndarray (SkyCoord, 2) Corner coordinates of area rectangle image_type : str image type ('tile', 'exposure', 'cat', weight') outbase : str output file name base interactive : bool show plot if True col : str, optional, default=None color show_numbers : bool, optional, default=False show tile numbers if True show_circle : bool, optional, default=True plot circle center and circumference around area if True show_area_border : bool, optional, default=False plot rectangle around area ax : axes, optional, default None Init axes if None lw : float, optional, default None line width save : bool, optional, default=True save plot to pdf file if True dxy : float, optional, default=0 shift """ if outbase is None: outname = 'plot.pdf' else: outname = f'{outbase}.pdf' if not lw: my_lw = 0.1 else: my_lw = lw color = {'tile': 'b', 'exposure': 'g', 'weight': 'r'} if not ax: ax = plot_init() # Field center n_ima = len(images) if n_ima > 0: ra_c = sum([img.ra for img in images]) / float(n_ima) dec_c = sum([img.dec for img in images]) / float(n_ima) cos_dec_c = np.cos(dec_c) else: ra_c = 0 dec_c = 0 cos_dec_c = 1 if show_circle: # Circle around field dx = abs(angles[0].ra - angles[1].ra) dy = abs(angles[0].dec - angles[1].dec) dx = getattr(dx, unitdef) dy = getattr(dy, unitdef) radius = ( max(dx, dy) / 2 + (size['exposure'] + size['tile']) * np.sqrt(2) ) circle = plt.Circle( (ra_c.deg, dec_c.deg), radius, color='r', fill=False, ) plt.plot(ra_c, dec_c, 'or', mfc='none', ms=3) ax.add_artist(circle) else: radius = 0 if col: c = col else: c = color[image_type] for img in images: x = y = nix, niy = get_tile_number( if show_numbers: plt.text( x, y, f'{nix}.{niy}', fontsize=3, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center' ) # Image boundary dx = size[image_type] / 2 / cos_dec_c dy = size[image_type] / 2 cx, cy = square_from_centre(x, y, dx, dy, dxy=dxy) ax.plot(cx, cy, '-', color=c, linewidth=my_lw) if show_area_border: cx, cy = square_from_corners(angles[0], angles[1]) ax.plot(cx, cy, 'r-.', linewidth=my_lw) plt.xlabel('R.A. [degree]') plt.ylabel('Declination [degree]') if outbase is not None: plt.title(outbase) # Limits border = 0.25 if angles[1] > angles[0] xm = (angles[1] + angles[0] / 2 dx = angles[1] - angles[0] else: dx = max(360 - angles[0].ra.deg, angles[1].ra.deg) * 2 xm = ((angles[0].ra.deg - 360) + angles[1].ra.deg) / 2 ym = (angles[1] + angles[0] / 2 dy = angles[1] - angles[0] lim = max(dx, dy) plt.xlim(xm - lim / 2 - border, xm + lim / 2 + border) plt.ylim(ym - lim / 2 - border, ym + lim / 2 + border) if save: print(f'Saving plot to {outname}') plt.savefig(outname) if interactive: return ra_c, dec_c, radius
[docs]def square_from_centre(x, y, dx, dy, dxy=0): """Square From Centre. Return coordinate vectors of corners that define a closed square for plotting. Parameters ---------- x : float x-coordinate centre y : float y-coordinate centre dx : float size in x dy : float size in y dxy : float, optional, default=0 constant offset Returns ------- tuple square coordinates in x and y """ a = dxy cx = [x - dx + a, x + dx + a, x + dx + a, x - dx + a, x - dx + a] cy = [y - dy + a, y - dy + a, y + dy + a, y + dy + a, y - dy + a] return cx, cy
[docs]def square_from_corners(ang0, ang1): """Square From Corners. Return coordinate vectors of corners that define a closed square for plotting. Parameters ---------- ang0 : Angle lower-left square coordinates ang1 : Angle upper-right square coordinates Returns ------- tuple square coordinates in x and y, in unit 'unitdef' """ cx = [ang0.ra, ang1.ra, ang1.ra, ang0.ra, ang0.ra] cy = [ang0.dec, ang0.dec, ang1.dec, ang1.dec, ang0.dec] cxd = [getattr(x, unitdef) for x in cx] cyd = [getattr(y, unitdef) for y in cy] return cxd, cyd